Reputation: 351
I have built a database with a handful or schemas that have separate entity relationship diagrams (ERDs). I can view those ERDs in my database GUI (dbeaver) but I would like to view schema specific ERDs in RStudio.
I have found the dm
package where there is a dm::dm_draw
function. The problem is when I call the dm::dm_draw
function to my database connection it draws every table and schema in one image. I want to view just one schema. How do I call in and view a specific ERD schema in RStudio?
Below is my attempt of setting the search_path to the 'survey_data' schema as well as passing various arguments into the 'dm::dm_draw' function. I am sorry for not making this fully reproducible but I am not able to provide credentials tot his database.
if (!require(librarian)){
# librarian downloads, if not already downloaded, and reads in needed packages
librarian::shelf(dm, tidyverse, DBI, RPostgres, DiagrammeR)
connection <- dbConnect(drv = dbDriver("Postgres"),
dbname = Sys.getenv("aws_dbname"),
host = Sys.getenv("aws_host"),
port = Sys.getenv("aws_port"),
user = Sys.getenv("aws_user"),
password = Sys.getenv("aws_password"),
options="-c search_path='survey_data'")
dbExecute(connection,"set search_path = 'survey_data'")
survey_data <- dm_from_con(connection)
survey_data %>%
dm_draw(view_type = "all", graph_name = 'survey_data', focus = 'survey_data')
and here is the output of every table being viewed even with all the above attempts to specify just one schema.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 161
Reputation: 351
survey_data <- dm_from_con(connection, schema = 'survey_data')
survey_data %>%
dm_draw(view_type = "all", rankdir = "RL")
Upvotes: 1