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I want to study which variables are possible risk factors for the non-relapse mortality event variable in a sample of patients with a hematologic disease that received a stem cell transplant. I have created, first, univariate models with the different variables in order to study the effect separately and, after it, I have included the ones with a p value <= 0.20 in a multivariate cox regression model.
I have studied the residuals of the variables to check for the proportional hazard assumption. I have seen that for chronic GVHD variable the residuals follow a pattern and this is why I decided to consider this variable as time-dependent covariate.
Here the code used, in R, and the plots of the residuals for chronic GVHD:
# EICRc: chronic GVHD variable
# TRM: non-relapse mortality (a dummy variable where 1 represents the event)
# T_seguimiento: time until the event (in months)
# here the univariate cox regression model, with the EICRc variable as non-time-dependent variable.
TRM_cGVHD <- coxph(Surv(T_seguimiento, TRM) ~ EICRc, data = dat) <- cox.zph(TRM_cGVHD)
# I check for the proportional hazard assumption:
I can see that residuals follow a pattern, are not randomly distributed, and for this reason I decided to create a cox regression model with EICRc as a time-dependent covariate. Here the code:
##I use the tt() function of the survival package:
dat$EICRc <- relevel(as.factor(dat$EICRc), ref = "no")
TRM_cGVHD <- coxph(Surv(T_seguimiento, TRM) ~ tt(EICRc), data = dat)
coxph(formula = Surv(T_seguimiento, TRM) ~ EICRc, data = dat)
n= 226, number of events= 40
(1 observation deleted due to missingness)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
EICRcsi -0.8917 0.4100 0.3416 -2.61 0.00905 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
EICRcsi 0.41 2.439 0.2099 0.8008
Concordance= 0.651 (se = 0.028 )
Likelihood ratio test= 7.14 on 1 df, p=0.008
Wald test = 6.81 on 1 df, p=0.009
Score (logrank) test = 7.19 on 1 df, p=0.007
I want to know if I have created the time-dependent cox regression model correctly and which would be the possibles causes of this result. Chronic GVHD should be a risk factor for non-relapse mortality, but nevertheless, this result shows that is a favorable factor (HR= 0.41, pvalue <0.001).
Can someone help me?
Thank you very much :)
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