Reputation: 89
I am encountering difficulties saving data related to "abc" into a file named "myResults.rds". My code is complex and involves multiple operations within a foreach loop. I wish to exclusively save a particular outcome that I have stored in a list named "abc". Here is an illustration of the code:
# create a cluster with 6 workers
cl <- makeCluster(6)
# define a local function
MIN <- (1-p)*100
MAX <- (1+p)*100
mat <- matrix(nrow=1,ncol=4)
for (i in seq(1,11,1)){
a <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
b <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
c <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
d <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
mat <- rbind(mat,c(a,b,c,d))
return(mat[2:length(mat[,1]), ])
# run the loop with foreach and call the local function in parallel
results <- foreach(i = 1:3) %dopar% {
# main code goes here for analysis ......
# Just added two simple operations for cheeking
addNum <- 1+2+3
subNum <- 1-2-3
saveRDS(abc, file = "myResults.rds")
Upvotes: 0
Views: 159
Reputation: 2223
Here is another approach that can be considered :
# create a cluster with 6 workers
cl <- makeCluster(6)
# define a local function
MIN <- (1-p)*100
MAX <- (1+p)*100
mat <- matrix(nrow=1,ncol=4)
for (i in seq(1,11,1)){
a <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
b <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
c <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
d <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
mat <- rbind(mat,c(a,b,c,d))
return(mat[2:length(mat[,1]), ])
# run the loop with foreach and call the local function in parallel
abc <- foreach(i = 1:3) %dopar% {
lstData <- generate(0.05)
saveRDS(abc, file = "myResults.rds")
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 104.34 98.19 96.11 103.58
[2,] 101.27 103.05 100.01 104.07
[3,] 95.80 96.97 104.41 104.56
[4,] 98.17 98.74 96.02 95.49
[5,] 101.64 101.55 104.62 100.28
[6,] 100.49 101.97 95.82 96.43
[7,] 102.46 98.69 101.47 101.01
[8,] 96.48 95.38 95.80 95.14
[9,] 101.41 104.61 103.14 99.86
[10,] 104.56 97.43 100.10 98.58
[11,] 97.95 103.36 103.63 98.74
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 95.78 103.40 103.07 103.83
[2,] 100.48 104.37 100.59 103.10
[3,] 99.93 101.82 100.00 98.57
[4,] 97.94 97.77 101.50 103.82
[5,] 98.82 96.73 99.26 104.16
[6,] 97.58 104.66 99.21 99.95
[7,] 99.02 97.37 98.06 100.84
[8,] 97.04 104.66 102.65 101.49
[9,] 97.67 97.18 100.35 97.41
[10,] 95.84 101.47 96.80 95.71
[11,] 97.12 104.15 101.98 100.59
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 95.87 104.25 101.65 96.65
[2,] 100.64 96.49 98.29 104.78
[3,] 98.21 98.23 95.01 98.40
[4,] 96.70 100.93 104.14 96.12
[5,] 97.64 95.97 96.90 96.59
[6,] 104.69 102.72 100.10 104.98
[7,] 101.31 95.62 98.23 105.00
[8,] 95.52 95.29 103.74 99.05
[9,] 95.63 95.15 104.47 96.79
[10,] 101.12 98.20 97.86 97.84
[11,] 102.02 104.59 103.97 96.12
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2223
You can use the following approach :
cl <- makeCluster(6)
fn_Par <- function(i)
generate <- function(p)
MIN <- (1 - p) * 100
MAX <- (1 + p) * 100
mat <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 4)
for(i in seq(1,11,1))
a <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
b <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
c <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
d <- round(runif(1,MIN,MAX),2)
mat <- rbind(mat,c(a,b,c,d))
return(mat[2:length(mat[,1]), ])
lstData <- generate(0.05)
abc <- lapply(X = 1 : 6, FUN = fn_Par)
saveRDS(abc, file = "myResults.rds")
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 101.72 97.27 104.22 102.61
[2,] 102.18 101.19 96.69 104.42
[3,] 96.05 99.53 104.94 102.48
[4,] 95.15 96.34 103.93 104.43
[5,] 96.88 98.15 100.54 96.18
[6,] 99.08 95.40 99.32 100.73
[7,] 97.82 100.05 98.71 101.64
[8,] 100.27 96.29 103.34 102.24
[9,] 102.85 103.86 95.51 96.03
[10,] 99.52 101.75 102.96 99.70
[11,] 104.38 100.80 101.38 99.80
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 95.88 98.01 103.10 98.86
[2,] 96.98 96.73 103.24 104.60
[3,] 96.42 98.31 99.72 104.68
[4,] 100.04 97.56 97.43 102.83
[5,] 96.93 101.84 99.57 100.67
[6,] 95.42 97.44 99.45 99.94
[7,] 103.63 101.71 96.98 103.82
[8,] 95.01 95.11 98.28 97.11
[9,] 100.95 96.04 103.39 96.58
[10,] 99.84 102.48 96.60 96.31
[11,] 102.62 100.50 100.91 100.65
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 102.37 102.34 95.97 103.03
[2,] 100.54 98.33 104.42 104.64
[3,] 97.60 102.36 101.94 97.25
[4,] 102.52 99.55 104.26 98.54
[5,] 103.29 100.85 102.18 96.17
[6,] 95.08 97.56 100.73 97.45
[7,] 100.04 101.55 99.67 103.31
[8,] 98.09 96.42 102.55 102.45
[9,] 98.52 101.20 104.02 100.16
[10,] 95.89 100.59 97.97 104.15
[11,] 96.12 99.26 99.89 100.45
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 99.38 98.95 95.56 103.59
[2,] 99.97 104.21 102.19 104.75
[3,] 101.16 95.69 104.12 96.26
[4,] 100.94 101.84 95.50 104.95
[5,] 102.55 102.81 98.66 99.05
[6,] 104.79 102.51 100.28 96.59
[7,] 98.97 96.06 97.92 102.56
[8,] 101.23 96.02 104.79 98.12
[9,] 98.74 104.24 99.33 102.79
[10,] 95.75 103.19 101.87 104.19
[11,] 101.44 99.96 101.95 104.19
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 101.06 100.26 96.95 102.47
[2,] 100.19 98.53 99.49 95.46
[3,] 99.75 102.08 97.76 100.41
[4,] 101.12 98.33 104.19 104.25
[5,] 98.98 97.59 95.70 100.45
[6,] 104.97 96.87 99.70 97.44
[7,] 103.62 97.90 104.00 95.84
[8,] 103.94 103.35 95.60 95.32
[9,] 97.81 95.08 99.76 97.44
[10,] 101.91 101.12 103.03 99.74
[11,] 101.87 102.89 100.91 99.22
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 96.88 100.18 101.39 100.79
[2,] 96.53 101.83 104.07 100.90
[3,] 101.19 97.36 101.40 102.42
[4,] 100.79 97.46 103.18 104.70
[5,] 97.75 99.17 96.50 100.26
[6,] 102.45 99.97 104.06 98.23
[7,] 104.18 104.34 97.92 103.75
[8,] 97.78 95.52 96.67 100.44
[9,] 103.15 99.47 102.12 102.68
[10,] 101.45 100.71 101.90 101.54
[11,] 99.36 99.74 96.36 96.28
Upvotes: 1