Reputation: 200
Here's my Template Haskell code
objectGIDDeclaration :: String -> Integer -> Q [Dec]
objectGIDDeclaration dnameSTR gid = pure fDec
dname = dnameSTR <> "GID"
fDec = [fSig]
Sig = ValD fname objectType []
fname = VarP (mkName dname)
objectType = NormalB (AppE constructor value)
constructor = ConE (mkName "GID")
value = LitE (IntegerL gid)
This is what it does
objectGIDDeclaration "foo" 3
this creates a named value
GID {unGID = 3}
I have some other Template Haskell code
objectLabelDeclaration :: String -> Lexeme -> Q [Dec]
objectLabelDeclaration dnameSTR object = pure fDec
dname = dnameSTR <> "Label"
fDec = [fSig, value]
fSig = SigD fname objectType
vPattern = VarP (mkName dname)
value = ValD vPattern body []
constructor = ConE (mkName "ObjectLabel")
body = NormalB (AppE constructor lexeme)
lexeme = UnboundVarE (mkName (show object))
objectType = ConT (mkName "ObjectLabel")
fname = mkName dname
Here's what it does
objectLabelDeclaration "foo" CABINET
ghci> fooLabel ObjectLabel {_unObjectLabel = CABINET}
Here's what I would like to do but don't know how
mapM someFunction ["foo","bar","baz"]
the first value has the following type
newtype ObjectLabel
= ObjectLabel {_unObjectLabel :: Lexeme} deriving stock
the second value has the following type
newtype GID a = GID {unGID :: Int}
deriving stock (Show, Ord, Eq)
so I am looking to generate a [(ObjectLabel, GID Object)]
I did just try this
objectLabelDeclaration :: String -> Lexeme -> Q ([Dec],Name)
thinking it was the Name
I wanted. Is it? Should I figure out another way to capture the Name
tips tricks and suggestions welcome
Edit: I think I need an Exp
not a Q [Dec]
. Currently pulling that thread.
Edit: Don't think so
Upvotes: 2
Views: 79
Reputation: 50819
You don't have to take any special steps to capture names in Template Haskell code. Names created with mkName
are captured by default, as in the following example:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- foo = 42
$(pure [ValD (VarP (mkName "foo")) (NormalB (LitE (IntegerL 42))) []])
-- main = print foo
main = print $(pure (VarE (mkName "foo")))
So, it should be as simple as writing:
someFunction :: String -> Q Exp
someFunction tag
= pure $ TupE [Just (VarE (mkName label)), Just (VarE (mkName gid))]
where label = tag <> "Label"
gid = tag <> "GID"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 83517
If I understand your question correctly, one option is to simply apply your two functions to the input:
someFunction x = (objectLabelDeclaration x, objectGIDDeclaration x)
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