Reputation: 55
Results of CTE using OUTER APPLY return duplicates due to dirty nature of data and results of RegexFind to split out commingled key=value pairs.
When using DISTINCT on that CTE, the result is empty. Is this a bug in SQL Server 2014?
I tried:
NOTE: I was able to overcome this by exploiting submatchIDs from RegexFind, but this problem is concerning. I believe that OUTER APPLY
messes up any attempt to get a DISTINCT
Actual code that cannot be easily tested on SQL Fiddle or due to insufficient permissions to implement the RegexFind function (on those I have loaded results of OUTER APPLY instead of raw input data):
--SELECT @@version -- Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP3-GDR) (KB5021037) - 12.0.6174.8 (X64) Jan 4 2023 08:59:45 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: )
declare @key_value_pair_regex_pat nvarchar(max) =
; WITH JobOperationsChangeLog as (
keys.JobID JobID
, keys.JobAssemblyID JobAssemblyID
, keys.JobOperationID JobOperationID
, xagChangeDate ChangeDate, xagChangeUserID ChangeUserID, ChangeLogID
--, xagTableName
, xagChangeType --[U]pdate [I]nsert, etc
, xagTableKeyValues
, xagTableOldValues
, xagTableNewValues
FROM ChangeLog
SELECT distinct
xagChangeLogID ChangeLogID, xagChangeDate ChangeDate
, REPLACE(JobID.Value,'jmoJobID = ','') JobID
, REPLACE(JobAssemblyID.Value,'jmoJobAssemblyID = ','') JobAssemblyID
, REPLACE(JobOperationID.Value, 'jmoJobOperationID = ','') JobOperationID
FROM ChangeLog
OUTER APPLY M1_MA.dbo.RegexFind (
,1) JobID
OUTER APPLY M1_MA.dbo.RegexFind (
,1) JobAssemblyID
OUTER APPLY M1_MA.dbo.RegexFind (
,1) JobOperationID
) keys on ChangeLogID=xagChangeLogID and ChangeDate=xagChangeDate
WHERE xagTableName='JobOperations'
AND (Keys.JobID NOT LIKE 'jmo%' and Keys.JobOperationID NOT LIKE 'jmo%' and Keys.JobAssemblyID NOT LIKE 'jmo%') -- eliminate non-value rows
, inserts_BASE as (
JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID
, ChangeDate FirstDate
, ChangeUserID
, ChangeLogID
--, old.Error , old.FirstIndex , old.Match_ID , old.Submatch_ID , old.SubmatchValue , old.[Value]
, new.Match_ID MatchID
, new.FirstIndex new_FirstIndex
, new.Submatch_ID new_SubmatchID
, new.[Value]
--, new.SubmatchValue -- omit for distinct rows
FROM JobOperationsChangeLog
OUTER APPLY M1_MA.dbo.RegexFind (
,1) old
OUTER APPLY M1_MA.dbo.RegexFind (
,1) new
WHERE xagChangeType='I'
AND Match_ID NOT IN (1,2,3) -- eliminate rows matching key fields
, inserts_DISTINCT as (
SELECT DISTINCT -- returns 0 rows!
JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID
, FirstDate
, ChangeUserID
, ChangeLogID
, MatchID
, FirstValue
FROM inserts_BASE
, inserts_GROUP as ( -- returns 0 rows!
JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID
, FirstDate
, ChangeUserID
, ChangeLogID
, MIN( FirstValue )
, MatchID
--, new_FirstIndex
FROM inserts_BASE
GROUP BY JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID, FirstDate, ChangeUserID, ChangeLogID, MatchID
, inserts_OVER_PARTITION as ( -- returns 0 rows!
JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID
, FirstDate
, ChangeUserID
, ChangeLogID
, MatchID
, FIRST_VALUE (FirstValue) OVER(
PARTITION BY JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID, FirstDate, ChangeUserID, ChangeLogID, MatchID
ORDER BY ChangeLogID, MatchID
--, new_FirstIndex
FROM inserts_BASE
, inserts_SUBMATCH as (
SELECT JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID
, FirstDate, ChangeUserID, ChangeLogID
--, MatchID , new_FirstIndex , new_SubmatchID
, FirstValue
FROM inserts_BASE
WHERE ISNULL(new_SubmatchID , 1 ) = 1
-- ^ only way to yeild distinct partition over JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID, ChangeDate, ChangeUserID, ChangeLogID, MatchID
--SELECT * from JobOperationsChangeLog
--SELECT * from inserts_BASE
--SELECT * from inserts_DISTINCT -- does not work! returns zero rows!
--SELECT * from inserts_GROUP -- does not work! returns zero rows!
--SELECT * from inserts_OVER_PARTITION -- does not work! returns zero rows!
SELECT * from inserts_SUBMATCH -- regex metadata exploit workaround
In the online tests, DISTINCT or GROUP BY do work, but there I am not able to implement the base CTE that uses OUTER APPLY on the function. Too many restrictions. So my example is inadequate to test the hypothesis.
Sample data
Pre-filtered change log data (I am not responsible for the terrible implementation of logging field changes):
SELECT xagChangeLogID, xagChangeType, xagChangeDate, xagChangeUserID
, xagTableKeyValues, xagTableOldValues , xagTableNewValues
FROM ChangeLog
WHERE xagTableName='JobOperations'
AND xagChangeType = 'I'
ORDER BY xagChangeLogID
xagChangeLogID | xagChangeType | xagChangeDate | xagChangeUserID | xagTableKeyValues | xagTableNewValues |
499725 | I | 2023-05-02 15:03:40.647 | ALIPLY | jmoJobID = 27180-02-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 545 |
jmoJobID = 27180-02-01 jmoJobOperationID = 545 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = DRYIN jmoProcessID = UNDER jmoProcessShortDescription = Roofing Dry-In jmoProcessLongDescriptionRTF = {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Tahoma;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 This part is for installation of all roof dry-in products and self-adhering membranes\par } jmoProcessLongDescriptionText = This part is for installation of all roof dry-in products and self-adhering membranes jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 0.02 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 jmoCreatedBy = aliply jmoCreatedDate = May 2 2023 3:03PM |
499810 | I | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.777 | VICGEN | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 10 |
jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 10 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = ENGIN jmoProcessID = PERMI jmoProcessShortDescription = Permitting jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TD jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 8.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
499811 | I | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.777 | VICGEN | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 20 |
jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 20 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = BRAKE jmoProcessID = SMETA jmoProcessShortDescription = Sheet Metal Fab jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
499812 | I | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.790 | VICGEN | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 30 |
jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 30 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK jmoProcessID = DELIV jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 3.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
499813 | I | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.790 | VICGEN | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 510 |
jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 510 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = IWIND jmoProcessID = IWIND jmoProcessShortDescription = Window and Door Install jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 0.50 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
499814 | I | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.790 | VICGEN | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 520 |
jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 520 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = CRANE jmoProcessID = CRANE jmoProcessShortDescription = Crane Operator jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502171 | I | 2023-05-03 07:36:28.000 | LINHOC | jmoJobID = 25140-04-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 535 |
jmoJobID = 25140-04-01 jmoJobOperationID = 535 jmoOperationType = 2 jmoAddedOperation = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = SUB jmoProcessID = 9FREI jmoProcessShortDescription = 905 - FREIGHT / POSTAGE jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 1.00 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoPartID = FREIGHT/POSTAGE jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoSupplierOrganizationID = RBWAG jmoFirm = 1 jmoPurchaseOrderID = 31824 jmoEstimatedUnitCost = 10.40000 jmoCalculatedUnitCost = 10.40000 jmoStartDate = Aug 26 2022 12:00AM jmoDueDate = Feb 1 2023 12:00AM jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 jmoCreatedBy = linhoc jmoCreatedDate = May 3 2023 7:36AM |
502183 | I | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 10 |
jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 10 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = ENGIN jmoProcessID = PERMI jmoProcessShortDescription = Permitting jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TD jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 8.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502184 | I | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 20 |
jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 20 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = BRAKE jmoProcessID = SMETA jmoProcessShortDescription = Sheet Metal Fab jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502185 | I | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 30 |
jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 30 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK jmoProcessID = DELIV jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 3.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502186 | I | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 510 |
jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 510 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = IWIND jmoProcessID = IWIND jmoProcessShortDescription = Window and Door Install jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 0.50 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502187 | I | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 520 |
jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 520 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = CRANE jmoProcessID = CRANE jmoProcessShortDescription = Crane Operator jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502195 | I | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 10 |
jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 10 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = ENGIN jmoProcessID = PERMI jmoProcessShortDescription = Permitting jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TD jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 8.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502196 | I | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 20 |
jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 20 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = BRAKE jmoProcessID = SMETA jmoProcessShortDescription = Sheet Metal Fab jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502197 | I | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 30 |
jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 30 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK jmoProcessID = DELIV jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 3.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502198 | I | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 510 |
jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 510 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = IWIND jmoProcessID = IWIND jmoProcessShortDescription = Window and Door Install jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 0.50 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
502199 | I | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobAssemblyID = 0 jmoJobOperationID = 520 |
jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 520 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = CRANE jmoProcessID = CRANE jmoProcessShortDescription = Crane Operator jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
SELECT JobID, JobAssemblyID, JobOperationID, ChangeDate, ChangeUserID
, xagChangeLogID , xagTableNewValues
from JobOperationsChangeLog
where xagChangeType = 'I'
order by xagChangeLogID
JobID | JobAssemblyID | JobOperationID | ChangeDate | ChangeUserID | xagChangeLogID | xagTableNewValues |
27180-02-01 | 0 | 545 | 2023-05-02 15:03:40.647 | ALIPLY | 499725 | jmoJobID = 27180-02-01 jmoJobOperationID = 545 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = DRYIN jmoProcessID = UNDER jmoProcessShortDescription = Roofing Dry-In jmoProcessLongDescriptionRTF = {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Tahoma;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 This part is for installation of all roof dry-in products and self-adhering membranes\par } jmoProcessLongDescriptionText = This part is for installation of all roof dry-in products and self-adhering membranes jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 0.02 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 jmoCreatedBy = aliply jmoCreatedDate = May 2 2023 3:03PM |
29121-01-01 | 0 | 10 | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.777 | VICGEN | 499810 | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 10 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = ENGIN jmoProcessID = PERMI jmoProcessShortDescription = Permitting jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TD jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 8.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29121-01-01 | 0 | 20 | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.777 | VICGEN | 499811 | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 20 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = BRAKE jmoProcessID = SMETA jmoProcessShortDescription = Sheet Metal Fab jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29121-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.790 | VICGEN | 499812 | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 30 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK jmoProcessID = DELIV jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 3.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29121-01-01 | 0 | 510 | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.790 | VICGEN | 499813 | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 510 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = IWIND jmoProcessID = IWIND jmoProcessShortDescription = Window and Door Install jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 0.50 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29121-01-01 | 0 | 520 | 2023-05-02 15:07:56.790 | VICGEN | 499814 | jmoJobID = 29121-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 520 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = CRANE jmoProcessID = CRANE jmoProcessShortDescription = Crane Operator jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
25140-04-01 | 0 | 535 | 2023-05-03 07:36:28.000 | LINHOC | 502171 | jmoJobID = 25140-04-01 jmoJobOperationID = 535 jmoOperationType = 2 jmoAddedOperation = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = SUB jmoProcessID = 9FREI jmoProcessShortDescription = 905 - FREIGHT / POSTAGE jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 1.00 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoPartID = FREIGHT/POSTAGE jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoSupplierOrganizationID = RBWAG jmoFirm = 1 jmoPurchaseOrderID = 31824 jmoEstimatedUnitCost = 10.40000 jmoCalculatedUnitCost = 10.40000 jmoStartDate = Aug 26 2022 12:00AM jmoDueDate = Feb 1 2023 12:00AM jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 jmoCreatedBy = linhoc jmoCreatedDate = May 3 2023 7:36AM |
29123-01-01 | 0 | 10 | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | 502183 | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 10 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = ENGIN jmoProcessID = PERMI jmoProcessShortDescription = Permitting jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TD jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 8.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29123-01-01 | 0 | 20 | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | 502184 | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 20 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = BRAKE jmoProcessID = SMETA jmoProcessShortDescription = Sheet Metal Fab jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29123-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | 502185 | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 30 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK jmoProcessID = DELIV jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 3.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29123-01-01 | 0 | 510 | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | 502186 | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 510 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = IWIND jmoProcessID = IWIND jmoProcessShortDescription = Window and Door Install jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 0.50 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29123-01-01 | 0 | 520 | 2023-05-03 07:54:05.963 | PAMNEW | 502187 | jmoJobID = 29123-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 520 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = CRANE jmoProcessID = CRANE jmoProcessShortDescription = Crane Operator jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29124-01-01 | 0 | 10 | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | 502195 | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 10 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = ENGIN jmoProcessID = PERMI jmoProcessShortDescription = Permitting jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 1.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TD jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 8.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29124-01-01 | 0 | 20 | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | 502196 | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 20 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = BRAKE jmoProcessID = SMETA jmoProcessShortDescription = Sheet Metal Fab jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29124-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | 502197 | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 30 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK jmoProcessID = DELIV jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 3.00 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29124-01-01 | 0 | 510 | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | 502198 | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 510 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = IWIND jmoProcessID = IWIND jmoProcessShortDescription = Window and Door Install jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoSetupHours = 0.50 jmoStandardFactor = TH jmoSetupRate = 25.00 jmoProductionRate = 25.00 jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29124-01-01 | 0 | 520 | 2023-05-03 07:55:47.807 | PAMNEW | 502199 | jmoJobID = 29124-01-01 jmoJobOperationID = 520 jmoOperationType = 1 jmoWorkCenterID = CRANE jmoProcessID = CRANE jmoProcessShortDescription = Crane Operator jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 jmoStandardFactor = MP jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 jmoMachineType = 1 jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA jmoFirm = 1 jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
Sample of filtered data with key fields split out
SELECT * from inserts
JobID | JobAssemblyID | JobOperationID | FirstDate | ChangeUserID | xagChangeLogID | Match_ID | FirstIndex | FirstValue |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 4 | 68 | jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 4 | 68 | jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 5 | 92 | jmoProcessID = DELIV |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 6 | 113 | jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 6 | 113 | jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 7 | 158 | jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 8 | 192 | jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 8 | 192 | jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 9 | 223 | jmoStandardFactor = TH |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 10 | 246 | jmoSetupRate = 25.00 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 10 | 246 | jmoSetupRate = 25.00 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 11 | 267 | jmoProductionRate = 25.00 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 12 | 293 | jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | 12 | 293 | jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 |
Sample of de-duplicated result via submatch exploit (other methods such as DISTINCT yeild empty set):
SELECT * from inserts_SUBMATCH
JobID | JobAssemblyID | JobOperationID | FirstDate | ChangeUserID | ChangeLogID | FirstValue |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoWorkCenterID = TRUCK |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoProcessID = DELIV |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoProcessShortDescription = Delivery to Job |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoProductionStandard = 3.0000 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoStandardFactor = TH |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoSetupRate = 25.00 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoProductionRate = 25.00 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoOperationQuantity = 1.00000 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoMachineType = 1 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoUnitOfMeasure = EA |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoFirm = 1 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoEstimatedProductionHours = 3.00 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 30 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502294 | jmoMachinesToSchedule = 1 |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 510 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502295 | jmoWorkCenterID = IWIND |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 510 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502295 | jmoProcessID = IWIND |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 510 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502295 | jmoProcessShortDescription = Window and Door Install |
29127-01-01 | 0 | 510 | 2023-05-03 08:12:11.583 | PAMNEW | 502295 | jmoQuantityPerAssembly = 1.000000 |
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Views: 84