Reputation: 173
I am trying to connect to my GKE cluster via Kubectl on Windows 11 but am having problems with the gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
I have followed the instructions in this article but to no success.
Whenever I try to run a command to view resources in kubectl (kubectl get pods -n NAMESPACE
) I get this error:
F0814 16:43:55.031825 15116 cred.go:145] print credential failed with error: Failed to retrieve access token:: error parsing gcloud output: invalid character '\x1b' looking for beginning of value
Unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: executable gke-gcloud-auth-plugin.exe failed with exit code 1
I installed the gke-gcloud-auth-plugin using gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
and validated the installation with gcloud components list
$ gcloud components list
Your current Google Cloud CLI version is: 442.0.0
The latest available version is: 442.0.0
| Components |
| Status | Name | ID | Size |
| Not Installed | App Engine Go Extensions | app-engine-go | 4.6 MiB |
| Not Installed | Appctl | appctl | 18.7 MiB |
| Not Installed | Artifact Registry Go Module Package Helper | package-go-module | < 1 MiB |
| Not Installed | Cloud Bigtable Command Line Tool | cbt | 11.4 MiB |
| Not Installed | Cloud Bigtable Emulator | bigtable | 7.0 MiB |
| Not Installed | Cloud Datastore Emulator | cloud-datastore-emulator | 36.2 MiB |
| Not Installed | Cloud Firestore Emulator | cloud-firestore-emulator | 42.5 MiB |
| Not Installed | Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator | pubsub-emulator | 61.2 MiB |
| Not Installed | Cloud Run Proxy | cloud-run-proxy | 12.0 MiB |
| Not Installed | Cloud SQL Proxy | cloud_sql_proxy | 7.4 MiB |
| Not Installed | Google Container Registry's Docker credential helper | docker-credential-gcr | 1.8 MiB |
| Not Installed | Log Streaming | log-streaming | 12.4 MiB |
| Not Installed | Minikube | minikube | 34.5 MiB |
| Not Installed | Skaffold | skaffold | 22.8 MiB |
| Not Installed | Terraform Tools | terraform-tools | 66.2 MiB |
| Not Installed | anthos-auth | anthos-auth | 20.5 MiB |
| Not Installed | config-connector | config-connector | 56.9 MiB |
| Not Installed | enterprise-certificate-proxy | enterprise-certificate-proxy | 6.5 MiB |
| Not Installed | gcloud Alpha Commands | alpha | < 1 MiB |
| Not Installed | gcloud Beta Commands | beta | < 1 MiB |
| Not Installed | gcloud app Java Extensions | app-engine-java | 64.9 MiB |
| Not Installed | gcloud app PHP Extensions | app-engine-php | 19.1 MiB |
| Not Installed | gcloud app Python Extensions | app-engine-python | 8.5 MiB |
| Not Installed | gcloud app Python Extensions (Extra Libraries) | app-engine-python-extras | 27.3 MiB |
| Not Installed | kubectl | kubectl | < 1 MiB |
| Not Installed | kubectl-oidc | kubectl-oidc | 20.5 MiB |
| Not Installed | pkg | pkg | |
| Installed | BigQuery Command Line Tool | bq | 1.6 MiB |
| Installed | Cloud Storage Command Line Tool | gsutil | 11.3 MiB |
| Installed | Google Cloud CLI Core Libraries | core | 21.4 MiB |
| Installed | Google Cloud CRC32C Hash Tool | gcloud-crc32c | 1.3 MiB |
| Installed | gke-gcloud-auth-plugin | gke-gcloud-auth-plugin | 8.0 MiB |
To install or remove components at your current SDK version [442.0.0], run:
$ gcloud components install COMPONENT_ID
$ gcloud components remove COMPONENT_ID
To update your SDK installation to the latest version [442.0.0], run:
$ gcloud components update
After this, I ran this command to get the cluster credenentials:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --zone ZONE_NAME
Which generated this in my kubeconfig:
command: gke-gcloud-auth-plugin.exe
installHint: Install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin for use with kubectl by following
provideClusterInfo: true
I have also set the system environment variable USE_GKE_CLOUD_AUTH_PLUGIN=TRUE
I have reinstalled kubectl and gcloud several times. Here the versions of kubectl that I am using:
$ kubectl version
F0814 16:59:41.789555 37312 cred.go:145] print credential failed with error: Failed to retrieve access token:: error parsing gcloud output: invalid character '\x1b' looking for beginning of value
WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from kubectl version --short. Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version.
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"27", GitVersion:"v1.27.4", GitCommit:"fa3d7990104d7c1f16943a67f11b154b71f6a132", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-07-19T12:20:54Z", GoVersion:"go1.20.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}
Kustomize Version: v5.0.1
Unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: executable gke-gcloud-auth-plugin.exe failed with exit code 1
My cluster on the GCP console is running 1.24.14-gke.1200
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5840
Reputation: 7849
Below steps worked for me:
Upvotes: 0