Reputation: 26
I want to draw a publication-ready diagram of a parallel mediation model in R.
I adapted the Diagrammer + Graphviz Code provided here, but I do not seem to get the expected output. I think I am doing something wrong with the rank argument.
My goal is to have the predictor and outcome at the bottom and all three mediators in one vertical line above.
This following code almost gets it, but puts two mediatiors below instead on top. This would also work, if the arrow from xx to yy would at least land in the middle of the box.
med_data <-
lab_x = "XXXXXX",
lab_m1 = "MMMMMM 1",
lab_m2 = "MMMMMM 2",
lab_m3 = "MMMMMM 3",
lab_y = "YYYYYYY",
coef_xm1 = "0.11*",
coef_m1y = "0.11*",
coef_xm2 = "0.22*",
coef_m2y = "0.22*",
coef_xm3 = "0.33*",
coef_m3y = "0.33*",
coef_xy = "0.66*"
med_diagram <- function(data, height = .75, width = 2,
graph_label = NA, node_text_size = 12,
edge_text_size = 12, color = "black",
ranksep = .2, minlen = 3){
data$height <- height # node height
data$width <- width # node width
data$color <- color # node + edge border color
data$ranksep <- ranksep # separation btwn mediator row and x->y row
data$minlen <- minlen # minimum edge length
data$node_text_size <- node_text_size
data$edge_text_size <- edge_text_size
data$graph_label <- ifelse(, "",
paste0("label = '",
graph_label, "'"))
diagram_out <- glue::glue_data(data,
"digraph flowchart {
fontname = Helvetica
graph [ranksep = <<ranksep>>]
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [fontname = Helvetica, shape = rectangle, fixedsize = TRUE,
width = <<width>>, height = <<height>>, fontsize = <<node_text_size>>,
color = <<color>>]
mm1 [label = '<<lab_m1>>']
xx [label = '<<lab_x>>']
yy [label = '<<lab_y>>']
mm2 [label = '<<lab_m2>>']
mm3 [label = '<<lab_m3>>']
# edge definitions with the node IDs
edge [minlen = <<minlen>>, fontname = Helvetica,
fontsize = <<edge_text_size>>, color = <<color>>]
xx -> yy [label = '<<coef_xy>>'];
mm1 -> yy [label = '<<coef_m1y>>'];
xx -> mm1 [label = '<<coef_xm1>>'];
mm2 -> yy [label = '<<coef_m2y>>'];
xx -> mm2 [label = '<<coef_xm2>>'];
mm3 -> yy [label = '<<coef_m3y>>'];
xx -> mm3 [label = '<<coef_xm3>>'];
rankdir = LR;
{ rank = same; mm1; mm2; mm3 }
", .open = "<<", .close = ">>")
Output, Mediation Model 1:
A second version I tried, led to all mediators being in a horizontal instead of a vertical line:
med_data <-
lab_x = "XXXXXX",
lab_m1 = "MMMMMM 1",
lab_m2 = "MMMMMM 2",
lab_m3 = "MMMMMM 3",
lab_y = "YYYYYYY",
coef_xm1 = "0.11*",
coef_m1y = "0.11*",
coef_xm2 = "0.22*",
coef_m2y = "0.22*",
coef_xm3 = "0.33*",
coef_m3y = "0.33*",
coef_xy = "0.66* (.16)"
med_diagram <- function(data, height = .75, width = 2,
graph_label = NA, node_text_size = 12,
edge_text_size = 12, color = "black",
ranksep = .2, minlen = 3){
data$height <- height # node height
data$width <- width # node width
data$color <- color # node + edge border color
data$ranksep <- ranksep # separation btwn mediator row and x->y row
data$minlen <- minlen # minimum edge length
data$node_text_size <- node_text_size
data$edge_text_size <- edge_text_size
data$graph_label <- ifelse(, "",
paste0("label = '",
graph_label, "'"))
diagram_out <- glue::glue_data(data,
"digraph flowchart {
fontname = Helvetica
graph [ranksep = <<ranksep>>]
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [fontname = Helvetica, shape = rectangle, fixedsize = TRUE,
width = <<width>>, height = <<height>>, fontsize = <<node_text_size>>,
color = <<color>>]
mm1 [label = '<<lab_m1>>']
xx [label = '<<lab_x>>']
yy [label = '<<lab_y>>']
mm2 [label = '<<lab_m2>>']
mm3 [label = '<<lab_m3>>']
# edge definitions with the node IDs
edge [minlen = <<minlen>>, fontname = Helvetica,
fontsize = <<edge_text_size>>, color = <<color>>]
xx -> yy [label = '<<coef_xy>>'];
mm1 -> yy [label = '<<coef_m1y>>'];
xx -> mm1 [label = '<<coef_xm1>>'];
mm2 -> yy [label = '<<coef_m2y>>'];
xx -> mm2 [label = '<<coef_xm2>>'];
mm3 -> yy [label = '<<coef_m3y>>'];
xx -> mm3 [label = '<<coef_xm3>>'];
{ rank = max; xx; yy}
", .open = "<<", .close = ">>")
Output, Mediation Model 2:
Help and a little input on the rank part would be amazing or an alternative package for solving this issue.
Update: Here is an example picture: Example Model
Upvotes: 0
Views: 708
Reputation: 159
I may have missed something AND this might be coming in far too late, but I believe simply reordering the specification in the original script will help. For instance...
mm1 [label = '<<lab_m1>>']
mm2 [label = '<<lab_m2>>']
mm3 [label = '<<lab_m3>>']
xx [label = '<<lab_x>>']
yy [label = '<<lab_y>>']
...should place the direct pathway at the bottom of the diagram. Though the resulting arrows may then be curved.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6793
Best references for ranking: (esp. p. 7 & 15) and
All-in-all not a Graphviz strength. I do not use Diagrammer, but the Graphviz code below will probably translate pretty easily.
digraph N{
splines=false // straight line edges
rankdir=TB // same as default
node [shape=rect]
// set these nodes one per rank
mm1 -> mm2 [style=invis]
mm2 -> mm3 [style=invis]
xxxx -> mm1:w
xxxx -> mm2:w
xxxx -> mm3:w
mm1:e -> yyyy
mm2:e -> yyyy
mm3:e -> yyyy
rank=sink // rank=source if you want these nodes on top
// bogus node is needed to keep left-right symmetry, not sure why
bogus [style=invis shape=plain]
xxxx -> yyyy
xxxx -> bogus [style=invis]
bogus -> yyyy [style=invis]
Upvotes: 2