Reputation: 245
I am trying to get my Ghost Blog ( running in a Azure Docker Container. In the Ghost documentation they describe how to configure the SSL connection for a MySQL database. In Azure I have a flexible MySQL server and I have downloaded the PEM certificate file. I have exported it to a text file, according to the Ghost Container (documentation)
In the documentation they tell me to use this command for the export to text:
(you can get the single line string with awk '{printf "%s\n", $0}' DigiCertGlobalRootCA.pem)
My Ghost Docker configuration looks like this now:
database__connection__ssl__ca: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDrzCCApegAwI ... etc ... d4=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n
But every time when I try to start the container now I get the following error
m Ghost server started in 3.906s
2023-02-19T11:09:07.296559486Z [2023-02-19 11:09:07] [31mERROR[39m self signed certificate in certificate chain
2023-02-19T11:09:07.296630486Z [31m
2023-02-19T11:09:07.296638786Z [31mself signed certificate in certificate chain[39m
2023-02-19T11:09:07.296650786Z [33m"Unknown database error"[39m
Is there anyone else how has this problem?
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Views: 283