Reputation: 1
I can't integrate my bibliography in the document. The error is the bibliography seems to be empty, although I used a citation. I use overleaf.
My minimal code is:
\documentclass[pdftex,title page,paper=a4,fontsize=12pt,DIV=11]{scrartcl}
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic, sorting=nyt]{biblatex}
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{andothers={et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}}
My bibliography Meine_Bibliothek.bib
author = {Meade Gougeon},
title = {The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction},
isbn = {1-878207-50-4},
publisher = {Gougeon Brothers, Inc.},
url = {},
year = {2005},
In Addition the citation in the text is underlined. Do you know how I can prevent that?
If I forgot any information to let me know.
I just tried to change a template, added some packages and changed some things and now I can't integrate the bibliography. But in the template it is showing up. It seems like my code is the same as others, but still not working.
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