Reputation: 105
I am trying to compute the turbulence density spectrum with a Welch periodogram. The results seem good but I do not manage to find the fluctuation of streamwise velocity that I am supposed to find when computing the integral of the spectrum.
Here is my code:
sr = 833.3 # Sampling rate i.e. samples per second (1/dt with dt=0.0012)
Nysquid = sr/2
# Perform Welch's periodogram with Hann window and 50% overlap
seg_len = 4
segment = int(seg_len * sr)
myhann = signal.get_window('hann', segment)
# obtain Power density with Hann window and 50% overlap
myparams2 = dict(fs = sr, nperseg = segment, window = myhann,
noverlap = segment/2, scaling = 'density', return_onesided=True)
# xdat is an array composed of the streamwise velocity at a given
# location and for many times.
freqn, xn = signal.welch(x = xdat, **myparams2)
I compute the velocity fluctuation from the measured data as:
U = xdat
U_std = np.std(U)
print("uu=", 0.5 * U_std**2)
I should be able to recover this value by integrating the spectrum but I do not succeed in it.
What is the expression I should you to recover the velocity fluctuation using the energy spectrum?
Thanks a lot
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