Reputation: 1036
I've already dealt with multivariate priors in pymc (I'm using 4.0.1), but I can't get their usage in a hierarchical model working. In my example I'm modeling a regression problem with two covariates x1
, x2
and an outcome y
. There are two categorical features in the data that define hierarchy levels: dim1
indicates the higher level category and dim2
the lower level category.
The model consists of an intercept and a slope each for x1
and x2
respectively. There's a multivariate normal hyperprior B_1
that defines varying intercepts and slopes by dim1
in order [intercept, slope_x1, slope_x2] . These then inform the prior B_2
on the lower level, where the terms vary also by dim2
When trying to sample from the model, I'm getting the following error: "ValueError: Invalid dimension for value: 3".
I interpret this as the '3' in the dims for B_1
and B_2
being wrong, but when evaluating the model variables manually everything seems to be fine:
correctly shows that the rv is of shape (6,2,3).
The linear model in mu
can also be evaluated without issue.
Checking the error traceback mentions this as the issue:
/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymc/distributions/ in quaddist_parse(value, mu, cov, mat_type)
133 """Compute (x - mu).T @ Sigma^-1 @ (x - mu) and the logdet of Sigma."""
134 if value.ndim > 2 or value.ndim == 0:
--> 135 raise ValueError("Invalid dimension for value: %s" % value.ndim)
136 if value.ndim == 1:
137 onedim = True
Which means that the dimensionality can't be larger than 2. This seems odd, because multivariate distributions with more than 2 dimensions are pretty common. That leads me to believe that the way I'm specifying the MVN priors is just wrong, but after much trying I'm pretty stuck.
What's the correct way of specifying B_1
and B_2
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
with pm.Model(coords={'dim1':np.arange(2), 'dim2':np.arange(6)}) as mdl:
d1 = pm.MutableData('d1', X['d1'].values, dims='obs_id')
d2 = pm.MutableData('d2', X['d2'].values, dims='obs_id')
# upper level
sd_1 = pm.HalfNormal.dist(1,shape=3)
chol_1, _, _ = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('chol_1', n=3, eta=1,
sd_dist=sd_1, compute_corr=True)
B_1 = pm.MvNormal('B_1', mu=[5,0,0], chol=chol_1,
# lower level
sd_2 = pm.HalfNormal.dist(1,shape=3)
chol_2, _, _ = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('chol_2', n=3, eta=1,
sd_dist=sd_2, compute_corr=True)
B_2 = pm.MvNormal('B_2', mu=B_1, chol=chol_2,
# regular robust regression, mu defined as linear model of covariates
sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma',2)
mu = pm.Deterministic(
B_2[d2,d1,0] + # intercept
B_2[d2,d1,1] * X['x1'].values + # slope x1
B_2[d2,d1,2] * X['x2'].values, # slope x2
outcome = pm.StudentT('outcome', nu=3, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=y, dims="obs_id")
trace = pm.sample(draws=2000, tune=1000, target_accept=0.95, random_seed=0)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import pymc as pm
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
N = 1000
# generate covariates and categories
X = pd.DataFrame(
'x1': stats.halfnorm(loc=0,scale=3).rvs(N),
'x2': stats.norm(loc=0,scale=2).rvs(N),
'd1': rng.choice([0,1],size=N, p=[0.6,0.4]),
'd2': rng.choice(np.arange(6),size=N, p=[0.1,0.2,0.1,0.3,0.1,0.2]),
# means of the parameter distributions
intercept = np.array([
slope1 = np.array([
slope2 = np.array([
# generate some random covariance matrices
corrs = []
for _ in np.arange(6):
_,corr,_ = pm.LKJCholeskyCov.dist(eta=1,n=3,sd_dist=pm.HalfNormal.dist(1,shape=3), compute_corr=True)
# generate outcome
y = np.zeros(N)
for d1 in [0,1]:
for d2 in np.arange(6):
ind = (X['d1']==d1)&(X['d2']==d2)
mv = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=[intercept[d1,d2], slope1[d1,d2],slope2[d1,d2]],cov=corrs[d2]).rvs(1)
y[ind] = mv[0] + X.loc[ind,'x1']*mv[1] + X.loc[ind,'x2']*mv[2] + rng.normal(loc=0,scale=1,size=ind.sum())
Upvotes: 1
Views: 68
Reputation: 1036
Okay after exhausting all apparent options I discovered that this is currently not supported by PyMC, but the approach itself would be fine if it did. Hope I can save someone time this way.
Upvotes: 1