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Linear vs convex relationship: testing which one fits better

I performed a Mantel regression test between two distance matrices, using residuals to control for a third variable. The Mantel test shows a significant relationship between my two variables (residualsA vs residualsB). However, when I plot residualsA vs residualsB, it is not entirely clear whether the relationship is indeed linear or whether it is convex (U-shape).

How can I test which one (linear or convex) fits the pattern best?
I assume the convex means a quadratic function? Or exponential?

Here is a reproducible example using the iris data.


# distances
dist.SepL <- as.matrix(vegdist(iris$Sepal.Length))
dist.PetL <- as.matrix(vegdist(iris$Petal.Length))
dist.SepW <- as.matrix(vegdist(iris$Sepal.Width))

# A. 
# regress Sepal.Length distance against Sepal.Width distance. 
vegan::mantel(xdis=dist.SepW, ydis=dist.SepL, method="spearman", permutations=99)
#--> Mantel statistic r: 0.03639, Significance: 0.11 
# save residuals.
resA <- mantel.residuals(dist.SepL, dist.SepW)
resA.df <-$residuals)))  #residuals as dataframe

# B. 
# regress Petal.Length distance against Sepal.Width distance.
vegan::mantel(xdis=dist.SepW, ydis=dist.PetL, method="spearman", permutations=99)
#-->Mantel statistic r: 0.2179, Significance: 0.01 
# save residuals.
resB <- mantel.residuals(dist.PetL, dist.SepW); resB$residuals
resB.df <-$residuals))) #residuals as dataframe

# AB. 
# regress residual Sepal.Length distance (A.) against residual Petal.Length distance (B.)
vegan::mantel(xdis=resB$residuals, ydis=resA$residuals, method="spearman", permutations=99)
#-->Mantel statistic r: 0.6245, Significance: 0.01
# save residuals.
res.AB <- cbind(resA.df, resB.df$value) #column-bind residuals A and residuals B
colnames(res.AB) <- c("var1","var2","resA","resB") #rename variables
res.AB <- res.AB[100:200,] #subset to get a smaller df, for this example 
#(otherwise there are 22500 obs, meaning a slow calculation time and a messy plot)

I used geom_smooth in ggplot, to visually compare linear to loess regression lines. Since the red SE area (linear) is smaller than the blue SE area (loess), I would say that the linear relationship fits the pattern best. Does it make sense?

  ggplot(res.AB, aes(y=resA, x=resB)) +
   geom_point(size=2) +
    geom_smooth(method="glm",formula = y ~ x, se=T, col="red",  fill="#fadcdd",linetype="solid") +
    geom_smooth(method="loess", se=T, col="blue", fill="lightblue", linetype="solid") +
#red is linear
#blue is quadratic

enter image description here
But of course, this is not a proper test! I had a look online, and this is my first attempt.

# linear model
mlin <- lm(resA~resB, data=res.AB)
# quadratic model
res.AB$resB2 <- res.AB$resB^2
mquad <- lm(resA~resB2, data=res.AB)

#create sequence of residual values
resvalues <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length=64)

#create list of predicted values using the models
predictlin <- predict(mlin,list(resB=resvalues))
predictquad <- predict(mquad,list(resB=resvalues, resB2=resvalues^2))
predictlog <- predict(mlog,list(resB=resvalues))

# adjusted R-squared of each model
> summary(mlin)$adj.r.squared
[1] 0.6900567
> summary(mquad)$adj.r.squared
[1] 0.4382747

According to this, the linear model explains 69% of the variance, whereas quadratic model explains only 43.8%. Meaning that the linear model is better than the quadratic one. Is that correct?
The main problem is that I used a Mantel test, and not a LM. So, I am not sure... does this approach make sense?

In addition, the quadratic function (blue) looks quite different from the previous one.

#create scatterplot of original data values
plot(res.AB$resB, res.AB$resA, pch=19, cex=0.5)
#add predicted lines based on quadratic regression model
lines(resvalues, predictquad, col='blue')
lines(resvalues, predictlin, col='red')
#red is linear
#blue is quadratic

enter image description here
I had the idea of using AIC (Akaike information criterion). But GLM doesn't allow negative values (like some of my residual values). Therefore, I transformed all my residuals to positive values simply by adding a number allowing this (residuals+1). After this transformation, I run GLM models with log and sqrt links. I don't know... how to get a quadratic GLM?

mlog <- glm((resA+1)~(resB+1), data=res.AB, family=poisson(link="log"))
msqrt <- glm((resA+1)~(resB+1), data=res.AB, family=poisson(link="sqrt"))
predictlog <- predict(mlog,list(resB=resvalues)), mquad, mlog, msqrt)), msqrt))

      df      AIC
mlin   3 -397.979
mquad  3 -337.922
mlog   2      Inf
msqrt  2      Inf

AIC values are:
linear: -397.979
quadratic: -337.922
logarithmic: Inf
squareroot: Inf

So, this approach is also not working.

How can I test whether a linear relatioship fits best my observed pattern than a convex relationship (or any other relationship)?

Thank you!


I came up with different methods to check for the goodness-of-fit of the linear model vs. the "convex model". However, I still don't know:

  1. what model (quadratic, exponential or something else) actually represents a convex (concave up) relationship
  2. what method is the most appropriate and/or accurate

Any reply to these questions would be highly appreciated!

Here is the code (sorry for its length)... maybe it can help someone else:

## fit models =============================================================================================
# Fit the null model
model_null <- lm(resA ~ 1, data = res.AB)

# Fit the linear model
model_lin <- lm(resA ~ resB, data = res.AB)

# Fit the quadratic model
model_quad <- lm(resA ~ resB + I(resB^2), data = res.AB)
model_quad <- lm(resA~poly(resB, degree = 2), data=res.AB) #idem
quad_model <- nls(resA ~ a * resB^2 + b * resB + c, data = res.AB, start = list(a = 1, b = 1, c = 1)) #with nls

# Fit the cubic model
model_cub <- lm(resA ~ resB + I(resB^3), data = res.AB)
cubic_model <- nls(resA ~ a + b*resB + c*resB^2 + d*resB^3,data = res.AB, #with nls
                   start = list(a = 1, b = 1, c = 1, d = 1))

# Fit an exponential model (intercept at zero)
exp_model <- nls(resA ~ a * exp(b * resB), data = res.AB, start = list(a = 1, b = 0.01)) #with nls

# Fit an exponential model (random intercept)
res.AB$id <- seq(1, 64, length=64)
exp_model <- nls(resA ~ exp(a + b * resB), #with nls
                 data = res.AB,
                 start = list(a = rnorm(1), b = rnorm(1)),
                 trace = TRUE)

# create a list of these models
model.list <- list(null = model_null, linear = model_lin, quadratic = model_quad, quadratic.nls=quad_model,
                   cubic=model_cub, exponential=exp_model)
lapply(model.list, summary)

# List of residuals

# density plot
plot(density(resid(model_lin))) #unsure how to interpret that

hist(model_lin$residuals, main="Histogram of Residuals", xlab = "bf residuals")

## residual plot  =============================================================================================
# points  randomly scattered around x=0 -> appropriate model
# curved pattern -> LM captures the trend of some data points better than that of others -> consider another model (not linear model) 
plot(res.AB$resB, model_lin$residuals, 
     ylab = "linear model residuals", xlab="independent variable"); abline(h=0, col="black", lwd=1, lty=2) 

## visual plot =============================================================================================
#create sequence of residual values
resvalues <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length=64)

#create list of predicted values using the models
predictlin <- predict(model_lin,list(resB=resvalues))
res.AB$resB2 <- res.AB$resB^2
predictquad <- predict(model_quad,list(resB=resvalues, resB2=resvalues^2))
res.AB$resB3 <- res.AB$resB^3
predictcub <- predict(model_cub,list(resB=resvalues, resB4=resvalues^4))
res.AB$resBexp <- exp(res.AB$resB)
predictexp <- predict(exp_model,list(resB=resvalues, resBexp=exp(resvalues)))

#create scatterplot of original data values
plot(res.AB$resB, res.AB$resA, pch=19, cex=0.9)
#add predicted lines based on quadratic regression model
lines(resvalues, predictquad, col='blue')
lines(resvalues, predictlin, col='red')
lines(resvalues, predictcub, col='darkgreen')
lines(resvalues, predictexp, col='orange')

## residuals vs fitted plot (1st plot of the sequence)

## R-squared  =============================================================================================
# higher R-squared value indicates a better fit
       function(x) {
         summary(x)$r.squared })

## AIC  =============================================================================================
# lower AIC value indicates a better model fit.
sapply(model.list, AIC), model_lin, model_quad)) #idem

## MAE  =============================================================================================
# lower MAE value indicates a better model fit.
sapply(model.list, function(x) mean(abs(x$residuals)))

## MSE  =============================================================================================
# lower MSE value indicates a better model fit.
sapply(model.list, function(model) {
  residuals <- residuals(model)

## ANOVA =============================================================================================
# smaller RSS indicates a better fit ??
# if  p-value <0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis that linear model is a better fit 
anova(model_lin, model_quad)

## Ramsey RESET test  =============================================================================================
# this test does not assumes that the quadratic model is nested within the linear model
linearHypothesis(model_quad, c("I(resB^2) = 0"), test = "F")

anova_result <- sapply(model.list, anova)

## stepAIC  =============================================================================================
# Fit all possible models with up to quadratic terms
all_models <- lm(resA ~ I(resB^2), data = res.AB)

# Use stepAIC to perform model selection and find the best-fitting model
best_model <- MASS::stepAIC(all_models, direction = "both")

# Print the summary of the best-fitting model

## Pearson =============================================================================================
#Pearson's chi-squared test for goodness of fit.

# Calculate the expected values
expected <- predict(model_lin)

# Divide the data into 10 groups
res.AB$group <- cut(expected, breaks = 10)

# Calculate the observed frequencies in each group
observed <- table(res.AB$group, res.AB$resA > 0)

# Perform the Pearson's chi-squared test for goodness of fit

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