Reputation: 5925
I am working with the R programming language.
Suppose I have numbers: 2010,2011,2012,2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
My Question: I want to find out all possible pairs of these numbers where the difference is greater than 1. E.g. (2013-2010), (2019-2011), etc.
Currently, I am using a very clunky way to do this:
x = 2010:2020
grid = expand.grid(x,x)
grid$diff = grid$Var1 - grid$Var2
grid$condition = ifelse(grid$Var1 - grid$Var2 > 1, "yes", "no")
final = grid[grid$condition == "yes",]
Is there a more efficient way to do this?
For example, here I first generate all possible combinations and then eliminate the invalid combinations. This might be ineffective when there are a large number of numbers. Is there a better way to do this?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 183
Reputation: 360
In your problem, the objective is to obtain the combinations of numbers in the vector such that the difference of the pair is greater than 1, but you don't want to make unnecessary comparisons that waste processing time. While I like Ritchie Sacramento's answer for contiguous sequences, I wanted to provide an answer that can handle gaps in the sequence, unsorted sequences, and non-integer sequences. The only way I can think to make this more 'efficient' is to iterate over the sequence and gather all the numbers that are at least 1 greater than the current iterand.
In my approach, I first enforce the sequence is sorted. Then I loop over each element in the sequence and compare only the indices after the current one. If these meet the difference criteria, I add them to a running list of pairs. This assumes you don't have an repeated numbers, otherwise you might want to first run unique()
#' Find pairs in a sequence with a difference greater than a specified offset.
#' This function sorts the input sequence, and then iterates through the sorted sequence
#' to find pairs of numbers with a difference greater than the specified difference offset.
#' Pairs are returned in a matrix where pair[1] > pair[2].
#' @param x A numeric vector representing the input sequence.
#' @param differenceOffset A numeric value representing the minimum difference between pairs. Default is 1.
#' @return A matrix where each row represents a pair with a difference greater than the difference offset.
#' @examples
#' find_pairs(c(1,2,3,4,5)) # uses default differenceOffset of 1
#' find_pairs(c(2,4,6,8,10), 2)
find_pairs <- function(x, differenceOffset = 1) {
# sort the sequence
x_sorted <- sort(x)
len <- length(x_sorted)
# initialize a list to store the pairs
pairs <- list()
# iterate through the sorted sequence
for(current in 1:(len - 1)) {
# iterate and test the next index forward of the current
for(test in (current + 1):len) {
# if the difference is > differenceOffset, add the pair to the list
if(x_sorted[test] - x_sorted[current] > differenceOffset) {
# flip the order to put pair[1] > pair[2] in the output
pairs <- c(pairs, list(c(x_sorted[test], x_sorted[current])))
# convert the list to a matrix, pairs)
Here's a couple examples of the usage.
# unsorted example
> find_pairs(c(4,3,2,5,1))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 3 1
[2,] 4 1
[3,] 5 1
[4,] 4 2
[5,] 5 2
[6,] 5 3
# use difference offset of >2
> find_pairs(c(1,2,3,4,5), 2)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 4 1
[2,] 5 1
[3,] 5 2
# your example
> find_pairs(2010:2020)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 2012 2010
[2,] 2013 2010
[3,] 2014 2010
[4,] 2015 2010
[5,] 2016 2010
[6,] 2017 2010
[7,] 2018 2010
[8,] 2019 2010
[9,] 2020 2010
[10,] 2013 2011
[40,] 2018 2016
[41,] 2019 2016
[42,] 2020 2016
[43,] 2019 2017
[44,] 2020 2017
[45,] 2020 2018
# gap example
> find_pairs(c(1:2, 6:8))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 6 1
[2,] 7 1
[3,] 8 1
[4,] 6 2
[5,] 7 2
[6,] 8 2
[7,] 8 6
# non-integer example
> find_pairs(seq(1, 3, by = 0.25), 1)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 2.25 1.00
[2,] 2.50 1.00
[3,] 2.75 1.00
[4,] 3.00 1.00
[5,] 2.50 1.25
[6,] 2.75 1.25
[7,] 3.00 1.25
[8,] 2.75 1.50
[9,] 3.00 1.50
[10,] 3.00 1.75
In terms of time complexity, the solution above might have a total time complexity [O(n log n + n)] less than your solution using expand.grid
[O(n^2)] for long vectors.
jblood94's answer with benchmarking showed the above approach was not really efficient at all. In the original function, find_pairs
, I attempted to spell the process out as explicitly as possible, which led to considerable computational overhead. It is often a fun challenge to write complicated one-liners that are the fast and flashy, but this is almost always at the cost of being almost entirely illegible post hoc. Of course, using a package like data.table
that is designed specifically for optimizing this kind of problem would be the best solution. But, maintaining the same integrity of clear and concise code, and using base R, I submit a revision below in find_pairs.2
In this version I follow a similar thread, but I make a few optimizations. First, I allocate a large matrix for the pairs rather than an empty list. Though this is less memory efficient, it appears to affect the timing. Second, I utilize a while-loop to find the the first index whose value exceeds the differenceOffset
. Once we find this index, and because we have sorted the array, we know all values including and beyond it must be greater than differenceOffset
. I then simply set the current value (through scalar expansion) alongside the the values larger than our test condition directly into the matrix into the next available positions (determined by a pair_count
er). Finally, I return trimmed matrix.
find_pairs.2 <- function(x, differenceOffset = 1) {
# sort the sequence
x <- sort(x)
len <- length(x)
# initialize a matrix to store the pairs
# assume that in the worst case, we have len*(len-1)/2 pairs
max_pairs <- len * (len - 1) / 2
pairs <- matrix(nrow = max_pairs, ncol = 2)
# initialize a counter for the number of pairs found
pair_count <- 0
# iterate through the sorted sequence
for (current in 1:(len - 1)) {
# find the first index (test) that is strictly greater than differenceOffset
test <- current + 1
while (test <= len && x[test] - x[current] <= differenceOffset) {
test <- test + 1
# if test is within bounds, add all pairs from test to len to the matrix
if (test <= len) {
num_new_pairs <- len - test + 1
pairs[(pair_count + 1):(pair_count + num_new_pairs), 1] <- x[test:len]
pairs[(pair_count + 1):(pair_count + num_new_pairs), 2] <- x[current]
pair_count <- pair_count + num_new_pairs
# trim unused slots in the matrix
return(pairs[1:pair_count, ])
If you really want to speed up your calculations, you can use the Rcpp
package and compile a C++ version of the new solution (benchmarked below).
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix find_pairs_cpp(NumericVector x, int differenceOffset = 1) {
// Sort the sequence
std::sort(x.begin(), x.end());
int len = x.size();
// Initialize a matrix to store the pairs
// Assume that in the worst case, we have len*(len-1)/2 pairs
int max_pairs = len * (len - 1) / 2;
NumericMatrix pairs(max_pairs, 2);
// Initialize a counter for the number of pairs found
int pair_count = 0;
// Iterate through the sorted sequence
for (int current = 0; current < len - 1; ++current) {
// Find the first index (test) that is strictly greater than differenceOffset
int test = current + 1;
while (test < len && x[test] - x[current] <= differenceOffset) {
// If test is within bounds, add all pairs from test to len to the matrix
if (test < len) {
int num_new_pairs = len - test;
for (int j = 0; j < num_new_pairs; ++j) {
pairs(pair_count + j, 0) = x[test + j];
pairs(pair_count + j, 1) = x[current];
pair_count += num_new_pairs;
// Trim unused slots in the matrix
NumericMatrix result = pairs(Range(0, pair_count - 1), _);
return result;
Then, source the C++ function like so:
# Load Rcpp package
# Source the C++ script
# Now you can use your C++ function in R
x <- 2010:2020
As a side note. I benchmarked this against the functions defined in jblood94's answer and see remarkable improvement, especially since the original find_pairs
function didn't even survive in the larger test!
# "small" vector
x <- runif(1e2, 0, 10)
bm_small <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
expand.grid = nrow(f0(x)),
find_pairs.2 = nrow(find_pairs.2(x)),
find_pairs_cpp = nrow(find_pairs_cpp(x)),
f1 = nrow(f1(x)),
f2 = nrow(f2(x)),
f3 = nrow(f3(x)),
f4 = nrow(f4(x)),
check = "equal",
times = 1000
> print(bm_small)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
expand.grid 776.5 827.80 878.1540 853.60 895.10 1559.9 1000
find_pairs.2 394.3 432.10 462.8021 449.40 476.60 1042.6 1000
find_pairs_cpp 28.1 39.60 48.8424 43.30 48.20 138.5 1000
f1 769.2 823.30 903.5507 847.10 885.60 21644.9 1000
f2 657.8 700.10 832.8963 721.30 748.95 32129.7 1000
f3 3387.0 3508.05 3768.5233 3565.00 3655.65 50499.4 1000
f4 2511.5 2608.00 2770.2623 2650.95 2720.60 26553.3 1000
x <- runif(1e4, 0, 10)
bm_large <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
expand.grid = nrow(f0(x)),
find_pairs.2 = nrow(find_pairs.2(x)), # runs for several minutes without completing
f1 = nrow(f1(x)),
f2 = nrow(f2(x)),
f3 = nrow(f3(x)),
f4 = nrow(f4(x)),
check = "equal",
times = 10
> print(bm_large)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
expand.grid 5344.5752 5551.6006 5640.7089 5689.3884 5750.9637 5767.5464 10
find_pairs.2 2531.3152 2574.1561 2679.6633 2643.0467 2788.3917 2879.4604 10
find_pairs_cpp 405.0732 458.4121 505.8300 494.3591 531.5002 640.3842 10
f1 2933.1794 2973.3883 3061.8112 3063.7269 3151.2178 3226.2590 10
f2 906.5848 927.4680 979.4814 943.6236 962.3983 1177.1214 10
f3 654.4493 699.1284 798.1042 787.8151 905.0556 958.2739 10
f4 946.0565 1006.1900 1108.1919 1122.6784 1145.9541 1301.9947 10
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 102309
A simple base R option with lapply
\(i) if (any(lg <- (i - x > 1))) cbind(i, j = x[lg])
i j
[1,] 2012 2010
[2,] 2013 2010
[3,] 2013 2011
[4,] 2014 2010
[5,] 2014 2011
[6,] 2014 2012
[7,] 2015 2010
[8,] 2015 2011
[9,] 2015 2012
[10,] 2015 2013
[11,] 2016 2010
[12,] 2016 2011
[13,] 2016 2012
[14,] 2016 2013
[15,] 2016 2014
[16,] 2017 2010
[17,] 2017 2011
[18,] 2017 2012
[19,] 2017 2013
[20,] 2017 2014
[21,] 2017 2015
[22,] 2018 2010
[23,] 2018 2011
[24,] 2018 2012
[25,] 2018 2013
[26,] 2018 2014
[27,] 2018 2015
[28,] 2018 2016
[29,] 2019 2010
[30,] 2019 2011
[31,] 2019 2012
[32,] 2019 2013
[33,] 2019 2014
[34,] 2019 2015
[35,] 2019 2016
[36,] 2019 2017
[37,] 2020 2010
[38,] 2020 2011
[39,] 2020 2012
[40,] 2020 2013
[41,] 2020 2014
[42,] 2020 2015
[43,] 2020 2016
[44,] 2020 2017
[45,] 2020 2018
Another base R option could be using combn
\(...) if (diff(...) < -1) data.frame(t(...)),
simplify = FALSE
which gives
X1 X2
1 2020 2018
2 2020 2017
3 2020 2016
4 2020 2015
5 2020 2014
6 2020 2013
7 2020 2012
8 2020 2011
9 2020 2010
10 2019 2017
11 2019 2016
12 2019 2015
13 2019 2014
14 2019 2013
15 2019 2012
16 2019 2011
17 2019 2010
18 2018 2016
19 2018 2015
20 2018 2014
21 2018 2013
22 2018 2012
23 2018 2011
24 2018 2010
25 2017 2015
26 2017 2014
27 2017 2013
28 2017 2012
29 2017 2011
30 2017 2010
31 2016 2014
32 2016 2013
33 2016 2012
34 2016 2011
35 2016 2010
36 2015 2013
37 2015 2012
38 2015 2011
39 2015 2010
40 2014 2012
41 2014 2011
42 2014 2010
43 2013 2011
44 2013 2010
45 2012 2010
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 17011
A dist
solution, an efficient base solution using loops, and an efficient data.table
solution all benchmarked against some of the solutions proposed so far.
A dist
f1 <- function(x, mindiff = 1) {
n <- 2*length(x)
d <- parDist(as.matrix(x))
y <- which(d > mindiff)
i <- (n + 1 - sqrt((n - 1)^2 - 8*(y - 1)))%/%2
data.frame(Var1 = x[i], Var2 = x[i + y - (n - i)*(i - 1)/2], diff = d[y])
A memory-efficient base solution with breaking for
f2 <- function(x, mindiff = 1) {
x <- sort(x)
n <- length(x)
n1 <- n + 1L
idx <- rep(n1, n - 1L)
j <- 2L
for (i in 1:(n - 1L)) {
for (j in j:n) {
if (x[j] - x[i] > mindiff) {
idx[i] <- j
if (idx[i] == n1) break
span <- n - idx + 1L
out <- data.frame(
Var1 = x[ - 1L), span)], Var2 = x[sequence(span, idx)]
diff <- Var2 - Var1
A vectorized version of the previous solution:
f3 <- function(x, mindiff = 1) {
x <- sort(x)
n <- length(x)
x = c(x, x + mindiff), idx1 = rep(1:n, 2), keep = rep(0:1, each = n)
), x
)[,idx2 := cummax(idx1)][
keep == 1L, {
span <- n - idx2
Var1 = x[, span)],
Var2 = x[sequence(span, idx2 + 1L)]
][,diff := Var2 - Var1]
Define functions for other solutions proposed so far:
f0 <- function(x, mindiff = 1) {
# modified from OP
grid = expand.grid(x, x)
out <- grid[grid$Var1 - grid$Var2 > mindiff,]
out$diff <- out$Var1 - out$Var2
f4 <- function(x, mindiff = 1) {
# from @thelatemail
xd <- data.table(x)
xd[, xp1 := x + mindiff]
xd[xd, on=.(x>xp1), nomatch=0L, .(Var1=x.x, Var2=i.x, diff=x.x-i.x)]
find_pairs <- function(x, differenceOffset = 1) {
# from @Khlick
# sort the sequence
x_sorted <- sort(x)
len <- length(x_sorted)
# initialize a list to store the pairs
pairs <- list()
# iterate through the sorted sequence
for(current in 1:(len - 1)) {
# iterate and test the next index forward of the current
for(test in (current + 1):len) {
# if the difference is > differenceOffset, add the pair to the list
if(x_sorted[test] - x_sorted[current] > differenceOffset) {
# flip the order to put pair[1] > pair[2] in the output
pairs <- c(pairs, list(c(x_sorted[test], x_sorted[current])))
# convert the list to a matrix, pairs)
Benchmark with a smallish dataset:
x <- runif(1e2, 0, 10)
expand.grid = nrow(f0(x)),
loop1 = nrow(find_pairs(x)),
dist = nrow(f1(x)),
loop2 = nrow(f2(x)),
data.table1 = nrow(f3(x)),
data.table2 = nrow(f4(x)),
check = "equal"
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> expand.grid 606.9 673.15 746.301 705.05 754.60 3534.9 100
#> loop1 66948.0 68710.55 71555.309 70563.85 73099.55 113492.4 100
#> dist 534.5 578.20 634.820 620.00 671.80 898.3 100
#> loop2 319.0 393.90 466.185 435.85 514.00 920.0 100
#> data.table1 1870.9 1980.05 2158.900 2079.15 2302.05 3229.2 100
#> data.table2 1804.9 2032.10 2746.983 2719.85 3284.35 5810.3 100
Benchmark with a much larger dataset:
x <- runif(1e4, 0, 10)
expand.grid = nrow(f0(x)),
# loop1 = nrow(find_pairs(x)), # runs for several minutes without completing
dist = nrow(f1(x)),
loop2 = nrow(f2(x)),
data.table1 = nrow(f3(x)),
data.table2 = nrow(f4(x)),
check = "equal",
times = 10
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> expand.grid 4333.9824 4526.9577 4578.6956 4580.5573 4625.4831 4792.6571 10
#> dist 1996.4856 2121.0837 2134.5839 2161.4953 2168.5389 2215.8524 10
#> loop2 667.5903 748.8159 838.5044 788.3667 930.6512 1043.5914 10
#> data.table1 432.8631 570.3818 635.3953 633.7162 706.0260 791.4238 10
#> data.table2 1592.9779 1619.0466 1736.3997 1764.8470 1826.4533 1872.4085 10
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 34601
For a contiguous set of numbers as in your example, you can use rep()
and sequence()
to build the vectors. This should be about as efficient as it gets using base R.
f <- function(start, end, difference) {
ds <- ((end - start) - difference + 1):1
v1 = sequence(ds, (start + difference):end),
v2 = rep(start:(end - difference), ds)
f(2010, 2020, 2)
v1 v2
1 2012 2010
2 2013 2010
3 2014 2010
4 2015 2010
5 2016 2010
6 2017 2010
7 2018 2010
8 2019 2010
9 2020 2010
10 2013 2011
43 2019 2017
44 2020 2017
45 2020 2018
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 93908
A data.table option using a non-equi join to do the comparison.
I've simplified your selection to make it a fairer comparison, as the ifelse
sub-step is not required
x = 2010:4500
xd <- data.table(x)
xd[, xp1 := x + 1]
out1 <- xd[xd, on=.(x>xp1), nomatch=0L, .(Var1=x.x, Var2=i.x, diff=x.x-i.x)]
## user system elapsed
## 0.04 0.01 0.07
grid = expand.grid(x,x)
out2 <- grid[grid$Var1 - grid$Var2 > 1,]
out2$diff <- out2$Var1 - out2$Var2
## user system elapsed
## 0.23 0.08 0.32
Results match up in every row:
all(mapply(\(x,y) all(x==y), out1, out2))
## [1] TRUE
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 12548
A first attempt:
nums <- 2010:2020
combn(nums, 2)[,combn(nums, 2, diff) > 1]
Update: creating the pairs from scratch:
f <- function(d, start, end){
map(start:(end-d), \(x) c(x, x + d))
pairs <- function(min_diff, start, end){
map(min_diff:(end-start), \(d) f(d, start, end)) |>
pairs(2, 2010, 2020)
Upvotes: 3