Reputation: 25
I've run into a weird scenario when trying to pull real time info on phones. I can grab the data just fine and drill down into it but run into an issue I'm not sure how to work around.
Here's a sample XML response Cisco provides. After <ns1:CMNodes> in powershell, I cant drill down further or search the nodes. It turns all the fields underneath into essentially one big string.
Heres my powershell code to invoke the rest-method
$RisBody = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=`"`" xmlns:soap=`"`">
$RisRequest = Invoke-RestMethod 'https://CUCM:8443/realtimeservice2/services/RISService70?wsdl' -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $RisBody
To drill down all the way to CMNodes, I use $RisInfo.Envelope.Body.selectCmDeviceResponse.selectCmDeviceReturn.SelectCmDeviceResult.cmnodes
Heres a look into the output I'm given (removed sensitive info for InnerXML and OuterXML but the values above in the cisco picture all smushed together and unreadable)
Name : ns1:CmNodes
LocalName : CmNodes
NamespaceURI :
Prefix : ns1
NodeType : Element
ParentNode : SelectCmDeviceResult
OwnerDocument : #document
IsEmpty : False
Attributes : {}
HasAttributes : False
SchemaInfo : System.Xml.XmlName
InnerXml : Phone INFO
NextSibling :
PreviousSibling : TotalDevicesFound
Value :
ChildNodes : {Cucm1, cucm2, cucm3, cucm4}
FirstChild : item
LastChild : item
HasChildNodes : True
IsReadOnly : False
OuterXml : Phone INFO
BaseURI :
PreviousText :
The results I want to look at our inner/outer xml but they are "strings" (via getType()) which makes it impossible to search via select node. Am I just going to have to parse it out the rough way?
I've tried using invoke-webrequest as well to see if it made any difference but got the same result. Also tried to convert inner/outerxml to [xml] but usually would fail or give me the same structure of string output. Seems like the RisPort70 just puts everything to strings after CMNodes.
Thank you!
Edit-Added .innerxml raw code for view.
<ns1:item xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:ReturnCode>NotFound</ns1:ReturnCode><ns1:Name>IPAddress1</ns1:Name><ns1:NoChange>false</
ns1:NoChange><ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /></ns1:item><ns1:item xmlns:ns1="
sCtiControllable>true</ns1:IsCtiControllable><ns1:LoginUserId xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:Status>Registere
d</ns1:Status><ns1:StatusReason>0</ns1:StatusReason><ns1:PerfMonObject>2</ns1:PerfMonObject><ns1:DChannel>0</ns1:DChannel><ns1:Description>John Doe</
ns1:Description><ns1:H323Trunk><ns1:ConfigName xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:TechPrefix xmlns:xsi="http://ww" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:Zone xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:RemoteCmServer1 xmln
s:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:RemoteCmServer2 xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1"
/><ns1:RemoteCmServer3 xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:AltGkList xmlns:xsi="
nstance" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:ActiveGk xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:CallSignalAddr xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.o
rg/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="1" /><ns1:RasAddr xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /></ns1:H323Trunk><ns1:TimeSta
LoadID><ns1:DownloadStatus>Successful</ns1:DownloadStatus><ns1:DownloadFailureReason xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1"
Attribute>Unknown</ns1:Attribute></ns1:item></ns1:IPAddress></ns1:item></ns1:CmDevices></ns1:item><ns1:item xmlns:ns1="
p"><ns1:ReturnCode>NotFound</ns1:ReturnCode><ns1:Name>IPAddress3</ns1:Name><ns1:NoChange>false</ns1:NoChange><ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.
org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="1" /></ns1:item><ns1:item xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:ReturnCode>NotFound</ns1:ReturnCode>
<ns1:Name>IPAddress4</ns1:Name><ns1:NoChange>false</ns1:NoChange><ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /><
/ns1:item><ns1:item xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:ReturnCode>NotFound</ns1:ReturnCode><ns1:Name>IPAddress5</ns1:Name><ns1:NoChan
ge>true</ns1:NoChange><ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /></ns1:item><ns1:item xmlns:ns1="http://schemas"><ns1:ReturnCode>NotFound</ns1:ReturnCode><ns1:Name>IPAddress8</ns1:Name><ns1:NoChange>true</ns1:NoChange><ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xs
i="" xsi:nil="1" /></ns1:item><ns1:item xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:ReturnCode>NotFound
</ns1:ReturnCode><ns1:Name>IPAddress9</ns1:Name><ns1:NoChange>false</ns1:NoChange><ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="
" xsi:nil="1" /></ns1:item><ns1:item xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:ReturnCode>NotFound</ns1:ReturnCode><ns1:Name>IPAddress10</ns1
:Name><ns1:NoChange>false</ns1:NoChange><ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" /></ns1:item>
Upvotes: 0
Views: 515
Reputation: 34421
Here is sample code using Xml Linq
using assembly System
using assembly System.Collections
using assembly System.Xml.Linq
$filename = "c:\temp\test.xml"
$doc = [System.Xml.Linq.XDocument]::Load($filename)
$table = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$CmNodes = $doc.Descendants().Where( {$_.Name.LocalName -eq "CmNodes"})[0]
$ns1 = $CmNodes.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("ns1")
foreach($item in $CmNodes.Elements($ns1 + "item"))
$newRow = New-Object -TypeName psobject
foreach($node in $item.Descendants())
$tagName = $node.Name.LocalName
if(($node.Value.Length -gt 0) -and (-not $node.HasElements))
# do not add name if already exists
if($newRow.$tagName -eq $null)
$newRow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $tagName -NotePropertyValue $node.Value
$table.Add($newRow) | Out-Null
$table | Format-List
Here is the xml I used
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas/">
<ns1:selectCmDeviceResponse xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:LoginUserId xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:Description>John Doe</ns1:Description>
<ns1:ConfigName xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:TechPrefix xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:Zone xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:RemoteCmServer1 xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:RemoteCmServer2 xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1"/>
<ns1:RemoteCmServer3 xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:AltGkList xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:ActiveGk xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:CallSignalAddr xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:RasAddr xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:DownloadFailureReason xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1"/>
<ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
<ns1:CmDevices xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
Here is the results
ReturnCode : NotFound
Name : IPAddress1
NoChange : false
DirNumber : 0435-Registered,0432-Registered
DeviceClass : Phone
Model : 683
Product : 568
BoxProduct : 0
Httpd : Yes
RegistrationAttempts : 0
IsCtiControllable : true
Status : Registered
StatusReason : 0
PerfMonObject : 2
DChannel : 0
Description : John Doe
TimeStamp : 1662497967
Protocol : SIP
NumOfLines : 2
DirectoryNumber : 0432
ActiveLoadID : sip88xx.14-1-1-0001-125
InactiveLoadID : sip88xx.12-7-1-0001-393
DownloadStatus : Successful
DownloadServer : IPAddress7
IP : IPAddress6
IPAddrType : ipv4
Attribute : Unknown
ReturnCode : NotFound
Name : IPAddress3
NoChange : false
ReturnCode : NotFound
Name : IPAddress4
NoChange : false
ReturnCode : NotFound
Name : IPAddress5
NoChange : true
ReturnCode : NotFound
Name : IPAddress8
NoChange : true
ReturnCode : NotFound
Name : IPAddress9
NoChange : false
ReturnCode : NotFound
Name : IPAddress10
NoChange : false
Upvotes: 1