Reputation: 29
I have values from a Monte Carlo simulation. now I am supposed to plot the results using a bivariate Gaussian. Since it is experimental data on a specific topic, I was given the empirical formula of the PDF(x,y):
and this is the plot I should get( obviously it will be different depending on my data):
I don't understand how to implement the plot
This is the part of the code where I calculate STD, means:
x=randn(N,1); %along-track direction [Nx1]
y=randn(N,1); %cross-track direction [Nx1]
Delta_x= x-mu_x;
Delta_y= y-mu_y;
rho_xy= 0; %termine di correlazione ipotizzato nullo
% STD calcolate dalla sola posizione geometrica dei punti di caduta
sigma_x= sqrt(1/N*sum((x-mu_x).^2))
sigma_y= sqrt(1/N*sum((y-mu_y).^2))
%valutazione pdf
term1 = 1/((2 * pi* sigma_x * sigma_y )*(sqrt(1-rho_xy^2)));
term2 = -1/(2*(1-rho_xy^2));
term3 = (Delta_x / sigma_x) .^ 2;
term4 = (Delta_y / sigma_y) .^ 2;
term5 = -2 *rho_xy*Delta_x.*Delta_y/(sigma_x*sigma_y);
Pdf = term1 * exp(term2 * (term3 + term4 + term5))
I'll probably have to use the histogram2
command, and I saw that in the properties there is a 'pdf'
option. I would like to insert the pdf that I calculated, though. How can I do that?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 480
Reputation: 637
To reiterate the comments, you’ll need to plot your projections separately from the histogram; this just isn’t a functionality that histogram2
has. Also, your Delta_x
and Delta_y
should be calculated with the point being plotted, not with the points in your dataset.
x=randn(N,1); %along-track direction [Nx1]
y=randn(N,1); %cross-track direction [Nx1]
Delta_x= @(x)x-mu_x;
Delta_y= @(y)y-mu_y;
rho_xy= 0; %termine di correlazione ipotizzato nullo
% STD calcolate dalla sola posizione geometrica dei punti di caduta
sigma_x= sqrt(1/N*sum((x-mu_x).^2));
sigma_y= sqrt(1/N*sum((y-mu_y).^2));
%valutazione pdf
term1 = 1/((2 * pi* sigma_x * sigma_y )*(sqrt(1-rho_xy^2)));
term2 = -1/(2*(1-rho_xy^2));
term3 = @(x)(Delta_x(x) / sigma_x) .^ 2;
term4 = @(y)(Delta_y(y) / sigma_y) .^ 2;
term5 = @(x,y)-2 *rho_xy*Delta_x(x).*Delta_y(y)/(sigma_x*sigma_y);
Pdf = @(x,y)term1 * exp(term2 * (term3(x) + term4(y) + term5(x,y)));
xProjected = linspace(ax.XLim(1),ax.XLim(2), numPts);
yProjected = linspace(ax.YLim(1),ax.YLim(2), numPts);
zOverX = Pdf(xProjected,mu_y);
zOverX = zOverX/max(zOverX)*max(h.Values,[],'all');
zOverY = Pdf(mu_x,yProjected);
zOverY = zOverY/max(zOverY)*max(h.Values,[],'all');
hold on
plot3(xProjected,repmat(ax.YLim(2),1, numPts),zOverX)
plot3(repmat(ax.XLim(2),1, numPts),yProjected,zOverY)
hold off
Upvotes: 1