Reputation: 604
How do I modify the example at to also list the categories each page is in, the wikitext of the page, and perhaps even some of the Structured Data?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 212
Reputation: 604
OK, I'm rather happy with:
$ cat Makefile
texts:wikitext list.json
./j2s $?|(cd $< && sh -ex)
wikitext:; mkdir $@
list.json: #
GET '$(\
)&aidir=descending&ailimit=4' > $@
$ cat j2s
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => q(all); #old fashioned, yes
use JSON;
use open qw/:std :encoding(utf8)/;
my $j;
while (<>) { $j .= $_ }
my $p = decode_json $j;
for ( @{ $p->{query}->{allimages} } ) {
my $f = $_->{name};
if ( $f =~ /"/ ) {
die "Oh man, even a double quote in my the proposed filename, $f.";
$f =~ s/\.jpg$/.txt/;
printf "
if ! test -f \"%s\"
then wget --no-verbose --output-document \"%s\" \"%s%s\"; sleep 1
", ($f) x 2, $_->{descriptionurl}, "?action=raw";
Note also
Upvotes: 0