Reputation: 135
I am trying to implement lottie animation in a WinUI 3 app. Previously it was implemented in UWP. Where I used AnimatedVisualPlayer from Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls and LottieVisualSource from Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Lottie. The code snippet is shown here,
<AnimatedVisualPlayer Stretch="None">
<LottieVisualPlayer UriSource="AnimatedImage.json" />
But in WinUI3 I cannot find any alternate for AnimatedVisualPlayer. Is there any alternate way to use Lottie Animation in WinUI 3?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 640
Reputation: 1
I cant tell with the image you sent but I think you forgot to set "Build Action" as "Content" in the properties window.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13203
You should need to install the CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Lottie NuGet package.
<AnimatedVisualPlayer x:Name="LottiePlayer">
<lottie:LottieVisualSource x:Name="LottieJsonSource" UriSource="ms-appx:///AnimatedVisuals/LottieLogo1.json"/>
Upvotes: 2