Reputation: 7127
I am building an App and some parts require more computational resources than others. I have a single sidebar where all the controls are located. It contains a dropdown and an apply button.
I would like to only execute some analysis if both the dropdown and then the action button is clicked. i.e. two conditions need to be TRUE in order to execute the code.
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
inputId = "counterFactual",
label = h4("Select an Analysis"),
choices = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
selected = "A"
actionButton(inputId = "apply", label = "Apply", icon = icon("play"))
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
event_trigger <- reactive({
list(input$counterFactual, input$apply)
observeEvent(ignoreInit = TRUE, event_trigger(),
if(event_triger()[[1]] == "C" && event_triger()[[2]] == TRUE)
print('Hello World')
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 208
Reputation: 1453
Short answer:
In this specific case (i.e. dropdown must be truthy (see shiny::isTruthy()
and button needs to be clicked), you can use:
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
inputId = "counterFactual",
label = h4("Select an Analysis"),
choices = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
selected = "A"
actionButton(inputId = "apply", label = "Apply", icon = icon("play"))
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
observeEvent(ignoreInit = TRUE, input$apply,
print('Hello World')
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Check out the server part - I have removed reactive and now we observe button and cotinue (function shiny::req()
) only if the dropdown is truthy (not "" in our case).
Some more comments
I do not understand this:
event_triger()[[1]] == "CF1"
Why it can be equal to "CF1"
, if this input can be only one letter A-D? So in your case Hello World
won't be printed at all.
if(event_triger()[[1]] == "CF1" && event_triger()[[2]] == TRUE)
Type - event_triger
instead of event_trigger
You don't want to check if the button is TRUE
- it will always be TRUE
after the first use (because this is a counter counting from 0 and only 0
will be FALSE, so it will be FALSE
only if never used in the session)
In case this is not obvious:
you use print()
in observeEvent()
, so Hello World
will be printed in the console, not the app (for the app you would need renderText
Upvotes: 1