
Reputation: 111

Space Leak on Gloss render of Mutable Image

I used the JuicyPixel library for generating a rendered image and the gloss library for a live preview.

The piece of code below causes a Space Leak

viewportRenderer :: Viewport Picture
viewportRenderer = do
  eventText <- Color [rgb|#FFFFFF|] . scale 0.1 0.1 . Text . show . _lastEvent <$> get

  viewportLoc' <- gets _viewportLoc
  viewportScale' <- gets _viewportScale
  image <- gets _renderedImage >>= unsafeFreezeImage
  let viewport =
        Color [rgb|#323232|] $
          unV2 translate viewportLoc' $
            join scale viewportScale' $
              fromImageRGBA8 image
  return (Pictures [viewport, eventText])

Some additional context:

type RenderedImage = MutableImage RealWorld PixelRGBA8
data ViewportState = ViewPortState
  { _lastEvent :: Event
  , _viewportScale :: !Float
  , _viewportOrigin :: V2 Float
  , _viewportLoc :: V2 Float
  , _repeatActions :: [(Event -> Bool, StateT ViewportState IO ())]
  -- ^ Actions that get repeated until (Event -> Bool) returns True
  , _renderedImage :: !RenderedImage

makeLenses ''ViewportState

type Viewport a = StateT ViewportState IO a
-- Uses lazy StateT

initialViewPortState :: RenderedImage -> ViewportState
initialViewPortState image =
    { _lastEvent = EventResize (0, 0) -- Sentinel value
    , _viewportScale = 1
    , _viewportOrigin = 0
    , _viewportLoc = 0
    , _repeatActions = []
    , _renderedImage = image
viewWindow :: RenderedImage -> IO ()
viewWindow !image = do
    (InWindow "Reticule-Minor viewport" (400, 300) (100, 100))
    (initialViewPortState image)
    (fmap fst . runStateT viewportRenderer)
    (\event -> fmap snd . runStateT (eventHandler event))
    (\t -> fmap snd . runStateT (timeHandler t))
renderer :: RenderedImage -> IO ()
renderer image = do
  forM_ [0..399] \x -> forM_ [0..299] \y -> do
    let r = floor @Float $ (fromIntegral x / 399) * 255
        g = floor @Float $ (fromIntegral y / 299) * 255
    writePixel image x y (PixelRGBA8 r g 255 255)
    threadDelay 10

main :: IO ()
main = do
  image <- createMutableImage 400 300 (PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 0) >>= newIORef
  _ <- forkIO $ renderer image
  V.viewWindow image (Repo containing the whole codebase)

The idea is to have a MutableImage be continually written to by renderer forked in the background and to have viewportRenderer display the result every frame. Though as said, viewportRenderer causes a space leak. I'm wondering if this can be fixed by modifying Strictness or if I should probably utilize another Data Structure for passing the image.

I wouldnt really call it "best practice" but I don't really need to deal with having race conditions here.

Edit: I did some profiling which resulted in the following results. Heap Profile

Allocation report graph

With the profiler output being:

The results are admittedly quite surprising, with createMutableImage being responsible for most of the allocations.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 97

Answers (1)


Reputation: 111

Solved the issue, apparently it's because the gloss-juicy function I used continually cached the image each frame. It is implemented as:

fromImageRGBA8 :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> Picture
fromImageRGBA8 (Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h, imageData = id }) =
  bitmapOfForeignPtr w h
                     (BitmapFormat TopToBottom PxRGBA)
                     ptr True
    where (ptr, _, _) = unsafeToForeignPtr id

So I just copied it and set the Bool argument to bitmapOfForeignPtr to False.

Upvotes: 4

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