
Reputation: 106

MPI_Scatterv from Intel MPI (mpiifort) using MPI data types is much slower (23 times) compared to flattening array and scattering. Why it could be?

ifort version: (IFORT) 2021.8.0 20221119 OS: WSL Ubuntu 20.04LTS

  1. I have a (1000x1000x1000) 3D array to distribute among procs. In the first approach, I flatten the array and then distribute arrays among procs and it takes about 7.86sec

  2. In the second approach I use MPI-derived data types to Scatterv the 3D array and I noticed that it takes about 165.34sec. But Gatherv of the same data took about 14.24 sec.

  3. What could be the reason for this inconsistency? I expected Scatterv to take similar time as Gatherv

Here is the code

program ex_scatterv
  use mpi
  use iso_fortran_env, only : real64
  implicit none

!allocate arrays
  real(real64), allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) :: array, array_local
  real(real64), allocatable,dimension(:) :: array_flat, array_local_flat
  integer :: rank, num_procs, i, j, k
  integer :: nx, ny, nz, str_idx, end_idx, local_size, local_size_flat
  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: sendcounts, displacements
  integer :: sizes(3), sub_sizes(3), starts(3), recv_starts(3), recv_sizes(3), &
    send_type, resize_send_type, recv_type, resize_recv_type
  integer(kind=8) :: lb, extent, lb_resize
  real(real64) :: start_time
  integer :: mpierr
  call mpi_init(mpierr)
  call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, num_procs, mpierr)
  call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, rank, mpierr)

!size of array

  if(rank==0) then
    if(num_procs>nx) then
      print*, "Number of procs should be less than or equal to first dimension of the array"
      call MPI_Abort(mpi_comm_world, 1, mpierr)

!allocate in the root rank
  if(rank==0) then
  else !for other procs allocate with zero size

!assign values to the array
  if(rank==0) then
    do k=1,nz
      do j=1,ny
        do i=1,nx
          array(i,j,k) = (i-1)+(j-1)*nx+(k-1)*nx*ny
        end do
      end do
    end do
!print*, "Before scattering..."
!print*, array
!flatten the 3D array
    forall(k=1:nz, j=1:ny, i=1:nx) array_flat(k+(j-1)*nz+(i-1)*ny*nz)=array(i,j,k)

!distribute the 3d array among different procs
  call distribute_points(nx, rank, num_procs, str_idx, end_idx)
  local_size = end_idx - str_idx + 1
  local_size_flat = local_size*ny*nz

!allocate local(for each rank) arrays
  allocate(array_local(local_size, ny, nz))

!allocate sendcoutns and displacements arrays for braodcasting
  allocate(sendcounts(num_procs), displacements(num_procs))

!gather displacements and sendcounts for all ranks
  call MPI_Allgather(str_idx, 1, MPI_INTEGER, displacements, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
    MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
  call MPI_Allgather(local_size, 1, MPI_INTEGER, sendcounts, 1, &

!total sendcounts and displacements
  sendcounts = sendcounts*ny*nz
  displacements = displacements - 1 !Array index starts with 0 in MPI (C)
  displacements = displacements*ny*nz

!scatter the flattened array among procs
  call MPI_Scatterv(array_flat, sendcounts, displacements, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
    array_local_flat, local_size*ny*nz, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &

!form 3D array from flattened local array
  forall(k=1:nz, j=1:ny, i=1:local_size) array_local(i,j,k) = &

!print*, "Scattered array: ", rank
!print*, array_local
  if(rank==0) then
    print*, "Time taken by flatten and scatter: ", MPI_Wtime()-start_time

  call MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_world, mpierr)
!deallocate(array_flat, array_local_flat)

!Scatterning using subarray type
  sizes = [nx, ny, nz]
  recv_sizes=[local_size, ny, nz]
  sub_sizes = [1, ny, nz]
  starts = [0, 0, 0]
  recv_starts = [0, 0, 0]

!to get extent of MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
  call MPI_Type_get_extent(MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, lb, extent, mpierr)

!create a mpi subarray data type for sending data
  call MPI_Type_create_subarray(3, sizes, sub_sizes, starts, &
!resize the send subarray for starting at correct location for next send
  call MPI_Type_create_resized(send_type, lb_resize, extent, &
    resize_send_type, mpierr)
  call MPI_Type_commit(resize_send_type, mpierr)

!create a mpi subarray data type for receiving data
  call MPI_Type_create_subarray(3, recv_sizes, sub_sizes, recv_starts, &

!resize the receive subarray for starting at correct location for next receive
  call MPI_Type_create_resized(recv_type, lb_resize, extent, &
    resize_recv_type, mpierr)
  call MPI_Type_commit(resize_recv_type, mpierr)

!sendcounts and displacement for sending and receiving subarrays
  displacements = displacements/(ny*nz)

  if(rank==0) then
    print*, "Time taken for creating MPI type subarrays: ", MPI_Wtime()-start_time

  call MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_world, mpierr)
!scatter the subarrays
  call MPI_Scatterv(array, sendcounts, displacements, resize_send_type, &
    array_local, sendcounts, resize_recv_type, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)

  if(rank==0) then
    print*, "Time taken for scattering using MPI type subarrays: ", MPI_Wtime()-start_time
  call MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_world, mpierr)
!print the scattered array
!print*, "Scattered array with subarray: ", rank
!print*, array_local

!do some computations on the scattered local arrays
  array_local = array_local+1

  call MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_world, mpierr)
!Gather the local arrays to global (array) using the same subarrays
  call MPI_Gatherv(array_local, local_size, resize_recv_type, array, &
    sendcounts, displacements, resize_send_type, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)

  if(rank==0) then
    print*, "Time taken by MPI_Type_create_subarray Gathering: ", MPI_Wtime()-start_time

!if(rank==0) then
! print*, "Gathered array: ------------------"
! print*, array
  call MPI_Finalize(mpierr)


  subroutine distribute_points(npts, rank, size, start_idx, end_idx)
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: npts, size, rank
    integer, intent(out) :: start_idx, end_idx
    integer :: pts_per_proc

    pts_per_proc = npts/size

    if(rank < mod(npts, size)) then
      pts_per_proc=pts_per_proc + 1
    end if

    if(rank < mod(npts, size)) then
      start_idx = rank * pts_per_proc + 1
      end_idx = (rank + 1) * pts_per_proc
      start_idx = mod(npts, size) + rank*pts_per_proc + 1
      end_idx = mod(npts, size) + (rank + 1) * pts_per_proc
    end if

  end subroutine distribute_points
end program ex_scatterv

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Views: 151

Answers (1)

Victor Eijkhout
Victor Eijkhout

Reputation: 5810

There are many reasons why MPI datatypes can be slower than a user-level pack-and-send operation.

I have explored this in https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10778

  • Data types, unlike plain buffers, are not streamed straight from memory: they are read, written to a compact buffer, and then again read for sending. (If you have expensive network cards they may actually stream straight from memory, but don't count on that.) So there can be a bandwidth penalty on using derived types.
  • MPI may not send the whole message at once, for instance because it is reluctant to create really big internal buffers.
  • If you do your sends in a timing loop, you run into the fact that MPI is stateless, so it will repeatedly allocate and free its internal buffers.

In your specific case, the irregularity of your data, as pointed out by several commenters may also make your Scatterv inefficient.

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