Reputation: 422
I am using KotlinPoet to generate some code. I have an abstract class with some parameters. Let´s say:
abstract class Foo (val foo: String)
And I want to use Kotlin Poet so I can create an implementation of this class in the following way:
class Bar (val bar: String) : Foo ("I am bar")
My code generation looks this way:
// Create the constructor function
val constructorSpec = FunSpec.constructorBuilder().addParameter("bar", String::class)
// Create the property definition
val propertySpec = PropertySpec.builder("bar",String::class).initializer("bar").build()
// Create the class definition
val classSpec = TypeSpec.classBuilder("Bar").superclass(Foo::class).primaryConstructor(constructorSpec).
I have try this two ways to get the results, but none of them worked:
// First method using the TypeSpec
classSpec.addSuperclassConstructorParameter(CodeBlock.of("%S","I am bar"))
// Second method using the FunSpec
constructorSpec.callSuperConstructor(CodeBlock.of("%S","I am bar"))
Is there any way I can achieve passing parameters to the super class?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 555
Reputation: 422
After a lot of issues I finally found the problem, gradle was not executing the ksp task due the cache, so I could only see the old version of the processor.
The one that had work for me was:
classSpec.addSuperclassConstructorParameter(CodeBlock.of("%S","I am bar"))
Upvotes: 1