Reputation: 13
I want to create an expert system program to do risk analysis in occupational safety. I code this program in CLIPS. To create GUI and to add new attribute it, I want to recode in Python with clipspy and tkinter libraries.
In this program, according to answer which gotten from user next question will decide and ask. because of having a lot of questions, I need more function to be defined to assert facts which can be used in other defrule
functions. But, when I use assert_fact
" function in a class or def function, my next defrule
function cannot get it to be invoked.
In this context, I need your help about how to use assert_fact
function in Python class or def function. you can see one example below:
olasılık = """ (deftemplate olasılık
(slot ad (type SYMBOL))
(slot deger (type NUMBER)))"""ılık)
def sonuç():
print("değer 1 dopru")
sr.assert_fact(ad=clips.Symbol("olasılık1"), deger=10)
def rule():
rule = """(defrule rule
(ad ?ad)(deger ?deger))
(printout t " deneme yapıyorum. " ?ad " adıdır " (* 10 ?deger) crlf))"""
In this code I hope to work defrule function. But it does not.
To make it more understandable, I put whole code below:
import clips
import tkinter as tk
master = tk.Tk()
master.title("KTD Risk Analizi")
frame1 = tk.Frame(master, bd="20", bg="lightblue", width="600", height="600")
frame1.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
frame2 = tk.Frame(master, bd="20", bg="lightblue", width="600", height="600")
frame2.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
frame3 = tk.Frame(master, bd="20", bg="lightblue", width="600", height="600")
frame3.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
env = clips.Environment()
def severity():
severity = """(deftemplate severity
(slot name (type SYMBOL))
(slot number (type NUMBER)))"""
def probolity():
probolity = """(deftemplate probolity
(slot name (type SYMBOL))
(slot number (type NUMBER)))"""
def find_template1():
siddet = env.find_template("severity")
return siddet
def find_template2():
olasilik = env.find_template("probolity")
return olasilik
var = tk.IntVar()
class Qustion4():
sonuc = 0
def __init__(self):
self.L1 = tk.Label(frame1, text="Araç trafik yolları belirlenmiş mi?", justify=tk.LEFT, padx=20)
self.L1.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.evet = tk.Button(frame1, text="evet", command=self.answer_yes)
self.evet.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.hayir = tk.Button(frame1, text="hayır", command=self.answer_no)
self.hayir.grid(row=0, column=2)
def click(self):
self.sonuc = var.get()
return self.sonuc
def answer_yes(self):
self.L1["state"] = "disable"
self.evet["state"] = "disable"
self.hayir["state"] = "disable"
self.etiket2 = tk.Label(frame2, text="Ne sıklıkla kullanılıyor?", justify=tk.CENTER, padx=40)
self.etiket2.grid(row=1, column=0) = tk.Radiobutton(frame2, text="Az", variable=var, value=1), column=1)
self.orta = tk.Radiobutton(frame2, text="Orta", variable=var, value=2)
self.orta.grid(row=1, column=2)
self.cok = tk.Radiobutton(frame2, text="Çok", variable=var, value=3)
self.cok.grid(row=1, column=3)
self.SSoru = tk.Button(frame2, text=" Sonraki Soru", state="active",
self.SSoru.grid(row=1, column=4)
def answer_no(self):
self.evet["state"] = "disable"
self.hayir["state"] = "disable"
self.SSoru = tk.Button(frame1, text=" Sonraki Soru", state="active",
self.SSoru.grid(row=0, column=3)
def result_deploy (self):
if self.sonuc == 0:
print("check Radiobutton function", self.sonuc)
elif self.sonuc == 1:
print("değer bir olduğunda çalışacak", self.sonuc)
r1 =self.siddet.assert_fact(name=clips.Symbol("risk1"), number=3)
o1 = self.olasilik.assert_fact(name=clips.Symbol("olasılık1"), number=4)
elif self.sonuc == 2:
print(" değer iki olduğunda çalışacak", self.sonuc)
r1 =self.siddet.assert_fact(name=clips.Symbol("risk1"), number=3)
o1 = self.olasilik.assert_fact(name=clips.Symbol("olasılık1"), number=3.5)
elif self.sonuc == 3:
print("değer üç olduğunda çalışacak", self.sonuc)
r1 = self.siddet.assert_fact(name=clips.Symbol("risk1"), number=3)
o1 = self.olasilik.assert_fact(name=clips.Symbol("olasılık1"), number=2)
print("code does not work, check system")
class Calculation4():
getattr(Qustion4, "r1", "o1")
def hesap4(self):
hesaplamaSoru4 = """(defrule hesaplamaSoru4
(severity (name ?risk1)(number ?rdeger1)
(probolity (name ?olasılık1)(number ?odeger1)
(if (or (>= (* ?rdeger1 ?odeger1) 10)(> ?odeger1 3.5))
(printout t " **** **************************************************** " crlf)
(printout t "**** Araçlara takılma sonucu tökezleme kazaları için Risk Öncelik Skoru : " (round (* ?rdeger1 ?odeger1))
"dur." crlf)
(printout t "**** Güvenli iş yeri ortamı sağlamak için aşağıda belirtilen tedbirleri alınız : " crlf)
(printout t "**** Kullanılan araçların genişliğine uygun olarak sadece araçlar için kullanılacak yollar tespit
edilmeli" crlf)
(printout t "**** Yükleme ekipmanlarının (forklift, transpalet, vb.) harekat alanlarına malzeme istiflenmemeli" crlf)
(printout t "**** Araç yolları üzerinde çukur, çöküntü ve gevşek zemin olmamalı" crlf)
(printout t "**** Yol üzerindeki muhtemel tehlikeler, rampa, kavşak, kör köşeler gibi, işaretler ile
belirginleştirilmelidir." crlf )
(printout t "**** Araç yolları taşınamsı muhtemel yükleri taşıyabilecek zeminlerden geçmeli. "crlf)
(printout t " **** **************************************************** " crlf)
(printout t " **** **************************************************** " crlf)
(printout t "**** Araçlara takılma sonucu tökezleme kazaları için Risk Öncelik Skoru :
" (round (* ?rdeger1 ?odeger1)) " 'dur." crlf)
(printout t "**** Güvenli iş yeri için gerekli şartlar sağlanmış gözüküyor. Mevcut Durumu Koruyunuz." crlf )
(printout t " **** **************************************************** " crlf)))
soru4 = Qustion4()
Upvotes: 1
Views: 233
Reputation: 15060
It is not fully clear to me what the question is and you are not providing a full working example so I hope this will answer the question.
Your main handler is the clips.Environment
class. Objects from this class represent a CLIPS engine instance and allow to define or load constructs.
env = clips.Environment()
# Define a Fact Template"""
(deftemplate example_fact
(slot example_slot))
# Define a Rule"""
(defrule example_rule
(example_fact (example_slot ?value))
(println t ?v))
A fact is defined by its template which acts as factory object.
Therefore in order to assert a fact, you need to retrieve its template object and use it to assert a new fact.
# Retrieve the template of the fact you want to assert
template = env.find_template('example_fact')
# Assert 3 different `example_fact`
If you want to wrap the logic of asserting facts within a Python function, you can do the following.
def assert_example_fact(slot_value):
template = env.find_template('example_fact')
If you want to generalize the above function:
def assert_fact(template_name, **slots):
template = env.find_template(template_name)
assert_fact('example_fact', example_slot="foo")
assert_fact('different_fact', different_slot="bar", another_slot="baz")
EDIT: your rule is incorrect.
(defrule hesaplamaSoru4
(severity (name ?risk1)(number ?rdeger1) ; <--- Missing closing parentheses
(probolity (name ?olasılık1)(number ?odeger1) ; <--- Missing closing parentheses
I would recommend to test your CLIPS logic separately using the CLIPS REPL or iCLIPS before bundling it into your program.
Upvotes: 1