Reputation: 69
I was wondering if theres a way in which I can decide that from "this day on" a user-defined error can act as a resource I can use over and over.
For example-> Raise_Application_Error (-20343, 'The balance is too low.');
So basically if I can use -20343 as key word(error code) and use again in a different procedure instead of raising it again and again.., Is that possible?
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Views: 113
Reputation: 143063
Well, you'll have to raise it, somehow, Oracle can't know what you want to do if balance is too low.
Maybe you could create your own table of exceptions, e.g.
SQL> select * from my_exception;
---------- ------- ------------------------------
-20343 bal_low Balance is too low
-20344 name_s Name can not begin with an "S"
Function accepts error code and returns message:
SQL> create or replace function f_myerr (par_err_code in my_exception.err_code%type)
2 return my_exception.err_message%type
3 is
4 retval my_exception.err_message%type;
5 begin
6 select err_message
7 into retval
8 from my_exception
9 where err_code = par_err_code;
10 return retval;
11 exception
12 when no_data_found then
13 return 'Exception does not exist';
14 end;
15 /
Function created.
This piece of code simulates "balance too low" error:
SQL> declare
2 l_balance number;
3 bal_low exception;
4 begin
5 select sal into l_balance
6 from emp
7 where ename = 'JONES';
9 if l_balance < 5000 then
10 raise bal_low;
11 end if;
13 exception
14 when bal_low then
15 raise_application_error(-20343, f_myerr(-20343));
16 end;
17 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20343: Balance is too low
ORA-06512: at line 15
Another PL/SQL procedure might also find out that balance is too low, but you'd have to repeat such a code again, I'm afraid.
You can modify that code (i.e. table, function) to better suit your needs, but - that's what I understood for what you said so far.
Upvotes: 2