Reputation: 3
I am using Django and drf_yasg, and I hope to add this interface to the swagger page when using the form view. However, I have tried several times and cannot achieve it.
The code is as follows:
class CustomRegisterView(FormView):
template_name = "registration/register.html"
form_class = RegisterForm
success_url = reverse_lazy("home")
swagger_schema = {
"tags": ["user"],
"method": "post",
"operation_id": "register_user",
"operation_description": "User registration with email and password",
"request_body": openapi.Schema(
"first_name": openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING, default=""),
"last_name": openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING, default=""),
"username": openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING),
"email": openapi.Schema(type=openapi.FORMAT_EMAIL),
"password1": openapi.Schema(type=openapi.FORMAT_PASSWORD),
"password2": openapi.Schema(type=openapi.FORMAT_PASSWORD),
required=["username", "email", "password1", "password2"],
"responses": {
status.HTTP_200_OK: openapi.Response(
description="Successfully registered",
properties={"message": openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING, description="Successfully registered")},
status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST: openapi.Response(
description="Registration failed",
"detail": openapi.Schema(
description="Registration error message",
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = self.get_form()
if form.is_valid():
return self.form_valid(form)
return self.form_invalid(form)
It can't help me debug on the swagger page, it is not rendered to the swagger page, what is the main reason? I tried the @swagger_auto_schema decorator, and it didn't work. Is there any other view writing method except drf to the standard API writing method? Can't get the support of drf-yasg? If you want the views in FormView and django.contrib.auth.views to be rendered on the swagger page, how to achieve it?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 255
Reputation: 1
I encountered the same problem using drf-spectacular. I'm not sure if the reason is the same for Swagger, but maybe my solution will work for you too.
The reason turned out to be that drf-spectacular discards all views that are not subclasses of the APIView class, including FormView.
I solved it by inheriting both FormView and APIView:
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from django.views.generic import FormView
class CustomRegisterView(FormView, APIView):
Upvotes: 0