Reputation: 901
I'm working through a DNS message parser. I have defined the following using megaparsec
data DNSHeader = DNSHeader
{ hid :: !Word16,
hflags :: !Word16,
hnumQuestions :: !Word16,
hnumAnswers :: !Word16,
hnumAuthorities :: !Word16,
hnumAdditionals :: !Word16
deriving stock (Show)
-- >>> _debugBuilderOutput $ header2Bytes (DNSHeader 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-- "000100020003000400050006"
header2Bytes :: DNSHeader -> Builder
header2Bytes h =
word16BE (hid h)
<> word16BE (hflags h)
<> word16BE (hnumQuestions h)
<> word16BE (hnumAnswers h)
<> word16BE (hnumAuthorities h)
<> word16BE (hnumAdditionals h)
parseHeader :: M.Parsec Void B.ByteString DNSHeader
parseHeader =
<$> M.word16be
<*> M.word16be
<*> M.word16be
<*> M.word16be
<*> M.word16be
<*> M.word16be
data DNSQuestion = DNSQuestion
{ qname :: B.ByteString,
qtype :: !Word16,
qclass :: !Word16
deriving stock (Show)
parseQuestion :: M.Parsec Void B.ByteString DNSQuestion
parseQuestion =
<$> decodeDNSNameSimple
<*> M.word16be
<*> M.word16be
decodeDNSNameSimple :: M.Parsec Void B.ByteString B.ByteString
decodeDNSNameSimple = do
len <- M.word8
if len == 0
then pure mempty
else do
name <- B.pack <$> replicateM (fromIntegral len) M.word8
rest <- decodeDNSNameSimple
pure $ name <> (if B.null rest then mempty else "." <> rest)
data DNSRecord = DNSRecord
{ rname :: B.ByteString,
rtype :: !Word16,
rclass :: !Word16,
rttl :: !Word32,
rdataLength :: !Word16,
rdata :: B.ByteString
deriving stock (Show)
parseRecord :: M.Parsec Void B.ByteString DNSRecord
parseRecord = do
name <- decodeDNSName
rtype <- M.word16be
rclass <- M.word16be
rttl <- M.word32be
rdataLength <- M.word16be
rdata <- B.pack <$> replicateM (fromIntegral rdataLength) M.word8
pure $ DNSRecord name rtype rclass rttl rdataLength rdata
decodeDNSName :: M.Parsec Void B.ByteString B.ByteString
decodeDNSName = do
len <- M.word8
if len == 0
then pure mempty
if (len .&. 0b1100_0000) == 0b1100_0000
then decodeCompressedDNSName len
else do
name <- B.pack <$> replicateM (fromIntegral len) M.word8
rest <- decodeDNSName
pure $ name <> (if B.null rest then mempty else "." <> rest)
decodeCompressedDNSName :: Word8 -> M.Parsec Void B.ByteString B.ByteString
decodeCompressedDNSName l = do
offset' <- M.word8
let bytes = ((fromIntegral l :: Word16) .&. 0b0011_1111) `shiftL` 8
pointer = bytes .|. (fromIntegral offset' :: Word16)
currentPos <- M.getOffset
-- TODO: get to the offset defined by pointer (considering the whole input)
-- M.setOffset (fromIntegral pointer) ???
result <- decodeDNSName
M.setOffset currentPos
pure result
parseDNSResponse :: M.Parsec Void B.ByteString (DNSHeader, DNSQuestion, DNSRecord)
parseDNSResponse = do
header <- parseHeader
question <- parseQuestion
record <- parseRecord
pure (header, question, record)
I'm currently stuck in the last function of the Record section, which handles possible compression (len == 0b1100_0000
). I need to consider the whole input when moving the offset, and when I get to the third parser part of the input has already been consumed, so I reach end of input early and the parsing fails. Doing a M.lookAhead
of the 2 first parsers would require going back and forth with the offsets. I have tried a few things without success and I'm getting a bit lost. Am I in the right direction here? Do you have a recommendation?
This is the example I'm trying to parse:
_exampleResponse :: B.ByteString
_exampleResponse = Base16.decodeLenient "e35d8180000100010000000003777777076578616d706c6503636f6d0000010001c00c000100010000508900045db8d822"
Header and question parsing works otherwise.
I could consider moving to other methods or parsers (attoparsec
, etc) if they have an API more aligned with my use case, so feel free to suggest alternatives.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 69
Reputation: 901
Turns out you can do this with megaparsec
, as it allows manipulating parser state without consuming the inputs in the process. Not sure if there are other alternatives that offer this.
Calling getInput
at the very beginning of your parser gives the whole input, to which you can then apply a modified parseRecord
so you can modify the parser input mid-parsing, do what you need, and then restore the previous state:
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as M
type DNSParser a = M.Parsec Void B.ByteString a -- For readability
parseDNSPacket :: DNSParser DNSPacket
parseDNSPacket = do
fullInput <- M.getInput -- 1. Get input to this parser
let parseRecord' = parseRecord fullInput -- 2. Apply the parser to it
header <- parseHeader
-- ...
answers <- replicateM (fromIntegral $ hnumAnswers header) parseRecord'
-- ... ...
parseRecord :: B.ByteString -> DNSParser DNSRecord
parseRecord fullInput = do
name <- decodeDNSName fullInput
-- ... ...
decodeDNSName :: B.ByteString -> DNSParser B.ByteString
decodeDNSName input = do
len <- M.word8
-- ...
if (len .&. 0b1100_0000) == 0b1100_0000
then decodeCompressedDNSName input len
else do
-- ... ...
decodeCompressedDNSName :: B.ByteString -> Word8 -> DNSParser B.ByteString
decodeCompressedDNSName input len = do
offset' <- fromIntegral <$> M.word8
let bytes = ((fromIntegral len :: Word16) .&. 0b0011_1111) `shiftL` 8
pointer = fromIntegral (bytes .|. offset')
currentPos <- M.getOffset -- 3. Save the current input
M.setInput input -- 4. Set input to the argument `i`
M.skipCount pointer M.word8 -- 5. Perform the full input parsing
name <- decodeDNSName input
M.setInput currentInput -- 6. Restore the previous input
pure name -- 7. Profit!
Now it passes simple lookup tests!
Upvotes: 1