Reputation: 1141
Example Data
I have got the following survey dataset in R and need help with the conditional calculation of a specific new variable.
# Load package
# Important: set seed for replicability
# Create data: step 1
df <- tibble(
country = c(rep("A", 10), rep("B", 10)),
respondent_id = 1:20,
vote_choice = c(sample(c("PartyA", "PartyB", "PartyC"), 10, replace = TRUE),
sample(c("PartyD", "PartyE", "PartyF"), 10, replace = TRUE)),
ptv_1 = runif(20, min = 0, max = 1) %>% round(., 3),
ptv_2 = runif(20, min = 0, max = 1) %>% round(., 3),
ptv_3 = runif(20, min = 0, max = 1) %>% round(., 3)
# Create data: step 2
df <- df %>%
group_by(vote_choice, country) %>%
summarize(across(starts_with("ptv"), \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("ptv"), names_to = "party_to_ptv", values_to = "average_value") %>%
group_by(vote_choice, country) %>%
slice_max(order_by = average_value) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(average_value = NULL) %>%
right_join(., df, by = c("vote_choice", "country"))
# Inspect data
# A tibble: 20 × 7
vote_choice country party_to_ptv respondent_id ptv_1 ptv_2 ptv_3
<chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 PartyA A ptv_2 10 0.691 0.799 0.710
2 PartyB A ptv_3 4 0.544 0.233 0.810
3 PartyB A ptv_3 6 0.289 0.266 0.794
4 PartyB A ptv_3 7 0.147 0.858 0.440
5 PartyB A ptv_3 8 0.963 0.046 0.754
6 PartyC A ptv_1 1 0.994 0.369 0.274
7 PartyC A ptv_1 2 0.656 0.152 0.815
8 PartyC A ptv_1 3 0.709 0.139 0.449
9 PartyC A ptv_1 5 0.594 0.466 0.812
10 PartyC A ptv_1 9 0.902 0.442 0.629
11 PartyD B ptv_3 13 0.478 0.207 0.220
12 PartyD B ptv_3 16 0.318 0.895 0.352
13 PartyD B ptv_3 19 0.415 0.095 0.668
14 PartyD B ptv_3 20 0.414 0.384 0.418
15 PartyE B ptv_1 11 0.795 0.122 0.001
16 PartyE B ptv_1 12 0.025 0.561 0.475
17 PartyE B ptv_1 14 0.758 0.128 0.380
18 PartyF B ptv_2 15 0.216 0.753 0.613
19 PartyF B ptv_2 17 0.232 0.374 0.111
20 PartyF B ptv_2 18 0.143 0.665 0.244
Information on the variables:
encompasses 2 countries in my example df which each contain 10 respondents and a set of 3 distinct political parties respondents got to choose between at the last election (the real data also contain a variable year
which I did not include for the sake of simplicity)respondent_id
refers to the respondent in the survey dataset and demonstrates that the dataset is at respondent-level but can otherwise be ignoredvote_choice
denotes by name the party the respondent voted for at the last electionptv_1
, ptv_2
, and ptv_3
indicate for each party that is available the leaning of each respondent to this party (in the real data, respondents of course lean more strongly to the party they voted for); scale: 0-1
is a conversion list that indicates which party in vote_choice
corresponds to which ptv_*
columnProblem Description
I now need to calculate a set of (3) new variables called electoral_opportunites_*
where the asterisk is a placeholder for 1-3 refering to the three PTVs. The idea is to calculate the changes parties have of gaining new voters based on the favorable leaning of other parties' voters.
To do so, I need to calculate: 1 - (sqrt(PTV of party voted for) - sqrt(PTV of other party))
, the idea of which is to set the strength of support of one's own party in relation to a new party. For example, if a respondent strongly supports their own party, A, by PTV = 1.0, it doesn't really matter that much that they also lean to B by PTV = 0.4.
My problem with the calculation is the conditionality: I need to find rowwise for each respondent the PTV column value that corresponds to their party of choice (which may not be the highest PTV value in the row), and then subtract from it the square-rooted value of another column.
Manually, I would do it as follows for the example df.
Expected Outcome (for electoral_opportunities_1
df %>%
mutate(electoral_potential_1 =
# Subtract: PTV (party voted for) - PTV (PTV column 1)...
c(1 - ( sqrt(0.799) - sqrt(0.691) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.810) - sqrt(0.544) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.794) - sqrt(0.289) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.440) - sqrt(0.147) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.754) - sqrt(0.963) ),
NA, # ...unless they are both the same.
1 - ( sqrt(0.220) - sqrt(0.478) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.352) - sqrt(0.318) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.668) - sqrt(0.415) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.418) - sqrt(0.414) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.753) - sqrt(0.216) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.374) - sqrt(0.232) ),
1 - ( sqrt(0.665) - sqrt(0.143) )) ) -> df
As a minor detail, I would afterwards check if there are any values > 1 and cap them at 1, which means that if respondents are leaning more strongly to a party they did not actually vote for, said party will receive the highest score (1) in terms of its eletoral changes to pursuade that voter.
df %>%
mutate(electoral_opportunities_1 = ifelse(electoral_opportunities_1 > 1, 1, electoral_opportunities_1)) -> df
I cannot do all of this by hand. Hence I would be grateful for an efficient and tidy solution to calculate the electoral opportunities for individual PTV columns. I have tried many different approaches, including pivoting the df, none of which have worked so far. Taken together, the process is:
I just noticed that in the final df I would of course need the average electoral opportunity for each party in vote_choice, instead of three separate columns!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 55
Reputation: 1141
Okay, it is apparently more straight forward than I initially thought. Here is what I have done to solve the biggest part of the problem.
df %>%
mutate(ptv_v = case_when(party_to_ptv == "ptv_1" ~ ptv_1,
party_to_ptv == "ptv_2" ~ ptv_2,
party_to_ptv == "ptv_3" ~ ptv_3,
T ~ NA_real_)) %>%
mutate(electoral_opportunity_1 = ifelse(ptv_1 > ptv_v, 1, 1 - (sqrt(ptv_v) - sqrt(ptv_1)) ) %>% ifelse(party_to_ptv == "ptv_1", NA, .),
electoral_opportunity_2 = ifelse(ptv_2 > ptv_v, 1, 1 - (sqrt(ptv_v) - sqrt(ptv_2)) ) %>% ifelse(party_to_ptv == "ptv_2", NA, .),
electoral_opportunity_3 = ifelse(ptv_3 > ptv_v, 1, 1 - (sqrt(ptv_v) - sqrt(ptv_3)) ) %>% ifelse(party_to_ptv == "ptv_3", NA, .) ) -> df
Now I just need to get the average electoral opportunity for each party in vote_choice. It's tricky and I'm still triyng to figure out what I actually want. This is all a bit clumsy but I think it does what I want:
df %>%
mutate(opportunity = case_when( ~ mean(electoral_opportunity_1, na.rm = T), ~ mean(electoral_opportunity_2, na.rm = T), ~ mean(electoral_opportunity_3, na.rm = T),
T ~ NA_real_)) -> df
df %>%
group_by(vote_choice, country) %>%
summarize(opportunity = mean(opportunity, na.rm = T))
vote_choice country opportunity
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 PartyA A 0.706
2 PartyB A 0.779
3 PartyC A 0.830
4 PartyD B 0.779
5 PartyE B 0.830
6 PartyF B 0.706
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Reputation: 51592
Continuing form your solution,
df %>%
ptv_v = case_when(
party_to_ptv == "ptv_1" ~ ptv_1,
party_to_ptv == "ptv_2" ~ ptv_2,
party_to_ptv == "ptv_3" ~ ptv_3,
TRUE ~ NA_real_
opportunity_1 = ifelse(ptv_1 > ptv_v, 1, 1 - (sqrt(ptv_v) - sqrt(ptv_1))),
opportunity_2 = ifelse(ptv_2 > ptv_v, 1, 1 - (sqrt(ptv_v) - sqrt(ptv_2))),
opportunity_3 = ifelse(ptv_3 > ptv_v, 1, 1 - (sqrt(ptv_v) - sqrt(ptv_3))),
) %>%
mutate_at(vars(starts_with("opportunity")), ~ifelse(party_to_ptv == substr(., start = 14, stop = 18), NA, .)) %>%
group_by(vote_choice) %>%
summarise(avg_opportunity = mean(c(opportunity_1, opportunity_2, opportunity_3), na.rm = TRUE))
which now gives,
vote_choice avg_opportunity
<chr> <dbl>
1 PartyA 0.962
2 PartyB 0.813
3 PartyC 0.836
4 PartyD 0.937
5 PartyE 0.759
6 PartyF 0.816
Initial attempt
df %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("ptv"),
names_to = "ptv",
values_to = "ptv_value") %>%
group_by(respondent_id) %>%
mutate(voted_party_ptv = ptv_value[party_to_ptv == ptv]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(electoral_opportunity = ifelse(party_to_ptv != ptv,
pmin(1, 1 - (sqrt(voted_party_ptv) - sqrt(ptv_value))),
NA)) %>%
select(-c(voted_party_ptv, ptv_value)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = ptv,
values_from = electoral_opportunity,
names_prefix = "electoral_opportunity_") %>%
mutate(avg_electoral_opportunity = rowMeans(select(., starts_with("electoral_opportunity")), na.rm = TRUE))
which gives:
vote_choice country party_to_ptv respondent_id electoral_opportunity_ptv_1 electoral_opportunity_ptv_2 electoral_opportunity_pt…¹ avg_e…²
<chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 PartyA A ptv_2 10 0.937 NA 0.949 0.943
2 PartyB A ptv_3 4 0.838 0.583 NA 0.710
3 PartyB A ptv_3 6 0.647 0.625 NA 0.636
4 PartyB A ptv_3 7 0.720 1 NA 0.860
5 PartyB A ptv_3 8 1 0.346 NA 0.673
6 PartyC A ptv_1 1 NA 0.610 0.526 0.568
7 PartyC A ptv_1 2 NA 0.580 1 0.790
8 PartyC A ptv_1 3 NA 0.531 0.828 0.679
9 PartyC A ptv_1 5 NA 0.912 1 0.956
10 PartyC A ptv_1 9 NA 0.715 0.843 0.779
11 PartyD B ptv_3 13 1 0.986 NA 0.993
12 PartyD B ptv_3 16 0.971 1 NA 0.985
13 PartyD B ptv_3 19 0.827 0.491 NA 0.659
14 PartyD B ptv_3 20 0.997 0.973 NA 0.985
15 PartyE B ptv_1 11 NA 0.458 0.140 0.299
16 PartyE B ptv_1 12 NA 1 1 1
17 PartyE B ptv_1 14 NA 0.487 0.746 0.616
18 PartyF B ptv_2 15 0.597 NA 0.915 0.756
19 PartyF B ptv_2 17 0.870 NA 0.722 0.796
20 PartyF B ptv_2 18 0.563 NA 0.678 0.621
You can omit any columns you don't need
Upvotes: 1