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At the moment it does something wrong with the primary key when it collects them, some tables have more that one primary key.
The output error is this one for example if running the program with table BKPF
, doing a short dump at line CREATE DATA lt_table_line TYPE (lv_keyfields_string).
Category CREATE_DATA_UNKNOWN_TYPE Runtime Errors CX_SY_CREATE_DATA_ERROR Short Text CREATE DATA: The specified type "BELNR,BUKRS,GJAHR,MANDT" is no valid data.
(The random name in "" are the 4 primary keys.)
PARAMETERS: p_table TYPE tabname. " User-provided input parameter for the table name
DATA: lv_tabname TYPE dd02l-tabname, " Local variable to hold table name
lv_primary_index TYPE dd09l-tabname, " Local variable to store primary index of the table
lt_keyfields TYPE TABLE OF dd03l-fieldname, " Internal table to store the field names of primary keys
ls_keyfield TYPE dd03l-fieldname, " Work area (line type) for the internal table lt_keyfields
lv_keyfields_string TYPE string, " String to concatenate primary key fields
lv_query TYPE string, " String to build SQL query for finding duplicates
lt_table TYPE REF TO data, " Data reference for dynamic table creation
lt_table_line TYPE REF TO data. " Data reference for dynamic table line creation
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_table> TYPE STANDARD TABLE, " Field-symbol as a placeholder for a standard table
<lt_table_line> TYPE any. " Field-symbol as a placeholder for any line of the table
SELECT SINGLE tabname INTO lv_tabname FROM dd02l WHERE tabname = p_table. " Query to check if the input table exists in the system
IF sy-subrc = 0. " If the table exists, sy-subrc will be 0
WRITE: / 'Table exists'.
SELECT SINGLE tabname FROM dd09l INTO lv_primary_index WHERE as4local = 'A' AND tabname = p_table. " Fetch the primary index of the table
IF sy-subrc = 0. " If the primary index exists, sy-subrc will be 0
SELECT fieldname INTO TABLE lt_keyfields FROM dd03l WHERE tabname = p_table AND keyflag = 'X'. " Fetch all the primary key fields of the table
IF sy-subrc = 0 AND lt_keyfields IS NOT INITIAL. " Check if the query was successful and there are primary key fields
LOOP AT lt_keyfields INTO ls_keyfield. " Loop through each primary key field
IF lv_keyfields_string IS NOT INITIAL. " If the string is not initial, concatenate the field name
CONCATENATE lv_keyfields_string ',' ls_keyfield INTO lv_keyfields_string.
lv_keyfields_string = ls_keyfield. " If it's the first field, just assign it to the string
" Construct SQL query to find records that have duplicates based on the primary key fields
lv_query = |SELECT { lv_keyfields_string }, COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM { p_table } GROUP BY { lv_keyfields_string } HAVING COUNT(*) > 1|.
" Dynamically create a structure to hold the query result
CREATE DATA lt_table_line TYPE (lv_keyfields_string).
ASSIGN lt_table_line->* TO <lt_table_line>.
" Dynamically execute the SQL query
EXECUTE STATEMENT :lv_query INTO :<lt_table_line>.
" If the query was successful, it means there are duplicates
IF sy-subrc = 0.
WRITE: / 'Duplicates found for the keys:', lv_keyfields_string.
WRITE: / 'Key: ', <lt_table_line>, 'Count: ', sy-dbcnt. " Output the duplicate key and count
WRITE: / 'No duplicates found'. " Message when no duplicates are found
WRITE: / 'No primary keys found'. " Message when no primary keys exist for the table
WRITE: / 'Can''t find table'. " Error message when the table does not exist
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Views: 277
Reputation: 69663
Sorry, but CREATE DATA
doesn't work that way. The variant that accepts a character sequences expects the name of a global type defined in the ABAP Dictionary. You can't give it a string representation of a runtime type.
But what you can do, is use the variant of CREATE DATA that accepts a type handle. Which in your case would be an instance of the class CL_ABAP_STRUCTDESCR
. This example from the documentation shows you how you can create an instance of the class with arbitrary fields and then use it to create a runtime instance of it.
Note that it's not just enough to know the names. In order to construct the right structure type, you need to know the correct types of those fields as well. So you also need to select the type information from DD031. The simple solution which is going to work for most tables is to use the field DOMNAME
SELECT fieldname, domname
INTO TABLE DATA(lt_keyfields)
FROM dd03l
WHERE tabname = p_table
AND keyflag = 'X'.
DATA lt_struct_components TYPE abap_component_tab.
LOOP AT lt_keyfields INDO DATA(ls_keyfields).
name = ls_keyfields-fieldname
type = cl_abap_elemdescr=>describe_by_name( ls_keyfields-domname )
) TO lt_struct_components.
CREATE DATA ls_table_line TYPE HANDLE cl_abap_structdescr=>get( lt_struct_components ).
Most SAP standard tables will use domain names to define the types of table fields. But in some cases developers might get lazy and use direct types. Should you stumble upon table fields like that in your use-case you have to look at the DD031 fields DATATYPE
. Which makes things more complicated, but not impossible.
An alternative solution would be to first get the struct description of the complete database table you want to select from and via cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_name( p_table )
and then create a second struct description by taking selected fields from it.
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