Reputation: 33
I am trying to validate some policies using the /opa/rego package.
The policies are evaluated as expected in this script. But, I also want to count the number of rules and the rule names evaluated as well.
I tried accessing the count and rule name as well using len(rego.ResultSet)
But, though I am passing two rules, I am getting a count of one.
Here's part of Go script:
import (
// Create Rego for query and evaluation
regoQuery := rego.New(
// Rego rule package
// rego.Package("data.dockerfile_validation"),
// rego policy file
rego.Module("./policy/security.rego", string(regoPolicyCode)),
// Evaluate the Rego query
rs, err := regoQuery.Eval(context.Background())
// Get the number of policies evaluated by regoQuery
fmt.Printf("Number of policies evaluated by regoQuery: %v\n", len(rs))
The rego policies I am passing are as follows:
package dockerfile_validation
# Enforce a Base Image Prefix with Chainguard images:
untrusted_base_image {
input[i].Cmd == "from"
val := split(input[i].Value, "/")
val[0] == ""
# Avoid 'Latest' Tag for Base Images:
latest_base_image {
input[i].Cmd == "from"
val := split(input[i].Value[0], ":")
not contains(lower(val[1]), "latest")
Can someone help me on this!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 249