Reputation: 23
I want to get lot size from one click trading in MT4, See below image to understand what I am talking about:
Using MQL4 Of course
#import "user32.dll"
int FindWindowW(string className, string windowName);
int FindWindowExW(int hwndParent, int hwndChildAfter, string className, string windowName);
int GetWindowTextW(int hWnd, string lpString, int nMaxCount);
int GetParent(int hWnd);
int SendMessageW(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, string lParam);
Function To get lot size:
double GetLotSizeFromOneClickTrading()
int hwndMT4 = FindWindowW("MetaQuotes::MetaTrader::4.00", NULL);
if (hwndMT4 == 0)
return -1;
int hwndMDIClient = FindWindowExW(hwndMT4, 0, "MDIClient", NULL);
if (hwndMDIClient == 0)
return -2;
int hwndAboveChart = FindWindowExW(hwndMDIClient, 0, "Afx:00610000:b:00010003:00000006:000715CD", NULL);
if (hwndAboveChart == 0)
return -3;
int hwndChart = FindWindowExW(hwndAboveChart, 0, "AfxFrameOrView140s", NULL);
if (hwndChart == 0)
return -4;
int hwndEdit = FindWindowExW(hwndChart, 0, "Edit", NULL);
if (hwndEdit == 0)
return -5;
// Get the lot size text from the edit box
string lotSizeText;
GetWindowTextW(hwndEdit, lotSizeText, 31);
// Convert the text to a double and return it
return StringToDouble(lotSizeText);
Afx:00610000:b:00010003:00000006:000715CD -> This value change on restart, I got this from WinSpy++
hwndEdit -> This variable will conatain the Edit box handle
Now I just need text from it but I am unable to get it
My tries: But I am unable to get the lot size, I have tried below:
// Get the lot size text from the edit box
string lotSizeText;
GetWindowTextW(hwndEdit, lotSizeText, 31);
Doesn't do anything and I do not get anything in my variable
// Get the lot size text from the edit box
string lotSizeText;
const int WM_GETTEXT = 0x000D;
SendMessageW(hwndEdit, WM_GETTEXT, 31, lotSizeText);
Again, Doesn't do anything
I was happy finally finding the Edit box handle but I can't get the text out of it, It's the worst
Some help will be really appreaciated
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Views: 376
Reputation: 1
I had a similar issue. I found that once I click the edit box manually, then GetWindowTextW(...) returns the value correctly.
I tried to simulate the mouse click automatically. SendInput(...) is the only API I was able to obtain the same effect. But I don't think it's a beatiful solution.
Upvotes: 0