Reputation: 1725
i'm trying to link in a dash app an RangeSlider
with 2 inputs. Also i Would like to have persistence in those components. When I add persistence the components works well but the values are not saved. Here's a minimal example:
from dash import (Dash, html, dcc, Input, callback, ctx,
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import numpy as np
app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])
vals = np.arange(35.7, 42.2, 0.1)
slider = dcc.RangeSlider(min=0, max=100,
marks={vals[3*i]: f"{i:.2f}" for i in range(5)},
value = [36,40], id='slider',
inp1 = dbc.Input(id='inp1', value=36, persistence='Session')
inp2 = dbc.Input(id='inp2', value=40, persistence='Session')
app.layout = dbc.Container([
html.Div("", id='text' ),dbc.Row([
dbc.Col([ slider,inp1,inp2], ),
def update_vals(in1_val,in2_val,sl_val):
trigger = ctx.triggered_id
if trigger == 'slider':
datadic = {'inp1':sl_val[0],'inp2':sl_val[1],'slider':sl_val}
return sl_val[0],sl_val[1], sl_val
return no_update,no_update,no_update
if __name__ == '__main__':
Can't understand why the callback and the persistance are colliding and i'm wondering if there's a solution for that.
the version of libraries used:
-Python 3.10.11
-Dash 2.11.1
-Numpy 1.25.0 (nothe that numpy only creates an array unused)
-Dash_bootstrap_components 1.4.1
Upvotes: 1
Views: 69
Reputation: 861
According to this thread on plotly forum, it seems it is not possible to make persistence
work when the value of the component is set by a callback. Perhaps it is possible to circumvent this with a dcc.Store
Edit: there is an issue on the dash github repo related to this behaviour.
Upvotes: 1