Reputation: 55
I'm putting together a spreadsheet that pulls in all the comments from a handful of different documents (called "Cards"). Unfortunately, the API I'm using only lets you call one card at a time, so I need to loop through as many cards as it takes.
I have the card IDs in a list in the spreadsheet, and I figured out how to call one card, but I have no idea how to repeat the API call with the next card ID and append the comments in the next empty row.
Here's a snippet from my code that calls the API and places it in the spreadsheet (FYI, the Util.
functions contain all the parameters, the base URL, and the pagination):
const DATA_SHEET = "Data";
const USERNAME_CELL = "B1";
const API_TOKEN_CELL = "B2";
const CARD_ID = "A3"
var Util = {};
Util.getNextPage = function(response) {
var url = response.getAllHeaders().Link;
if (!url) {
return "";
return /<([^>]+)/.exec(url)[1];
Util.formatUrl = function(urlOrPath) {
var baseUrl = "";
if (urlOrPath.startsWith("http")) {
return urlOrPath;
if (urlOrPath.startsWith("/")) {
return baseUrl + urlOrPath;
} else {
return baseUrl + "/" + urlOrPath;
Util.get = function(path, username, apiToken) {
var params = {
"method": "GET",
"muteHttpExceptions": true,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(username + ":" + apiToken),
"x-guru-application": "spreadsheet",
"X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "GApp=spreadsheet"
// The input url can either be a full URL or just the path, so we call formatUrl to prepend the base URL as needed.
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(Util.formatUrl(path), params);
var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
// Check if there's another page of results.
var nextPage = Util.getNextPage(response);
if (nextPage) {
data.nextPage = nextPage;
return data;
Util.getAll = function(url, username, apiToken, callback) {
var data = [];
while (url) {
var page = Util.get(url, username, apiToken);
var startIndex = data.length;
page.forEach(function(a) {
// Get the url of the next page of results.
url = page.nextPage;
if (callback) {
// The second parameter is whether we're done or not.
// If there's a url for the next page that means we're not done yet.
callback(data, startIndex, page.length, url ? false : true);
return data;
function getComments() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(DATA_SHEET);
var cardId = sheet.getRange(CARD_ID).getValue();
var username = sheet.getRange(USERNAME_CELL).getValue();
var apiToken = sheet.getRange(API_TOKEN_CELL).getValue();
var pathUrl = "/cards/"+cardId+"/comments"
var results = Util.getAll(pathUrl, username, apiToken);
results.forEach(function(comment, commentIndex) {
sheet.getRange(FIRST_OUTPUT_ROW + commentIndex, FIRST_OUTPUT_COL).setValue(comment.dateCreated);
sheet.getRange(FIRST_OUTPUT_ROW + commentIndex, FIRST_OUTPUT_COL + 1).setValue(comment.content);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 409
Reputation: 38430
Google Apps Script uses JavaScript as programming language. You can use the JavaScript loop statements:
Also Array has several methods to iterate over its elements.
Another option is to use UrlFetchApp.fetchAll to fetch multiple requests at once.
Upvotes: 1