Reputation: 15
My goal is to format the Term exactlyOneIsTrue(ListOfVars)
into a regular term. For example, exactlyOneIsTrue([a,b])
would be turned into
or( and( a, not( b)) , and( not( a), b)).
The plan is to go through the original list, perform exactlyOne/3 for each member of the list, by counting through the list in exactlyOneLoop. However for a reason i cannot wrap my head around, when I try it, i just get "false".
C is Counter + 1,
%Part below works fine.
element_at(X, [X|_], 1).
element_at(X, [_|T], C) :-
C > 1,
C1 is C - 1,
element_at(X, T, C1).
remove_at(X, [X|T], 1, T).
remove_at(X, [H|T], C, [H|R]) :-
C > 1,
C1 is C - 1,
remove_at(X, T, C1, R).
I looked at a number of different Prolog programs working with lists, yet didn't catch any significant difference. I expected a logical formula to be returned.
?- exactlyOneLoop([a,b,c],[a,b,c],1,R).
?- exactlyOneLoop([a,b,c],[c],3,R).
R = and(c, and(not(a), not(b))) ;
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Reputation: 10142
To understand why your first query fails it is sufficient to generalize your program a bit. Simply by removing several goals, here shown with a prefix *
in front of those goals. Since the resulting program still fails, there must be an error in the remaining visible part.
?- exactlyOneLoop([a,b,c],[a,b,c],1,R). false, unexpected. :- op(950, fy, *). *_G_0. exactlyOneLoop(Original,[_X],Counter,Return):- *exactlyOne(Original,Counter,Return). exactlyOneLoop(Original,[_,T],Counter,or(Chain,Return)):- *C is Counter + 1, *exactlyOne(Original,Counter,Chain), exactlyOneLoop(Original,T,C,Return). ?- exactlyOneLoop(Xs,Ys,C,R). Ys = [_A] % too general, but could be OK ; Ys = [_A,[_B]], R = or(_C,_D), unexpected ; Ys = [_A,[_B,[_C]]], R = or(_D,or(_E,_F)), unexpected ; ... . ?- Ys = [_,_,_|_], exactlyOneLoop(Xs,Ys,C,R). false, unexpected.
In case the error is not evident, it often helps to ask the most general question which gives now unexpected answers. And there is no solution for a list with three or more elements.
In case this is not enough, let's dig deeper into the last query! There, we can generalize the program even further!
exactlyOneLoop(Original,[_X],Counter,Return):- *exactlyOne(Original,Counter,Return). exactlyOneLoop(Original,[_,T],Counter,or(Chain,Return)):- *C is Counter + 1, *exactlyOne(Original,Counter,Chain), *exactlyOneLoop(Original,T,C,Return). ?- exactlyOneLoop(Xs,Ys,C,R). Ys = [_A] ; Ys = [_A,_B], R = or(_C,_D) ; unexpected. % missing further answers ?- Ys = [_,_,_|_], exactlyOneLoop(Xs,Ys,C,R). false, unexpected.
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