Reputation: 197
There is a branch A that I am working on. I want to see the history of this branch. In the history I want to see things like master-> A3->A2->A1->A meaning that branch A3 was created from master and on top of A3, A2 was created.... So in history just the branch names.
How do I achieve this using git commands or bitbucket cloud?
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Views: 104
Reputation: 1657
Option 1:
To see ONLY the relationship from one branch to another I recommend using the command:
git log --merges --oneline master..A
(assuming that the first branch is master and the last is A)
Option 2:
I like to use the git log command. This way, you get the list of branches under your current branch and also a graphical view of the history.
I personally use this command:
git log -n 50 --graph --pretty='%C(yellow)%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --date=short
But you can define various properties for this command if you want to customize it more. Just search a bit on git log.
Specifically, if you want to control how many commits to show in your history then change the -n 50
to a different number.
Upvotes: 1