Reputation: 77
I have a gridded map that i want to bias correct the cell values using ECDF. I tried using clusterR from the snow package in R. But I keep getting this error.
[1] "cannot use this function"
[1] "snow-try-error" "try-error"
Error in clusterR(snodas_max_4km_2014, calc, args = list(fun = bias_correct_on_grid), :
cluster error
function to apply to each cell. in_ecdf_snodas is an inverse cdf and ecdf_ua is a cdf function
#define the function to apply to each cell
bias_correct_on_grid = function(x, snodas_overlap, ua_overlap){
if (x <= max_ua_overlap) {
x_biased_correct <- in_ecdf_snodas(ecdf_ua(x))
} else if (x > max_ua_overlap) {
x_biased_correct <- max_snodas_overlap + (x - max_ua_overlap) * (sd_snodas_overlap / sd_ua_overlap)
} else if ({
x_biased_correct <- x
The rest of code is as follows:
load("data-raw/RObject/snodas_max_4km_2014.RData") #raster layer
# create a cluster with 6 workers
cl <- makeCluster(4)
# load required packages on each worker node
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
clusterExport(cl, list(
"bias_correct_on_grid", "max_ua_overlap", "min_snodas_overlap",
"max_snodas_overlap", "sd_snodas_overlap",
"sd_ua_overlap" , "in_ecdf_snodas", "ecdf_ua"
# apply the function to the raster using clusterR
raster_out <- clusterR(snodas_max_4km_2014, calc,
args = list(fun = bias_correct_on_grid), cl = cl)
# stop the cluster
Upvotes: 1
Views: 55
Reputation: 47501
Here is how you might stats::ecdf to a raster.
s <- rast(system.file("ex/logo.tif", package="terra"))
a <- app(s, \(i) ecdf(i)(i))
Upvotes: 0