

Is my MIPS program correct?

Write a MIPS program that generates and adds up all even numbers from 1 to 100.

And this is what I wrote:
    li      $t0, 0               # clear register $t0 to zero
    li      $t4, 0               # clear register $t4 to zero
    add     $t0, $t0, 2          # generating even numbers in register $t0
    add     $t4, $t4, $t0        #  compute the sume
    bne     $t0, 100, loop       # if t0 reached 100 then go to loop.
    b endloop                    # branch to endloop
    li      $v0, 10              # terminate program run and
    syscall                      # Exit 

Is this correct?

Upvotes: 5

Views: 40357

Answers (4)


Reputation: 92795

I just completed my MIPs assembly class and I have a suggestion for you: Don't use PC Spim!

I've used PC Spim, Mars, and Qemu and the best for general course work is the Mars (Mips Assembler and Runtime Simulator). The editor is nice, it crashes a lot less and it allows you to easily debug and set breakpoints. It is free, open source and created by Missouri State University.

It comes as a .jar file so you can run it on both Windows and Linux. alt text
[Mars Mips Emulator]

In the general case, an easy way to tell if a number is even or odd is to AND (bitwise) 1 with the number and if the result is 0 then the number is even.

However, since we want all the even numbers in a series we can just loop and increment our number by 2 like you did in your posted code.

When adding an immediate value you should use "addi" or "addu" instructions, not "add". You also said you wanted to put the result in register $r12 but this is not a valid MIPs register. Check out MIPs wikipedia link to see a list of all the registers: MIPS - Register Usage.

I've modified your program to work correctly. It stores the final result in $t1 and then prints the final result.

                .globl main
    li      $t0, 0               # $t0 = loop counter
    li      $t1, 0               # $t1 = sum of even numbers
    addi    $t0, $t0, 2          # generating even numbers in register $t0
    add     $t1, $t1, $t0        #  compute the sum
    bne     $t0, 100, loop       # if t0 reached 100 then go to loop.

    li      $v0, 4
    la      $a0, result
    syscall                      # print out "Sum = "

    li      $v0, 1
    move    $a0, $t1
    syscall                      # print out actual sum

    li      $v0, 10              # terminate program run and
    syscall                      # Exit 

result:         .asciiz "Sum = "

After running this in Mars I get the following:

Sum = 2550
-- program is finished running --

Upvotes: 10


Reputation: 45104

Code looks ok. As cunwold said, the "b endloop" is unnecesary, since the branch target is the first branch (bne...) fallthrough. There is one mistake though.

You are using the same instruction (add) in two different ways. The instruction

add $t0,$t0,2

should be

addiu $t0,$t0,2

Since you are adding an inmediate, not two registers.

So, here it goes. I replaced the syscall part with an actual return to a function (value returns in $v0 register).

Hope it helps.

File main.c

#include <stdio.h>

extern int addEven();

int main(){

        return 0;

File addEven.S (assembly)

#include <mips/regdef.h>

   * int addEven();
   * Adds even numbers between 0 and 100.
   * 0 + 2 + 4 + 6 +....+100 = 2550

        .align 2
        .globl addEven

        li      t0,0            # clear register $t0 to zero
        li      t4,0            # clear register $t4 to zero
        addiu   t0, t0,2          # generating even numbers in register $t0
        add     t4, t4,t0          #  compute the sume (R12 = t4)
        bne     t0, 100, loop      # if t0 reached 100 then go to loop.
        move    v0,t4
        jr      ra

I compiled and linked these files. Here it goes.

root@:~/stackoverflow# gcc -c -g addEven.S
root@:~/stackoverflow# gcc -c -g main.c
root@:~/stackoverflow# gcc main.o addEven.o -o prog 
root@:~/stackoverflow# ./prog 

Upvotes: 1

Corey Sunwold
Corey Sunwold

Reputation: 10254

You should be able to use SPIM yourself. Also the line "b endloop" is unnecessary because if you don't branch back up to the top of loop the program will "fall into" endloop.

Download SPIM here:

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 193

Try this emulator. When I took Computer Organization, I used SPIM and it was fairly easy to use. You can also find tutorials on MIPS online. Remember, Google is your friend.

Upvotes: 0

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