Reputation: 1
I tried to bring the data after retriving from the database but it isnt retriving the data as i need how to map the data so that i can get it in the required format
This is my repository
package repositories
class UserRepository @Inject()(val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext)extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile]{
import profile.api._
private val carts=TableQuery[Carts]
private val cart_items=TableQuery[Cart_items]
private val products=TableQuery[Products]
def customquery = {
val"""select c.cart_id,p.product_id,,p.price,mg.parent_model,mg.child_model from carts c
inner join cart_items ci on c.cart_id=ci.cart_id
inner join products p on ci.product_id = p.product_id
join model_group mg on mg.child_model=p.product_id""".as[cartData])
Here is my UserTable mapped with the original postgres database
package Dao
import Form.{User, cart_items, carts, products}
import slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile.api._
import slick.lifted.Tag
class Carts (tag: Tag) extends Table[carts](tag,"carts"){
def id = column[Int]("cart_id", O.PrimaryKey)
def user_id = column[Int]("user_id")
override def * = (id,user_id) <> (carts.tupled,carts.unapply)
class Cart_items (tag: Tag) extends Table[cart_items](tag,"cart_items"){
def cart_item_id = column[Int]("cart_item_id", O.PrimaryKey)
def cart_id = column[Int]("cart_id")
def product_id = column[Int]("product_id")
override def * = (cart_item_id,cart_id,product_id) <> (cart_items.tupled,cart_items.unapply)
class Products (tag: Tag) extends Table[products](tag,"products"){
def product_id = column[Int]("product_id", O.PrimaryKey)
def name= column[String]("name")
def price =column[Int]("price")
override def * = (product_id,name,price) <> (products.tupled,products.unapply)
This is my case classes defined for the custom data coming for query and mapping it
package Form
import slick.jdbc.GetResult
case class Users(id:Int,firstName:String,lastName:String,email:String,password:String)
case class carts(id:Int,userid:Int)
case class cart_items(id:Int,cartid:Int,productid:Int)
case class products(id:Int,name:String,price:Int)
case class inventories(id:Int,productid:Int,quantity:Int,storeid:Int)
case class store(id:Int,storename:String,quantityAvailable:Int,inventoryid:Int)
case class modelgroup(id:Int,parent_model:Int,child_model:Int,quantity:Int)
case class cartData(id:Int,products:Seq[products])
object cartData{
implicit val getCartResult = GetResult(
r => cartData(r.<<,Seq(products(r.<<, r.<<, r.<<))))
Here is my controller
package controllers
import Dao.Carts
import Form.{User, Users, cartData, products}
import javax.inject._
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import repositories.UserRepository
import play.api.libs.json
import play.api.libs.json.Format.GenericFormat
class HomeController @Inject()(val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents,userRepository: UserRepository)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext)extends BaseController {
implicit val usersWrites: Writes[Seq[Users]] = Writes.seq(Json.writes[Users])
import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Reads, Writes}
implicit val productFormat: Format[products] = Json.format[products]
implicit val cartDataFormat: Format[cartData] = Json.format[cartData]
def custom(): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async{ implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
val x = userRepository.customquery>Ok(Json.toJson(users)))
my output is coming like this
"id": 1,
"products": [
"id": 3,
"name": "COIRFIT Ortho Nirvana 5-Zone Pneumatic HR Foam 14 inch Queen Pocket Spring Mattress (L x W: 75 inch x 66 inch)",
"price": 190999
"id": 1,
"products": [
"id": 10,
"name": "Brown chair",
"price": 1020
But i need this type of output
"id": 1,
"products": [
"id": 3,
"name": "COIRFIT Ortho Nirvana 5-Zone Pneumatic HR Foam 14 inch Queen Pocket Spring Mattress (L x W: 75 inch x 66 inch)",
"price": 190999
"id": 10,
"name": "Brown chair",
"price": 1020
How should i get this ouput
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Views: 62
Reputation: 3468
You are using slick which is a Functional Relational Mapping for Scala. In this case, you choose to use Plain SQL Queries where you can write plain SQL as a String value and then map the result to some object. You have the interpolator sql
(the one you are using), sqlu
(used for DML statements which produce a row count instead of a result set) and tsql
(that adds type-checked sql statements).
One quick solution to what you have could be instead of doing
case class cartData(id: Int, products:Seq[products])
object cartData{
implicit val getCartResult = GetResult(
r => cartData(r.<<,Seq(products(r.<<, r.<<, r.<<)))
you can do
case class cartData(id: Int, product: products)
object cartData{
implicit val getCartResult = GetResult(
r => cartData(r.<<, products(r.<<, r.<<, r.<<))
Your plain SQL query will be the same.
val queryResult: Future[Vector[cartData]] =
sql"""SELECT c.cart_id,
FROM carts c
INNER JOIN cart_items ci ON c.cart_id=ci.cart_id
INNER JOIN products p ON ci.product_id = p.product_id
JOIN model_group mg ON mg.child_model=p.product_id"""
As you can see, the return type here is a Future[Vector[cartData]]
which means that we have a collection of cartData
. From there, you can call the method groupBy that will return a Map[K,V]
where K
will be the key that you use to group the elements of the collection and V
will be the same type of the collection that you have at the beginning.
case class cartDataGrouped(id: Int, products: Seq[products])
val desiredResult = for {
result <- queryResult
} yield {
.groupBy(cartDataRecord => // <- returns a Map[Int, cartData]
groupedValuesById => cartDataGrouped(groupedValuesById._1, => cartData.product)
) // <- here we are changing the type `Map[Int,cartData]` to `List[cartDataGrouped]` which is the desired output in your endpoint
I don't think this is a good approach. Doing this, you are populating a list (meaning that you are loading it in memory) with all the rows that the query returned, then you are applying an operation to group the elements based on some condition and again you are applying another operation to transform the result to what you want as an output of your endpoint. In a small collection this could be fine and you will not see any problem, but my main concern is that this code is not exactly readable and scalable. If you need to change the query or the objects you could end having some problems in runtime, but with the proper integration tests you will be able to caught everything before put the new code in production.
Slick offers the possibility to create objects that you can map to your schema. This lets you to work directly with scala objects instead of having to write plain SQL. You are already doing that when you declare
class Carts (tag: Tag) extends Table[carts](tag,"carts") {
// columns and projections for table `carts`
class Cart_items (tag: Tag) extends Table[cart_items](tag,"cart_items") {
// columns and projections for table `cart_items`
class Products (tag: Tag) extends Table[products](tag,"products") {
// columns and projections for table `products`
then you have these lines
private val carts=TableQuery[Carts]
private val cart_items=TableQuery[Cart_items]
private val products=TableQuery[Products]
From there, you can write type-safe queries for selecting, inserting, updating and deleting data with Slick’s Scala-based query API.
With those val
s you declare using TableQuery[A]
, you can do joins and many other sql operations directly from scala.
There are two ways of joining tables in slick:
In the following example I will use the second type:
sprivate val carts = TableQuery[Carts]
private val cart_items = TableQuery[Cart_items]
private val products = TableQuery[Products]
private val model_group = TableQuery[Model_Gruop] // you need to create this one
val query = for {
c <- carts_table
ci <- cart_items_table if === cit.cart_id
p <- products_table if cit.product_id === pt.product_id
mg <- model_group if mg.child_model === p.product_id
} yield (, p.product_id,, p.price, mg.parent_model, mg.child_model)
val queryWithTheDesiredOutput =
.map { resultSet =>
.groupBy(x => x._1) // `groupBy` will return a Tuple[K, Seq] where `K` in this case is the id of type Int
.map { groupedById => // groupedById is of type (Int, Seq[(...)])
id = groupedById._1, // the first element of the Tuple[Int, Seq] is the `id` that we use in the groupBy
products = => products(product._2, product._3, product._4)) // the second element of the tuple is the tuple that we produce in the `yield`
val expectedOutput =
As a side note, I suggest to adopt a convention to name the classes and objects. It will let you know easier what you have in the code and also it will help you others to understand your code (same case when you have to read your code again in a couple of days because you need to change something). It's also common to use a suffix that has some relation with the object. For example, a class that maps to a Table using that as a suffix, a class that maps to the row of that table you can use Row. For example:
case class CartRow(...) // instead of `carts`
class CartTable (tag: Tag) extends Table[CartRow](tag,"carts") // instead of `Carts`
val cartTableQuery = TableQuery[CartTable] // instead of `carts`
case class CartDataDTO(...) // instead of `cartsData`
Those names are just a suggestion based on the code provided in your question. I don't know anything about the project you are working on. You should think which naming convention is better for your case.
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