Reputation: 1
I want to perform an insert query with python using sparqlwrapper. But when I perform my query, I get an error message telling me that my query is malformed. I suspect the error to be some special accent character in French.
Here is what I did :
query="""PREFIX : <http://www.my_ontologie.owl>
:athlétisme :hasGender :Masculine;
:PartOfSpeech :CommonNoun;
:hasDefinition "discipline sportive regroupant les sports pratiqués dans un stade : course, saut, lancer...";
:hasFrenchPhoneticForm "ATLETISME";:hasCapitalForm "ATHLÉTISME".
Here is the error I get :
SPARQLWrapper.SPARQLExceptions.QueryBadFormed: QueryBadFormed: A bad request has been sent to the endpoint: probably the SPARQL query is badly formed.
b'MALFORMED QUERY: Lexical error at line 1, column 135. Encountered: "\\u00a9" (169), after : ""'
After some researches, I found out it was some encoding error and I tried to encode my query withquery.encode('utf-8')
or query.encode('unicode-escape')
but it gives me other encoding errors.
I looked into the documentation of Sparqlwrapper but I didn't find anything to help me. By the way, when I perform this request on graphDB in the SPARQL editor, the terms are added to the database without any issue.
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Views: 199
Reputation: 1
I think I solved the problem by putting the request in an f string and using the function quote()on the words but my database is now filled with words %C3%89 instead of "é" and %20 instead of spaces. And I was not able to reproduce the other error code but it was in the form b'MALFORMED QUERY: Lexical error at line 1, column 135. Encountered: "\" (169), after : ""'
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