Reputation: 245
I am trying to build an MVC WebApp supporting multiple external providers using Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter. So far with help from multiple online articles, I have succeeded in building a simple cookie based authentication scheme along with Google as authentication provider. Somehow the same logic for adding Facebook is not working. I am struggling with the FacebookOptions for Authority as I it keeps redirecting me to a Facebook page OAuth page which states "Sorry, something went wrong"
Here is how I defined my AddAuthentication method in Program.cs
options.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddCookie(options =>
options.LoginPath = new PathString("/login");
options.AccessDeniedPath = new PathString("/denied");
.AddOpenIdConnect("google", googleOIDOptions =>
string gClientId = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Google:ClientId").Value;
string gClientPwd = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Google:ClientSecret").Value;
string gPath = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Google:CallbackPath").Value;
googleOIDOptions.Authority = "";
googleOIDOptions.ClientId = gClientId;
googleOIDOptions.ClientSecret = gClientPwd;
googleOIDOptions.CallbackPath = gPath;
googleOIDOptions.SignedOutCallbackPath = "/google-signout";
.AddOpenIdConnect("facebook", fbOIDOptions =>
string fbClientId = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Facebook:ClientId").Value;
string fbClientPwd = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Facebook:ClientSecret").Value;
string fbPath = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Facebook:CallbackPath").Value;
fbOIDOptions.Authority = ""; //""; //;
//fbOIDOptions.Authority = "";
fbOIDOptions.ClientId = fbClientId;
fbOIDOptions.ClientSecret = fbClientPwd;
fbOIDOptions.AccessDeniedPath = "/denied";
//fbOIDOptions.CallbackPath = fbPath;
//fbOIDOptions.SignedOutCallbackPath = "/facebook-signout";
//fbOIDOptions.ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.Code;
//fbOIDOptions.SaveTokens = true;
In my HomeController.cs I defined a common method to intake multiple providers as follows,
public IActionResult LoginExternal([FromRoute] string provider, [FromQuery] string returnUrl)
if (User != null && User.Identities.Any(identity => identity.IsAuthenticated))
RedirectToAction("", "Home");
returnUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) ? "/" : returnUrl;
var authenticationProperties = new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = returnUrl };
return new ChallengeResult(provider, authenticationProperties);
If you check the developer console I see page redirection as shown below as per the HTTP 302 code,
but when I try to investigate further with client_id information passed it seems page has been permanently redirected as per the HTTP 301 error code to profile&response_mode=form_post&nonce=638109963739908338.ZWY0ZmM3NzMtNTM4Yy00YmVjLWJkOWEtYjY2NTMxZjRmYzNjZjg5NDRiYjQtNWU5Mi00NDI2LTg0NTQtYzVjZTAwM2FhMjdi&state=CfDJ8JX6wl_svOBCsCJLieG3tWwPbNfc9_vXYgF9hS8kM6eaFOb88LT-Baza9C3f5o-tn-7A5NYsI-rSTBiikzos3As_tkJxOrFzNGTWIgxmxdceVHim_mWudlhH-4fNCdCG2wZmWZPxHS7ES3FkoryXRSJ7wbVvIY3P4fDTpUsnJDfdl_z7i37VHkLighOHAfOXkKBAPYQTgibKJtd7WA0JC4V6j4_3xjNjeN12pBNtj0VGIeABxwwjQanAoiKb5yswfA73nr8ryEuF32Ikx4TE_s3_Mls7lIPrEWiRDEW5f7VhD246WhxKKEcinvUaMocGMA&x-client-SKU=ID_NETSTANDARD2_0&x-client-ver=
After the above step the
I am not able to get what is causing this internal server error. Any clue or help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Views: 466
Reputation: 19971
To access Facebook, a better approach is to replace AddOpenIdConnect with AddFaceBook(), that is more optimized for just Facebook authentication.
services.AddAuthentication().AddFacebook(facebookOptions =>
facebookOptions.AppId = configuration["Authentication:Facebook:AppId"];
facebookOptions.AppSecret = configuration["Authentication:Facebook:AppSecret"];
In theory AddOpenIDConnect should work, but AddFaceBook will make your life easier.
AddFaceBook is found in this NuGet package.
For more details, see Facebook external login setup in ASP.NET Core 7.0
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