Reputation: 1
I get this error:
undefined symbol: _ZN5boost6python15instance_holder8allocateEP7_objectmmm
which is basically undefined symbol: boost::python::instance_holder::allocate::object
How to solve that?
I am following the example for Bond in python here
It mentions all the parts needed except compiling the example.cpp
This is the my command for compilation
g++ \
-I/home/myuser/source/adhoc_experiments/python_bond_poc/real_boost/boost_1_82_0/boost/ \
-I/home/myuser/.conda/envs/archexperiments/include/python3.9/ \
-I/usr/local/include/bond/ \
-L/home/myuser/.conda/envs/archexperiments/lib \
-L/usr/local/lib/bond \
example_types.cpp \
example_apply.cpp \
example.cpp \
-fPIC \
-shared \
-lpython3 \
-lpython3.9 \
-lboost_system \
-lboost_python39 \
-lboost_thread \
-lbond \
-lbond_apply \
-Wl,-soname,example -export-dynamic \
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