Reputation: 3777
I've two databases, mainDb
and secondDb
, which I need to merge into a single database during a database upgrade (migration).
I've looked into createFromAsset()
which allows to import data from a database, but this only seems to work with fallbackToDestructiveMigration()
enabled which would clear my mainDb
when loading createFromAsset(secondDb)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 269
Reputation: 3777
My idea was the following:
@Database(...) abstract class MainDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
// Default Singleton pattern code
companion object {
@Volatile private var INSTANCE: Database? = null
fun getDatabase(context: Context): Database {
return INSTANCE ?: synchronized(this) {
// Located here to have access to `Context`
val MIGRATION_17_18 = object : Migration(17, 18) {
override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
// Check if `secondDb` exists
val file = context.getDatabasePath(SecondDatabase.DATABASE_NAME)
if (file.exists()) {
// Using a build method which includes all migation steps for `secondDb`
val secondDb =
// TODO: add handling for different `secondDb` versions
// Insert the data from the `secondDb`
secondDb.locationDao().all.forEach {
"INSERT INTO `Location` (`id`, ...)"
+ " VALUES ('" + it.uid + "', ...)"
// Drop `secondDb` (this also deleted temp files like `wal`, `sha`, etc.
// Default building code for Singleton Pattern
val instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
INSTANCE = instance
return instance
I'm using the Singleton pattern as suggested here
Update 1:
As @MikeT added in his answer, this solution requires you to keep a copy of the code/DAOs/models to load the SecondDb
data, which is not so nice ofc.
I.e. I'll use his suggested solution, but slightly adjusted to my needs:
// Check if `secondDb` exists
val secondDbName = "secondDb"
val file = context.getDatabasePath(secondDbName)
if (file.exists()) {
val secondDb = SQLiteDatabase?
try {
secondDb = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(secondDbFile.path,null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY)
} catch (e: RuntimeException) {
throw IllegalStateException(e, "SecondDb not found")
// Create table of the database to port
//database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Location` ...;")
// FIXME: add validation check to ensure secondDb is really version 1
// Insert the data from the `secondDb` version `1`
val cursor = secondDb.query("Location",null,null,null,null,null,null)
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
val uidIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex("uid")
val id = cursor.getInt(uidIndex)
database.execSQL("INSERT INTO `Location` (`id`) VALUES ('$id');")
// Create index if necessary
// Drop the old database
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 57083
Perhaps consider this example, noting that the answer you have given has some issues:-
The Database code (@Dao
) for the 2 databases
const val DATABASE1_NAME = "db1.db"
const val DATABASE2_NAME = "db2.db" /* Left in to make migration simpler (no hard coding BUT!!!!) */
const val DATABASE1_VERSION = 1 /*<<<<<<<<<< CHANGED fro migration(merge) >>>>>>>>>>*/
const val DATABASE2_VERSION = 1 /* NOT NEEDED FOR Conversion */
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
data class Table1(
val table1Id: Long?=null,
val table1Name: String
// etc
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
interface DB1DAOs {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(table1: Table1): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM table1")
fun getAllFromTable1(): List<Table1>
@Query("SELECT count(*) FROM table1")
fun getDB1Table1RecordCount(): Long
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
data class Table2(
val table2Id: Long?=null,
val table2Name: String
// etc
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
interface DB2DAOs {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(table2: Table2): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM table2")
fun getAllFromTable2(): List<Table2>
@Database(entities = [Table1::class/*>>>>>>>>>> CHANGED TO ADD >>>>>>>>>>*//*,Table2::class*/], exportSchema = false, version = DATABASE1_VERSION)
abstract class Database1: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getDB1DAOs(): DB1DAOs
/*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED although code from DB2DAOs could be moved into DB2DAOs >>>>>>>>>>*/
//abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
companion object {
private var instance: Database1?=null
fun getInstance(context: Context): Database1 {
if (instance==null) {
val migration_From_V1_TO_V2 = object : Migration(1,2) {
override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
instance=Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE1_NAME)
.addMigrations(migration_From_V1_TO_V2) /* SEE BELOW for function invoked */
return instance as Database1
/* The migration - Frees up having the Old database Room code and
would be a little more efficient due to additional overheads of opening Database via Room
(no schema checking etc etc that Room undertakes )
fun doMigration1To2(context: Context, database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
val otherDBFile = context.getDatabasePath(DATABASE2_NAME)
var otherDB: SQLiteDatabase? = null
if (!otherDBFile.exists()) throw RuntimeException("Other Database not found at ${otherDBFile.path}.")
try {
otherDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to Open the Other Database ${otherDBFile}. See stack trace immediately prior to this.")
/* Need to create the table to be added to DB1 from DB2 */
/* SQL copied from java(generated) */
database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Table2` (`table2Id` INTEGER, `table2Name` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`table2Id`))")
val csr = otherDB.query("Table2",null,null,null,null,null,null)
val cv = ContentValues()
while (csr.moveToNext()) {
for (c in csr.columnNames) {
when (csr.getType(csr.getColumnIndex(c))) {
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB -> cv.put(c,csr.getBlob(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT -> cv.put(c,csr.getDouble(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER -> cv.put(c,csr.getLong(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING -> cv.put(c,csr.getString(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL -> {} /* no-op */
val renameOldFile = context.getDatabasePath("renamed_${DATABASE2_NAME}")
if (renameOldFile.exists()) renameOldFile.delete()
//otherDBFile.delete() when tested
/* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
@Database(entities = [Table2::class], exportSchema = false,version = DATABASE2_VERSION)
abstract class Database2: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
companion object {
private var instance: Database2?=null
fun getInstance(context: Context): Database2 {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE2_NAME)
return instance as Database2
Some Activity Code to load some data into both databases for retention :-
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var db1: Database1
lateinit var dao1: DB1DAOs
lateinit var db2: Database2 /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
lateinit var dao2: DB2DAOs
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db1 = Database1.getInstance(this)
dao1 = db1.getDB1DAOs()
db2 = Database2.getInstance(this)
/* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
dao2 = db2.getDB2DAOs()
//dao2 = db1.getDB2DAOs() /*<<<<<<<<<< changed from above commented out line >>>>>>>>>>*/
if (DATABASE1_VERSION == 1 && dao1.getDB1Table1RecordCount() < 1) {
dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name11"))
dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name12"))
dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name13"))
dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name21"))
dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name22"))
for(t1 in dao1.getAllFromTable1()) {
Log.d("DBINFO_V${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T1","ID=${t1.table1Id} NAME=${t1.table1Name}")
for (t2 in dao2.getAllFromTable2()) {
Log.d("DBINFO_${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T2","ID=${t2.table2Id} NAME=${t2.table2Name}")
When run (1 or more times due the the version/row count test):-
The Log shows:-
2023-02-24 00:23:17.916 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=1 NAME=DB1Name11
2023-02-24 00:23:17.916 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=2 NAME=DB1Name12
2023-02-24 00:23:17.916 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=3 NAME=DB1Name13
2023-02-24 00:23:17.918 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=1 NAME=DB2Name21
2023-02-24 00:23:17.918 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=2 NAME=DB2Name22
App Inspection Shows:-
and also :-
The Merge
The Database Code becomes :-
const val DATABASE1_NAME = "db1.db"
const val DATABASE2_NAME = "db2.db" /* Left in to make migration simpler (no hard coding BUT!!!!) */
const val DATABASE1_VERSION = 2 /*<<<<<<<<<< CHANGED fro migration(merge) >>>>>>>>>>*/
//const val DATABASE2_VERSION = 1 /* NOT NEEDED FOR Conversion */
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
data class Table1(
val table1Id: Long?=null,
val table1Name: String
// etc
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
interface DB1DAOs {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(table1: Table1): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM table1")
fun getAllFromTable1(): List<Table1>
@Query("SELECT count(*) FROM table1")
fun getDB1Table1RecordCount(): Long
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
data class Table2(
val table2Id: Long?=null,
val table2Name: String
// etc
/* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
interface DB2DAOs {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(table2: Table2): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM table2")
fun getAllFromTable2(): List<Table2>
@Database(entities = [Table1::class/*>>>>>>>>>> CHANGED TO ADD >>>>>>>>>>*/,Table2::class], exportSchema = false, version = DATABASE1_VERSION)
abstract class Database1: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getDB1DAOs(): DB1DAOs
/*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED although code from DB2DAOs could be moved into DB2DAOs >>>>>>>>>>*/
abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
companion object {
private var instance: Database1?=null
fun getInstance(context: Context): Database1 {
if (instance==null) {
val migration_From_V1_TO_V2 = object : Migration(1,2) {
override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
instance=Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE1_NAME)
.addMigrations(migration_From_V1_TO_V2) /* SEE BELOW for function invoked */
return instance as Database1
/* The migration - Frees up having the Old database Room code and
would be a little more efficient due to additional overheads of opening Database via Room
(no schema checking etc etc that Room undertakes )
fun doMigration1To2(context: Context, database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
val otherDBFile = context.getDatabasePath(DATABASE2_NAME)
var otherDB: SQLiteDatabase? = null
if (!otherDBFile.exists()) throw RuntimeException("Other Database not found at ${otherDBFile.path}.")
try {
otherDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException("Unable to Open the Other Database ${otherDBFile}. See stack trace immediately prior to this.")
/* Need to create the table to be added to DB1 from DB2 */
/* SQL copied from java(generated) */
database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Table2` (`table2Id` INTEGER, `table2Name` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`table2Id`))")
val csr = otherDB.query("Table2",null,null,null,null,null,null)
val cv = ContentValues()
while (csr.moveToNext()) {
for (c in csr.columnNames) {
when (csr.getType(csr.getColumnIndex(c))) {
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB -> cv.put(c,csr.getBlob(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT -> cv.put(c,csr.getDouble(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER -> cv.put(c,csr.getLong(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING -> cv.put(c,csr.getString(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL -> {} /* no-op */
val renameOldFile = context.getDatabasePath("renamed_${DATABASE2_NAME}")
if (renameOldFile.exists()) renameOldFile.delete()
//otherDBFile.delete() when tested
/* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed
@Database(entities = [Table2::class], exportSchema = false,version = DATABASE2_VERSION)
abstract class Database2: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
companion object {
private var instance: Database2?=null
fun getInstance(context: Context): Database2 {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE2_NAME)
return instance as Database2
The Activity Code becomes:-
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var db1: Database1
lateinit var dao1: DB1DAOs
//lateinit var db2: Database2 /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
lateinit var dao2: DB2DAOs
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db1 = Database1.getInstance(this)
dao1 = db1.getDB1DAOs()
//db2 = Database2.getInstance(this)
/* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
//dao2 = db2.getDB2DAOs()
dao2 = db1.getDB2DAOs() /*<<<<<<<<<< changed from above commented out line >>>>>>>>>>*/
if (DATABASE1_VERSION == 1 && dao1.getDB1Table1RecordCount() < 1) {
dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name11"))
dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name12"))
dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name13"))
dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name21"))
dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name22"))
for(t1 in dao1.getAllFromTable1()) {
Log.d("DBINFO_V${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T1","ID=${t1.table1Id} NAME=${t1.table1Name}")
for (t2 in dao2.getAllFromTable2()) {
Log.d("DBINFO_${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T2","ID=${t2.table2Id} NAME=${t2.table2Name}")
Merged Results*
The Log :-
2023-02-24 00:52:05.617 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=1 NAME=DB1Name11
2023-02-24 00:52:05.617 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=2 NAME=DB1Name12
2023-02-24 00:52:05.617 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=3 NAME=DB1Name13
2023-02-24 00:52:05.621 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=1 NAME=DB2Name21
2023-02-24 00:52:05.621 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=2 NAME=DB2Name22
i.e. ALL data retained
And via App Inspection:-
Upvotes: 1