
Reputation: 145

ASCII Art gets bugged 1 out of 10-15 times when I open my batch file

I am working on a batch file that has ASCII art as a welcome page.

The ASCII art gets echoed weirdly sometimes. It is missing some of the bottom lines. It is supposed to look like this.

I tried changing the window height and width of cmd.exe/terminal.exe as suggested here. I tested it with mode cols=135 lines=38 (with that the ASCII art has 1 empty line above and 1 empty line beneath it) and mode con: cols=135 lines=60 where as with lines=60 the "bug" seems to occur less frequently (around 1 in 30-35 times). I changed the terminal.exe's window height and width via it's Settings tab to the same values. Increasing the value for the window's height seems to make the "bug" occur less frequently.

I also tried using type "ASCII.txt" which made the "bug" more apparent (more lines missing).

But I want to keep the cmd.exe/terminal.exe window small. Is there a way to have my ASCII art displayed without any occurring bugs with mode con: cols=135 lines=38 and without having to make my ASCII art smaller?

This is my code for reference:

@echo off
title fantazia.pw
mode con: cols=135 lines=38

for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%g in ('findstr /b ::: "%~f0"') do @echo(%%g

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:::                            .::---========---::.
<nul set /p "=press any key to continue..."
pause >nul

Upvotes: 1

Views: 260

Answers (1)


Reputation: 694

You might be seeing a combination of:

The Windows Terminal currently doesn't support a commandline application resizing the dimensions of the viewport. That includes trying to set the window size with mode

If it's the second thing (which I'm more confident about), then I think that should be fixed in Terminal 1.18

Upvotes: 1

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