Reputation: 5935
I am trying to learn how to use the Reddit API (
I registered for an account/API - I want to retrieve 100 comments containing the word "covid" posted between March-01-2020 and March-02-2020.
Using the documentation from the API (, I ran the following R code.
First, I registered the API:
response <- POST("",
authenticate('****', '***'),
body = list(grant_type="password",
access_token_json <- rawToChar(response$content)
access_token_content <- fromJSON(access_token_json)
access_token <- access_token_content$access_token
url <- "" # try api/v1/me
authorization_bearer <- paste("Bearer ", access_token, sep="")
result <- GET(url,
add_headers(Authorization = authorization_bearer))
Next, I tried to make a request:
# Set start and end times
start_time <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2020-03-01 16:52:00", tz = "UTC"))
end_time <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2020-03-02 13:52:00", tz = "UTC"))
# Set query parameters
query_params <- list(
limit = 100,
q = "covid",
#subreddit = "news", #
#author = "some_author", #
after = start_time,
before = end_time
# Make the API request
response <- GET(url, query = query_params, add_headers(Authorization = authorization_header, `User-Agent` = user_agent_string))
# Extract the response
response_json <- rawToChar(response$content)
response_content <- fromJSON(response_json)
# Extract the relevant fields
final_result <- data.frame(
title = response_content$data$children$data$title,
subreddit = response_content$data$children$data$subreddit,
author = response_content$data$children$data$author,
created_utc = as.POSIXct(response_content$data$children$data$created_utc, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"),
permalink = paste0("", response_content$data$children$data$permalink)
When I look at the results:
> head(final_result)
title subreddit author created_utc
1 COVID-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people in the United States science thebelsnickle1991 2023-01-30 16:27:21
2 I thought Covid was a thing of the past.. double vaccinated wicked sick mildlyinfuriating Northeast4life 2023-02-19 00:52:03
3 ‘People aren’t taking this seriously’: experts say US Covid surge is big risk news ttkciar 2023-01-15 17:25:12
As we can see here, the dates are not between the specified dates.
I thought the problem is that maybe I am not converting the date properly, so I looked at the raw UTC dates :
> final_result$created_utc
[1] 1675096041 1676767923 1673803512 1671022066 1674220458
But these dates do not seem to correspond to the dates I wanted in March 2020 (
Am I not writing the dates correctly - can someone please show me how to fix this?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 239
Reputation: 1031
Try converting the start and end strings to their Unix timestamps with the as.character()
# Set start and end times
start_time <- as.character(as.POSIXct("2020-03-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC"))
end_time <- as.character(as.POSIXct("2020-03-02 23:59:59", tz = "UTC"))
Upvotes: 2