Reputation: 11
I am trying to clear the energy counter for a Peacefair AC PZEM 016 energy monitor. I have a nice little script going that measures the values of the registers, however, I can not clear the energy through the minimalmodbus library and keep getting multiple errors when trying code, but the main one I get is "Slave reported Illegal Data Value." The link to the documentation is here The "Reset Energy" is under section 2.5, but I swear this should not be this hard.
import minimalmodbus
import datetime
import time
import serial
import sys
import os
import threading
from crccheck.crc import Crc16
mb_address = 1
clear_energy_command = 0x42
powark_sensor = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyUSB0',mb_address)
powark_sensor.serial.baudrate = 9600
powark_sensor.serial.bytesize = 8
powark_sensor.serial.parity = minimalmodbus.serial.PARITY_NONE
powark_sensor.serial.stopbits = 1
powark_sensor.serial.timeout = 0.5
powark_sensor.mode = minimalmodbus.MODE_RTU
file_path = "/home/josiahferguson/Documents/powark/mb_powark_data.txt"
powark_sensor.clear_buffers_before_each_transaction = True
powark_sensor.close_port_after_each_call = True
print("Requesting Data From Powark...")
#single_data = powark.sensor.read_register(1, 1, 3, False)
#print(f"Single register data = {single_data}")
#function to read powark data
def read_sensor_data():
data = powark_sensor.read_registers(0, 10, 4)
volts = data[0] / 10
ampslow = int(data[1]) / 1000
ampshigh = int(data[2]) / 1000
wattslow = int(data[3]) / 10
wattshigh = int(data[4]) / 10
watthourslow = int(data[5])
watthourshigh = int(data[6])
hertz = int(data[7]) / 10
powerfactor = int(data[8]) / 100
alarm = data[9]
processed_data = {
"volts": volts,
"ampslow": ampslow,
"ampshigh": ampshigh,
"wattslow": wattslow,
"wattshigh": wattshigh,
"watthourslow": watthourslow,
"watthourshigh": watthourshigh,
"hertz": hertz,
"powerfactor": powerfactor,
"alarm": alarm,
return processed_data
powark_sensor_data = read_sensor_data()
#function to write sensor data to file
def write_data_to_file(powark_sensor_data, file_path):
with open (file_path, "a") as file:
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
file.write(f"{timestamp}: {powark_sensor_data}\n")
def low_byte(value):
return value & 0xFF
def high_byte(value):
return (value >> 8) & 0xFF
powark_sensor.write_long(mb_address, 0x42, False, 2)
# ~
# ~ time.sleep(1)
# ~ # Calculate the CRC-16 using the CRC library
# ~ crc = Crc16.calc(bytearray([mb_address, clear_energy_command]))
# ~ # Send the slave address, reset command, and CRC-16
# ~ powark_sensor.serial.write(bytearray([mb_address, clear_energy_command, low_byte(crc), high_byte(crc)]))
# ~ # Wait for the energy monitor to process the command
# ~ time.sleep(0.26)
# ~ response = # The expected response length is 4 bytes
# Check if the response is correct or an error reply
# ~ if len(response) == 0:
# ~ print("No Response Received")
# ~ print("")
# ~ elif response[0] == mb_address and response[1] == clear_energy_command:
# ~ print("Energy Reset")
# ~ print("")
# ~ elif response[0] == mb_address and response[1] == 0xC2:
# ~ print("Error resetting energy. Abnormal code:", response[2])
# ~ print("")
# ~ else:
# ~ print("Unexpected response:", response)
# ~ print("")
#fucntion to clear the energy data from the powark sensor
def clear_energy_used(port, mb_adrress):
powark_sensor.write_register(clear_energy_command, 6)
print("Energy data cleared successfully.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error clearing energy data: {e}")
#function to display sensor values to the console
def print_powark_values():
print(f"Voltage: {powark_sensor_data['volts']} Volts")
print(f"Current: {powark_sensor_data['ampslow']} Amps")
#converts Watts to Kilowatts if the value exceeds 999.99
if powark_sensor_data['wattslow'] >= 1000:
print(f"Charging Rate: {powark_sensor_data['wattslow']/1000} Kilowatts")
print(f"Charging Rate: {powark_sensor_data['wattslow']} Watts")
#converts energy (watt hours) to Kilowatts if the value exceeds 999.99
if powark_sensor_data['watthourslow'] >= 1000:
print(f"Energy Added: {powark_sensor_data['watthourslow']/1000} Kilowatts")
print(f"Energy Added: {powark_sensor_data['watthourslow']} Watts")
print(f"Frequency: {powark_sensor_data['hertz']} Hz")
print(f"{powark_sensor_data['powerfactor']} Powerfactor")
print("Writing Data to mb_powark_data.txt File...")
write_data_to_file(powark_sensor_data, file_path)
print("Now Closing Serial Port")
#user input handling to start logging data to the file
entered_value = input('Would you like to start a session?: y or n ')
if entered_value == 'y':
print("Your charging session has started!")
max_iterations = int(input("How many iterations would you like this to run?: "))
iteration_count = 0
while iteration_count <= max_iterations:
# Read sensor data
powark_sensor_data = read_sensor_data()
# write_data_to_file(powark_sensor_data, file_path)
write_data_to_file(powark_sensor_data, file_path)
#print values to console
# Close the serial port
iteration_count += 1
if iteration_count >= max_iterations:
print("Ports now closed")
#print("Clearing Data")
#clear_energy_used('/dev/ttyUSB0', mb_address)
print("Thanks for using Powark!")
# Wait for the specified delay before the next iteration
print("Ports now closed")
print("Thanks for using Powark!")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 583
Reputation: 11
Finally got it! It turns out the correct command to clear energy for a PZEM 016 is ._perform_command(0x42, '').
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3516
According to the manual you have to write nothing to register 0x42
, I would try something like this:
powark_sensor.write_register(clear_energy_command, None, 0, 6, False) # address, value, number of decimals, function code, signed)
I am not sure minimal is able to handle writing None
to a register. And even if it is I think your device is not expecting you to write to register 0x42
but just writing the 4 bytes you see in the manual (I'm getting this from reading this piece of code
With that in mind, I'd suggest you use pyserial to write those 4 raw bytes to the port. To calculate the CRC you can try to use minimal's internal function:
And attach those after \x42
Upvotes: 0