Reputation: 9011
I have problem with performance and don't understand behaviour of EF. I use ASP.NET MVC application and have the following code in model:
public List<Portal> PortalListWithCategories()
List<Portal> q = new List<Portal>();
q = (from i in _dataContext.Portals.Include("Categories").Include("Ideas") where i.Categories.Count > 0 orderby i.DefaultPortal descending select i).ToList();
return q;
I call it from controller:
portalList = _repository.PortalListWithCategories();
as I understand, EF should execute batch request and return collection of portals with nested collections "Categories" and "Ideas".
But on view I have following:
@foreach (var category in portal.Categories.Where(n => n.Ideas.Count > 0 && n.Portals.Any(g => g.PortalID == portal.PortalID)))
if ((from e in category.Ideas where e.Portals.Any(t => t.PortalID == portal.PortalID) select e).Count() > 0)
string categoryLink = Url.RouteUrl("Full", new { PortalID = portal.PortalID, CategoryID = category.CategoryID, action = "Ideas" });
List<NEOGOV_Ideas.Models.Ideas> ideas = category.Ideas.Where(o => o.Portals.Any(p => p.PortalID == portal.PortalID) && o.Categories.Any(h => h.CategoryID == category.CategoryID)).OrderByDescending(k => k.CreatedDateTime).ToList();
<div class="grid_4">
<a href="@categoryLink">@category.CategoryName<span class="count_link"> (@ideas.Count())</span>
<span class="follow_link">»</span></a></h4>
@foreach (var idea in ideas.Take(3))
string ideaLink = Url.RouteUrl("IdeaShort", new { id = idea.IdeaID });
if (!idea.IdeaTypeReference.IsLoaded) { idea.IdeaTypeReference.Load(); }
string cssclass = " class=\"" + idea.IdeaType.TypeName.ToLower() + "\"";
<li><a href="@ideaLink" @cssclass>@idea.Title</a></li>
if (i == 2)
<div class="clear">
as I understand, I should not have new requests to DB, but I have and very many. Why?
I found that this string (from e in category.Ideas where e.Portals.Any(t => t.PortalID == portal.PortalID) select e).Count() generates many requests to DB like:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [Extent2].[PortalID] AS [PortalID], [Extent2].[PortalName] AS [PortalName], [Extent2].[DefaultPortal] AS [DefaultPortal] FROM [dbo].[PortalIdeas] AS [Extent1] INNER JOIN [dbo].[Portals] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[PortalID] = [Extent2].[PortalID] WHERE [Extent1].[IdeaID] = @EntityKeyValue1',N'@EntityKeyValue1 int',@EntityKeyValue1=5618
why it happens for Count() ?
second question how to make it correctly?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 599
Reputation: 18797
Because e.Portals
is not loaded and in your foreach
loop, EF has to have a round-trip to database to fetch Portals
for Idea.
You should Include Ideas
in your query too.
I have not tested this but I think you should add .Include("Ideas.Portals")
(or if you use EF 4.1, addusing System.Data.Entity
and use .Include(c => c.Ideas.Portals)
Upvotes: 1