
Reputation: 25770

SDN5 OGM Neo4j and composite entity

In my Spring Boot, Neo4j, SDN 5 OGM project I have the following composite entity:

public class User extends BaseEntity {

    private static final String REFERRED_BY = "REFERRED_BY";

    @Relationship(type = REFERRED_BY, direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
    private User referrerUser;


As you may see, one user may be referred by another.

Now, I'd like to receive a paginated result:

@Query(value = "MATCH (u:User) " +
        "OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[ruru:REFERRED_BY]->(ru:User) " +
        "RETURN u, ruru, ru",
        countQuery = "MATCH (u:User) " +
                "OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[ruru:REFERRED_BY]->(ru:User) " +
                "RETURN count(u)")
Page<User> findUsers(Pageable pageable);

I request 0-50 users. But in the real data - one of them are referred by another:

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 50,, "u.createdAt"));
Page<User> userPage = userRepository.findUsers(pageable);

I expect not more than 50 items but as the result I receive 51 users in the Page.getContent()...

Is this possible to hint somehow to no include User.referrerUser into the Page.content collection and just leave it as another user entity property (reference)?

What am I doing wrong and hot to fix it?

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Views: 26

Answers (1)


Reputation: 25770

I solved the issue via @QueryResult

Upvotes: 0

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