Nabeel Qaiser
Nabeel Qaiser

Reputation: 11

Hibernate's Envers equivalent for golang (GORM) for auditing

We want a track the history of operations (audits) on all the entries of various tables in the database (PostgreSQL). The programming language is golang with GORM ( ) as ORM.

Basically capturing the CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE operations on the tables in a separate (say audit_logs) table.

The desired schema of audit_logs table is:

Such functionality is available in Hibernate's enver ( ).

However, for golang's GORM there isn't any such functionality.

Has anyone landed up on such requirement in golang. If yes, what was the approach or any solution was found/built? Any leads would be helpful.

We've tried registering the hooks on gorm.DB object.

say object for audit_log is

import (

type AuditLog struct {
    EntityClass  string `gorm:"column:entity_class"`
    EntityID     string `gorm:"column:entity_id"`
    Action       string `gorm:"column:action"`
    ActionTaker  string `gorm:"column:action_taker"`
    PrevData     interface{} `gorm:"column:prev_data"`
    CurData      interface{} `gorm:"column:cur_data"`
    At           time.Time `gorm:"column:at"`

Now, in initialisation function of database, registered the hooks

    _ = db.AutoMigrate(&AuditLog{})  // creating the table if not exists

    _ = db.Callback().Create().After("gorm:create").Register("audit_log:create", auditLogCreateCallback)
    _ = db.Callback().Update().After("gorm:update").Register("audit_log:update", auditLogUpdateCallback)
    _ = db.Callback().Delete().After("gorm:delete").Register("audit_log:delete", auditLogDeleteCallback)

And defined the respective functions, eg,

func auditLogCreateCallback(db *gorm.DB) {
    if db.Error != nil {

    entityName := db.Statement.Table

    // here we need to extract the information from db.Statement object (OR other location if required)
    // basically we need EntityID, PrevData and CurData here
    // but db.Statement.Dest or db.Statement.Model both contains data indifferent forms in different situation (eg, sometimes updated via map, sometimes via model itself). Also, incase of bulk inserts / conditional edits (eg, update product's discount where product category is 'xyz') the data is stored different in the db.Statement model.

    usernameInterface := db.Statement.Context.Value(constant.UserId)
    username, _ := usernameInterface.(string)

    auditLog := AuditLog{
        EntityClass:  entityName,
        EntityID:     "<id here>",
        Action:       "CREATE",
        ActionTaker:  username,
        PrevData:     "<json dump of prev data>",
        CurData:      "<json dump of cur data>",
        At:           time.Now(),


Upvotes: 1

Views: 720

Answers (1)

I have created an audit log using that callback function. I have made an audit_log table in the same database but it's not working then I made an audit_log table separate database it's worked fine

here are code samples


type AuditLog struct {

    UserID      uuid.UUID `json:"user_id"`
    UserEmail   string    `json:"user_email"`
    UserName    string    `json:"user_name"`
    PhcID       uuid.UUID `json:"phc_id"`
    Role        string    `json:"role"`
    EventName   string    `json:"event_name"`
    Action      string    `json:"action"`
    EntityID    string    `json:"entity_id"`
    EntityModel string    `json:"entity_model"`
    OldData     string    `json:"old_data"`
    NewData     string    `json:"new_data"`
    Diff        string    `json:"diff"`
    Domain      string    `json:"domain"`

this function for register callbacks

func RegisterAuditLogCallbacks(db *gorm.DB) {
    db.Callback().Create().After("gorm:create").Register("audit_log_create", logCreate)
    db.Callback().Update().Before("gorm:update").Register("audit_log_update", logUpdate)


logging functions


// logCreate callback
func logCreate(db *gorm.DB) {

    // Check if the audit log flag is set
    if db.Statement.Context.Value(auditLogFlagKey) != nil {
        return // Skip logging if already inside audit log creation

    if db.Statement.Schema != nil {
        // Get the primary key value
        var entityID interface{}
        if db.Statement.Schema != nil && db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField != nil {
            entityID, _ = db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue)

        if db.Statement.Table == "audit_logs" {

        userID := user_id
        role := user_role

        newData := make(map[string]interface{})
        newJSON, _ := json.Marshal(db.Statement.Model)
        json.Unmarshal(newJSON, &newData)

        //remove password from audit log ,I do this because encripted passwords can be expose :)
        delete(newData, "password")
        delete(newData, "Password")

        newJSON, err := json.Marshal(newData)
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error("Error marshalling new data: ", err)

        createAuditLogEntry(db, userID, role, "Create Event", "CREATE", db.Statement.Table, entityID, nil, newJSON)


func logUpdate(db *gorm.DB) {
    // Check if the audit log flag is set
    if db.Statement.Context.Value(auditLogFlagKey) != nil {
        return // Skip logging if already inside audit log creation

    if db.Statement.Schema != nil {

        var entityID interface{}

        if db.Statement.Schema != nil && db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField != nil {
            entityID, _ = db.Statement.Schema.PrioritizedPrimaryField.ValueOf(db.Statement.Context, db.Statement.ReflectValue)

        if db.Statement.Table == "audit_logs" {

        userID := user_id
        role := user_role

        var oldData map[string]interface{}
        db.Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true}).Table(db.Statement.Table).Where("id = ?", entityID).Find(&oldData)
        newData := make(map[string]interface{})
        newJSON, _ := json.Marshal(db.Statement.Model)
        json.Unmarshal(newJSON, &newData)

        // Fetch the old data from the database

        //remove password from audit log
        delete(newData, "password")
        delete(newData, "Password")
        delete(oldData, "password")

        oldJSON, err := json.Marshal(oldData)
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error("Error marshalling old data: ", err)

        newJSON, err = json.Marshal(newData)
        if err != nil {
            logrus.Error("Error marshalling new data: ", err)

        createAuditLogEntry(db, userID, role, "Update Event", "UPDATE", db.Statement.Table, entityID, oldJSON, newJSON)



function for save audit log

const auditLogFlagKey = "audit_log"

// createAuditLogEntry creates a log entry in the AuditLog table.
func createAuditLogEntry(db *gorm.DB, userID uuid.UUID, role, eventName, action, entityModel string, entityID interface{}, oldData,
    newData []byte) {

    // Check if the flag is already set in the context, to avoid recursive logging
    if db.Statement.Context.Value(auditLogFlagKey) != nil {
        // If the flag is set, skip creating the audit log entry

    var diffJSON []byte

    if newData != nil {

        // Optionally, you can calculate the diff here
        diffJSON = calculateDiff(oldData, newData)

    auditLog := AuditLog{
        UserID:      userID,
        Role:        role,
        EventName:   eventName,
        Action:      action,
        EntityID:    fmt.Sprintf("%v", entityID),
        EntityModel: entityModel,
        OldData:     string(oldData),
        NewData:     string(newData),
        Diff:        string(diffJSON),
        UserEmail:   user_email,
        UserName:    user_name,
        PhcID:       phc_id,
        Domain:      domain,

    // Set the flag in the context to avoid infinite loop
    newCtx := context.WithValue(db.Statement.Context, auditLogFlagKey, true)
    db = db.WithContext(newCtx)

    // time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

    // Create the audit log entry

and I create this extra functions for normalize keys and get diff

func convertToSnakeCase(str string) string {
    // Compile a regex to find capital letters and replace with _<lowercase>
    var matchFirstCap = regexp.MustCompile("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)")
    var matchAllCap = regexp.MustCompile("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])")

    // Insert underscore before the capital letters
    snake := matchFirstCap.ReplaceAllString(str, "${1}_${2}")
    snake = matchAllCap.ReplaceAllString(snake, "${1}_${2}")

    // Convert to lowercase
    return strings.ToLower(snake)

// NormalizeKeys converts all keys in a map to snake_case
func normalizeKeys(data map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
    normalized := make(map[string]interface{})
    for key, value := range data {
        // Convert each key to snake_case
        snakeKey := convertToSnakeCase(key)
        normalized[snakeKey] = value
    return normalized

func calculateDiff(oldData, newData []byte) []byte {
    diffMap := make(map[string]interface{})

    oldMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    newMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    json.Unmarshal(oldData, &oldMap)
    json.Unmarshal(newData, &newMap)

    oldMap = normalizeKeys(oldMap)
    newMap = normalizeKeys(newMap)

    // fmt.Println("👉️ Old Map: ", oldMap)
    // fmt.Println("👉️ New Map: ", newMap)

    for key, value := range oldMap {
        if key == "password" {
        if newMap[key] != value {
            diffMap[key] = map[string]interface{}{
                "old": value,
                "new": newMap[key],

    diffJSON, _ := json.Marshal(diffMap)

    return diffJSON


Upvotes: 2

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