
Reputation: 669

vim omnicomplete doesn't suggest the class properties

I am trying to get vim´s omnicomplete feature to suggest class properties in addition to methods.

The tags file generated by ctags does contain the variable info, so it should be able to show this, but I only get the methods.


class Thing {
    public string $name;
    public function run(){}


require_once "class.php";

$thing = new Thing();
$thing->#cursor here, pressing <C-X><C-O> reveals only run( f ) - not name


Thing   class.php   /^class Thing$/;"   c   language:PHP
name    class.php   /^    public string $name;$/;"  v   language:PHP    class:Thing typeref:unknown:string  access:public
run class.php   /^    public function run(){}$/;"   f   language:PHP    class:Thing access:public   signature:()

generated with: ctags --fields=+aimlS --languages=php --PHP-kinds=+cdfintv class.php


set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete

open vim with: vim -u .vimrc code.php


The docs say that it should complete both methods and variables for a class after -> - so what I am looking for should work.

after "->" complete only function and variable names specific for given class.


it seems the problem is caused by vim (or it's built-in plugins) not being updated with the latest syntax for php. only untyped properties are shown:

screenshot of vim with omnicomplete menu, untyped properies are suggested, but not typed properties

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