Reputation: 843
I need to use a temporary table in my C++ app. After connect I try to do it like this:
bool DBPG::createRulesHelper()
bool retVal=false;
PGresult *res = PQexec(m_Connection, "create temporary table if not exists rules_helper(tree_instance_id numeric(38));");
if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
res=PQexec(m_Connection, "select count(*) from rules_helper;");
if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
LOG_I(3, "rules_helper succesfully created");
m_RulesHelperCreated = true;
Here is how I create connection object:
bool DBPG::Connect(const char *user, const char *password, const char *DBName)
if (!(user&&*user&&password&&*password&&DBName&&*DBName)) {
LOG_E("Connect error, user||password||DBName is null or empty");
return false;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "postgresql://" << user << ":" << password <<"@" << DBName;
std::string s=ss.str();
const char *connInfo=s.c_str();
m_Connection = PQconnectdb(connInfo);
ConnStatusType st=PQstatus(m_Connection);
if (st != CONNECTION_OK) {
LOG_E("Connect error, status:%d", st);
return false;
return createRulesHelper();
and later when I tried to use it in an sql sometimes I've got an error as table rules_helper is not exists. Do I need to wait a couple of seconds after create a temporary table? Do temporary tables belong to connection? I don't close the connection until the end of my application. thx, Zamek
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