Reputation: 1
I am focusing on visualizing some datasets of Switzerland through 'contextily' package in python. (Here is just the sample. In fact, the whole dataset has 16000 records in Switzerland.)
Unnamed: 0 | User_location_code | Twitter_created_time | TRUE | |
16 | 226333 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
23 | 4488879 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (47.3744489, 8.5410422) |
28 | 3772151 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (47.1486137, 8.5539378) |
35 | 3226920 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (46.4978958, 9.8392428) |
51 | 4577072 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (46.2131843, 6.0815756) |
55 | 4464950 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (46.4602978, 6.8418655) |
65 | 173633 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (46.2767572, 6.168958) |
86 | 4670064 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (46.2922522, 7.5323195) |
89 | 529343 | CH | 1/1/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
90 | 879080 | CH | 1/2/2018 | (47.2617701, 8.4197059) |
100 | 4195443 | CH | 1/2/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
106 | 1837089 | CH | 1/2/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
109 | 4392712 | CH | 1/2/2018 | (46.4705779, 6.8436858) |
110 | 4191284 | CH | 1/2/2018 | (46.6932583, 6.4611912) |
112 | 3581491 | CH | 1/2/2018 | (47.3744489, 8.5410422) |
129 | 4238370 | CH | 1/3/2018 | (46.5332403, 9.874586) |
146 | 3103734 | CH | 1/4/2018 | (46.4602978, 6.8418655) |
147 | 3103733 | CH | 1/4/2018 | (46.4602978, 6.8418655) |
179 | 4531534 | CH | 1/6/2018 | (47.4634767, 7.8125639) |
184 | 207311 | CH | 1/6/2018 | (47.0505452, 8.3054682) |
194 | 974817 | CH | 1/6/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
205 | 4623486 | CH | 1/7/2018 | (46.4978958, 9.8392428) |
214 | 2782686 | CH | 1/7/2018 | (46.9886931, 6.8906893) |
221 | 4394683 | CH | 1/8/2018 | (46.5218269, 6.6327025) |
223 | 586320 | CH | 1/8/2018 | (47.31874, 7.6698284) |
229 | 787444 | CH | 1/8/2018 | (47.4991723, 8.7291498) |
238 | 1615538 | CH | 1/9/2018 | (46.6356963, 6.5320717) |
248 | 543950 | CH | 1/9/2018 | (47.4250593, 9.3765878) |
249 | 1005935 | CH | 1/9/2018 | (47.3744489, 8.5410422) |
252 | 4217738 | CH | 1/10/2018 | (46.1839156, 6.1224047) |
269 | 411809 | CH | 1/11/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
271 | 1661548 | CH | 1/11/2018 | (47.33490645, 9.163183508014553) |
279 | 814333 | CH | 1/12/2018 | (46.6356963, 6.5320717) |
286 | 652801 | CH | 1/12/2018 | (47.3744489, 8.5410422) |
293 | 591620 | CH | 1/13/2018 | (46.2231863, 6.2242767) |
297 | 4378107 | CH | 1/13/2018 | (46.4978958, 9.8392428) |
301 | 2356500 | CH | 1/13/2018 | (46.5939043, 7.9078016) |
308 | 652799 | CH | 1/13/2018 | (47.3744489, 8.5410422) |
315 | 649442 | CH | 1/14/2018 | (46.6583588, 7.6965086) |
319 | 4380071 | CH | 1/14/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
320 | 190831 | CH | 1/14/2018 | (46.5032766, 6.6867879) |
321 | 4384644 | CH | 1/14/2018 | (46.4602978, 6.8418655) |
325 | 4629311 | CH | 1/14/2018 | (46.647529399999996, 7.080368826694413) |
339 | 411808 | CH | 1/16/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
341 | 2783072 | CH | 1/16/2018 | (46.5218269, 6.6327025) |
344 | 4395955 | CH | 1/16/2018 | (46.6789116, 7.1027113) |
348 | 4394190 | CH | 1/16/2018 | (46.2017559, 6.1466014) |
354 | 440279 | CH | 1/17/2018 | (46.7410614, 7.2193275) |
358 | 4397447 | CH | 1/17/2018 | (46.7899498, 7.2183078) |
Because of the geographical coordinate in meter, I decided to use the 'EPSG:3857' as the CRS.
# Load the environment
import numpy
import pandas
import geopandas
import pysal
import seaborn
import contextily
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Read the dataset
CH_points = gpd.read_file('CH_points04.shp')
# Print out the crs of the dataset
CH_points_3857 = CH_points.to_crs("epsg:3857")
# Print out the crs of the dataset
However, I met a mistake during the basemap time. Specifically, in the following code, I have finished the preliminary visualization about the dataset that I used.
# Generate scatter plot for quick checking
seaborn.jointplot(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude", data = CH_points, s = 2.0);
The result is here, it works well.
And then, I consider using the function 'contextily.add_basemap()' to make kde-plot looks better, at least in Switzerland.
# Set up figure and axis
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10))
# Add basemap
ax, crs =, source=contextily.providers.OpenStreetMap.CH
# Remove axes
The result is here. As you see, it can load the basemap, not bad, right? But the basemap now is in France, not in Switzerland.
How can I align these properly?
Note: For pictures, you could see here.
For the dataset, you could find it here.
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