
Reputation: 494

Coco annotations: convert RLE to polygon segmentation

I have coco style annotations (json format) with Both segmentations And bboxes.
Most of the segmentations are given as list-of-lists of the pixels (polygon).

The problem is that some segmentations are given as a dictionary (with 'counts' and 'size' keys) that represent RLE values, and in these cases the 'iscrowd' key is equal to 1 (normally it is equal to 0).

I would like to convert all the 'annotations' with iscrowd==1 to be represented as polygons instead of RLE.

I do not need the mask as suggested here, but just the json file to have only polygon shaped segmentations.

Here is an example of a few annotations (from the same image), note how in the first two the segmentation is in polygon shape, and the latter two it is in RLE shape:

{'id': 53, 'image_id': 4, 'category_id': 2037037930, 'segmentation': [[344.51, 328.83, 316.02, 399.73, 358.3, 399.78, 375.85, 336.07]], 'area': 2561.4049499999965, 'bbox': [316.02, 328.83, 59.83000000000004, 70.94999999999999], 'iscrowd': 0, 'extra': {}} 

{'id': 54, 'image_id': 4, 'category_id': 2037037930, 'segmentation': [[376.43, 233.52, 368.93, 250.71, 375.96, 252.89, 369.4, 269.76, 378.62, 273.83, 372.21, 292.42, 400.09, 302.34, 400.09, 302.11, 400.1, 242.04]], 'area': 1596.5407000000123, 'bbox': [368.93, 233.52, 31.170000000000016, 68.81999999999996], 'iscrowd': 0, 'extra': {}} 

{'id': 67, 'image_id': 4, 'category_id': 2037037930, 'segmentation': {'counts': [55026, 2, 396, 4, 394, 7, 391, 9, 389, 12, 386, 14, 384, 17, 381, 19, 379, 21, 377, 24, 374, 26, 372, 29, 369, 31, 367, 33, 365, 36, 362, 38, 360, 41, 357, 43, 355, 46, 352, 48, 350, 50, 348, 53, 345, 55, 343, 58, 340, 38, 1, 21, 338, 37, 5, 21, 335, 37, 7, 21, 335, 34, 10, 19, 338, 32, 12, 16, 340, 33, 11, 14, 342, 33, 11, 11, 346, 33, 11, 8, 348, 33, 10, 7, 350, 33, 8, 8, 351, 34, 5, 11, 351, 33, 3, 13, 351, 49, 351, 49, 352, 49, 351, 49, 351, 49, 352, 48, 352, 49, 351, 49, 352, 46, 354, 44, 356, 41, 359, 39, 362, 36, 364, 35, 365, 35, 366, 35, 365, 35, 365, 35, 366, 34, 366, 34, 366, 35, 366, 34, 366, 34, 366, 32, 368, 29, 372, 25, 375, 23, 377, 20, 381, 18, 382, 19, 381, 19, 382, 18, 382, 18, 382, 19, 382, 18, 382, 18, 382, 19, 381, 19, 382, 16, 384, 13, 387, 9, 392, 5, 395, 2, 73808], 'size': [400, 400]}, 'area': 2598.0, 'bbox': [137, 174, 79, 65], 'iscrowd': 1, 'extra': {}} 

{'id': 68, 'image_id': 4, 'category_id': 2037037930, 'segmentation': {'counts': [76703, 2, 396, 4, 394, 7, 391, 9, 389, 11, 387, 14, 384, 16, 382, 19, 379, 21, 377, 23, 375, 26, 372, 28, 370, 30, 368, 33, 365, 35, 364, 37, 363, 37, 364, 36, 364, 37, 364, 36, 364, 36, 364, 37, 364, 36, 364, 37, 363, 37, 364, 36, 364, 37, 364, 36, 364, 36, 364, 37, 364, 15, 1, 20, 364, 13, 4, 19, 365, 10, 6, 20, 363, 9, 8, 20, 361, 9, 11, 20, 358, 9, 13, 20, 356, 11, 14, 19, 354, 14, 13, 20, 351, 16, 13, 20, 348, 20, 13, 19, 346, 22, 13, 20, 343, 24, 13, 20, 341, 27, 13, 20, 338, 29, 13, 20, 336, 32, 13, 19, 334, 34, 13, 20, 331, 37, 12, 20, 331, 37, 13, 19, 332, 36, 12, 21, 331, 37, 8, 24, 332, 36, 5, 28, 331, 37, 1, 31, 331, 69, 332, 69, 331, 69, 332, 68, 332, 69, 331, 69, 332, 68, 332, 69, 332, 68, 332, 69, 331, 69, 332, 68, 332, 48, 1, 20, 331, 45, 5, 19, 332, 41, 8, 19, 332, 38, 12, 19, 332, 36, 13, 19, 332, 37, 12, 20, 331, 37, 13, 19, 332, 36, 13, 19, 332, 37, 13, 19, 332, 36, 13, 19, 332, 37, 12, 19, 332, 37, 13, 19, 332, 36, 13, 19, 332, 37, 13, 19, 332, 36, 12, 20, 332, 36, 10, 22, 332, 37, 6, 26, 332, 36, 4, 28, 332, 37, 1, 28, 335, 63, 337, 61, 339, 59, 342, 56, 344, 53, 348, 50, 350, 48, 352, 46, 355, 43, 357, 40, 360, 38, 363, 35, 365, 33, 368, 30, 370, 28, 372, 25, 376, 22, 378, 20, 381, 17, 383, 15, 385, 12, 389, 9, 391, 7, 394, 4, 396, 2, 40521], 'size': [400, 400]}, 'area': 4551.0, 'bbox': [191, 253, 108, 82], 'iscrowd': 1, 'extra': {}} 

Failed test 1:

I already tried the following:

for annotation in coco_data['annotations']:
    if type(annotation['segmentation']) == dict:
        # Get the values of the dictionary
        height = annotation['segmentation']['size'][0]
        width = annotation['segmentation']['size'][1]
        counts = annotation['segmentation']['counts']

        # Decode the RLE encoded counts
        rle = np.array(counts).reshape(-1, 2)
        starts, lengths = rle[:, 0], rle[:, 1]
        starts -= 1
        ends = starts + lengths
        pixels = []
        for lo, hi in zip(starts, ends):
            pixels.extend(range(lo, hi))
        pixels = np.array(pixels)

        # Convert the 1D pixels array to a 2D array
        segments = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
        segments[pixels // width, pixels % width] = 1
        segments = np.where(segments == 1)

        # Update the segmentation and iscrowd fields
        annotation['segmentation'] = [segments[1].tolist(), segments[0].tolist()]
        annotation['iscrowd'] = 0

But got the following error:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-1bf7f4af292c> in <module>
     17         # Decode the RLE encoded counts
---> 18         rle = np.array(counts).reshape(-1, 2)
     19         starts, lengths = rle[:, 0], rle[:, 1]
     20         starts -= 1

ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 183 into shape (2)

afaik, it expectes RLE to be an even length? not sure where is the problem and how to solve it.

Failed test 2:

then i tried something a bit different with import pycocotools.mask as mask and import skimage.measure as measure and the following function:

def rle_to_polygon(rle, height, width):
    if isinstance(rle, list):
        rle = mask.frPyObjects(rle, height, width)
    rle = mask.decode(rle)
    contours = measure.find_contours(rle, 0.5)
    polygon = []
    for contour in contours:
        contour = np.fliplr(contour) - 1
        contour = contour.clip(min=0)
        contour = contour.astype(int)
        if len(contour) >= 4:
    return polygon

I receive

<ipython-input-43-84d17a601509> in rle_to_polygon(rle, height, width)
     79 def rle_to_polygon(rle, height, width):
     80     if isinstance(rle, list):
---> 81         rle = mask.frPyObjects(rle, height, width)
     82     rle = mask.decode(rle)
     83     contours = measure.find_contours(rle, 0.5)

pycocotools/_mask.pyx in pycocotools._mask.frPyObjects()

TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 7554

Answers (1)


Reputation: 455

This is my code for the task:

import logging
import cv2
from pycocotools import mask as cocomask
import copy

def rle_to_coco(annotation: dict) -> list[dict]:
    """Transform the rle coco annotation (a single one) into coco style.
    In this case, one mask can contain several polygons, later leading to several `Annotation` objects.
    In case of not having a valid polygon (the mask is a single pixel) it will be an empty list.
    annotation : dict
        rle coco style annotation
        list of coco style annotations (in dict format)

    annotation["segmentation"] = cocomask.frPyObjects(

    maskedArr = cocomask.decode(annotation["segmentation"])
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(maskedArr, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    segmentation = []

    for contour in contours:
        if contour.size >= 6:

    if len(segmentation) == 0:
            f"Annotation with id {annotation['id']} is not valid, it has no segmentations."
        annotations = []

        annotations = list()
        for i, seg in enumerate(segmentation):

            single_annotation = copy.deepcopy(annotation)
            single_annotation["segmentation_coords"] = (
            single_annotation["bbox"] = list(cv2.boundingRect(seg))
            single_annotation["area"] = cv2.contourArea(seg)
            single_annotation["instance_id"] = annotation["id"]
            single_annotation["annotation_id"] = f"{annotation['id']}_{i}"


    return annotations

You need opencv and pycocotoolsto use this code:

  • pip install opencv-python
  • pip install pycocotools

Note that the input annotation is one of the items inside the coco dict annotations key. Something like this:

    "image_id": 1,
    "category_id": 1,
    "bbox": [
    "score": 0.8787025809288025,
    "segmentation": {
        "size": [
        "counts": "jXX>1mm03O1N10000000000001NY]mf0"
    "id": 1,
    "iscrowd": 0,
    "attributes": {
        "occluded": false

If a mask in rle format contains more than one mask not connected, the function will return a list with each of those masks in coco format.

Hope it helps!

Upvotes: 3

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